Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 175 Your Apprentice Is In My Hands

The next day, early morning.

The northern region was shrouded in a haze, and the invisible pressure fell on the shoulders of every monk.

Recently, major events have occurred one after another, and almost everyone has a copy of the Fairy Daily.

They saw a message that horrified them.

"Huolin Cave Official Announces that Li Xiaobai will die, who dares to stop him, and conquer the Northern Territory!" "

"Li Xiaobai shouted from the air that your apprentice in Huolin Cave is in my hands, please be honest! "

They have never heard of Li Xiaobai from the Holy Demon Sect before, but after today, I am afraid that the entire Fairy Continent will know each other. After all, he is the one who dared to kidnap the disciples of the Zhongzhou forces, and even dared to be tough with Huolindong .

Such a ruthless person, they had to take a detour when they saw him.

Now the people on both sides haven't contacted each other yet. On the Xianling Daily, it's full of people coming and going, fighting fiercely. Many monks just beg Huolin Cave not to get angry and bring harm to innocent people.

What they didn't know was that besides these big forces, there were also hundreds of monks marching to the Holy Demon Sect. They were monks who had been murdered by Li Xiaobai.

Looking at the records on Xianling Daily, Li Xiaobai wrote another report eloquently.

"Northern Secret Realm, Good People Are Not Rewarded." "

"Li Xiaobai took pleasure in helping others and saved hundreds of monks with his own efforts. Now these monks want to kill them quickly. Demon Sword Li Xiaobai reminded all the monks here to sweep the snow in front of their own doors and don't meddle in their own business when walking in the rivers and lakes. "

Now more than half of the monks in the Fairy Continent are paying attention to this matter. With the increase of reports, they find that they can't understand what happened in this secret realm.

Originally thought it was just a conflict between Tianjiao, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

It's better to be a melon-eating crowd honestly!

Now everyone's eyes are focused on Saint Demon Sect Li Xiaobai, and they all want to know what kind of confidence the other party has to contend with the great forces of Zhongzhou. You must know that during this period of time, the old background of Saint Demon Sect has been investigated Upside down.

The head of the sect is only in the tribulation period, and the Supreme Elder is only half-step Mahayana at the highest. Such a cultivation level can't even break a wave in Zhongzhou.

In contrast, even major events such as Roshan's awakening have been suppressed.

It has been so many years since no one dared to openly call out big influences, and they all hope that Li Xiaobai can last a little longer.

Zhongzhou, on Tianji Peak.

The old and the young stand with their hands behind their backs.

"The great chaos is approaching, and the spirit of the fairy is about to appear. This fairy land is going to be lively." Tianjizi said lightly.

"Master, heroes come out of troubled times. As the saying goes, with great ability comes great responsibility. Should we go down the mountain?" Xiaodaotong asked.

"Why do you go down the mountain, the troubled times fall, and there must be constant news everywhere. This is a good time for my Xianling Daily to carry forward. Li Xiaobai is a living example. This story alone is enough for us to serialize for several days."

"In the future, we will spare no effort to discover more things and publish them. I believe it will not be long before the sales of our Fairy Daily will be far ahead!"

Two flashes of light shot out from Tianjizi's eyes, as if he saw the scene where white spirit stones piled up like a mountain.

"Master, are we going off topic, shouldn't we save people in troubled times?" Xiao Daotong asked.

"It's true. In troubled times, the people need to be saved and the demons must be eliminated, but the most important thing is to make money in a proper way. Look at those old bald donkeys in Ximo. If something happens, they will definitely stand up immediately and give the name to the people." The name of the sanctuary crowdfunds the temple."

"They can expand the scale of real estate projects without spending a penny, and they have done a lot of things."

Little Daoist "..."


Li Xiaobai looked at the cloudy sky and felt a little worried, so he went to the old beggar a few times to make sure that he would not lose the chain before leaving with confidence.

Ouyang Shuang'er is panicking at the moment.

She originally thought that after she came out, she was already inside the sect, so nothing major would happen.

In order to celebrate her surviving the trip, she specially enjoyed the wonder of a pot of soup. She smoked in the bathhouse and admired the abdominal muscles of the male monks, which made her feel that life was so beautiful.

But just now, her dream was shattered.

A fairy daily newspaper completely shattered her fantasy and made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

Li Xiaobai blatantly challenged the power of Zhongzhou, and he was even tough with Huolindong. Now that they want to flatten the Northern Territory and kill Li Xiaobai, just thinking about Ouyang Shuang'er makes the back of his neck feel chilly.

What about safety?

What kind of operation is the sudden hatred being targeted by the powerful forces in Zhongzhou? She just wants to buy the elixir and spirit grass in Li Xiaobai's hands, and then return to Zhenyuan Kingdom to be a quiet little public servant, and never compete with the world...

However, now someone suddenly told her that she was being targeted by countless powerful people. It felt like riding a roller coaster, which was too exciting.

The female cultivator at the side saw what she was thinking, and said with a smile, "Sister, you just came to the sect, don't worry, it's fine, Lord Li Feng will take care of everything, let's just take a bath quietly like salted fish. "

Ouyang Shuang'er couldn't help but smile, these disciples had never been to Zhongzhou, so they had no idea what kind of terrifying existence they were about to face.

Although Li Xiaobai's ability is good, compared with these old forces, he is just a drop in the ocean, not to mention him. I want to thank others for giving me a chance to lift my shoes.

Over the northern region.

A flaming Qilin covered the sky, roared upwards, and the scorching breath enveloped the Holy Demon Sect instantly, and dozens of figures appeared, which were several major Zhongzhou forces.

The monks in the Northern Territory were shivering, staying at home and not daring to show their heads, for fear that if the big bosses were unhappy, they would be punished on the spot.

A group of people headed by Huolin Cave master Yun Yan flew towards the Holy Demon Sect.

"This kid is so bold that he even dared to tie up the disciples of the Huolin Cave. He really doesn't know what to do!"

"That's right, Huolin Cave is a golden signboard of our Zhongzhou. If you openly provoke me, you will definitely have to pay the price in blood."

The monks showed their courtesy to Yun Yan one after another, thinking about Huolin Cave everywhere, with a look of loyalty.

They all knew that Li Xiaobai would die today, and saving the family members was a certainty, so the focus was not on saving people, but on how to make friends with this master of Huolin Cave. This kind of opportunity is very rare.

"You guys are really caring. I would like to thank everyone for your concern on behalf of my incompetent apprentice."

Yun Yan cupped his hands and said in a neutral tone.

While speaking, everyone has already arrived at the top of the Holy Demon Sect.

Yun Yan waved his hand, and Huo Qilin beside him stepped forward slowly, and roared, "Li Xiaobai comes out to lead the death!"

The scorching breath was mixed with a trace of destructive power, sweeping across the entire sect, and the powerful coercion made the monks behind him smack their tongues secretly. It is worthy of being a monster with Qilin blood. This kind of power is probably comparable to that of monks in the Mahayana period fight.

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