Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 178 The Organization Hasn't Abandoned Us

"Elder, let me teach you the basic operation of cleaning the toilet."

"Master, this disciple has also summed up the advanced skills of cleaning the toilet in the past two days, and it is very easy to learn."

The Tianjiao resigned to their fate, and began to teach their elders hand in hand, explaining how to use various tools and various emergencies that are easy to encounter in the toilet.

Seeing the proud smiles on the faces of their children, the masters of the big forces felt anxious for no reason.

My juniors are really skilled, which makes people feel distressed.

"Old Li, I didn't expect to do such a shameful thing at an age, and in front of the juniors, I can't guarantee it at the end of the day!"

"Hey, don't talk about it, look at Elder Yunyan in Huolin Cave, who is also digging up excrement. Relax, everyone is equal in this latrine."

On Piaomiao Peak.

Li Xiaobai is eloquent yet another report.

"Several major forces have taken down all the invading monks. If you want to rescue your disciples and sect elders, each of you will receive 1.5 million high-grade spirit stones!" "

As soon as this news came out, the whole of Zhongzhou was in a state of shock. Within a day, all the masters in their sect were captured. Li Xiaobai blatantly provoked him, and raised his stake to 1.5 million yuan.

This is an ending that no one expected, the master of Huolin Cave was actually defeated, this Li Xiaobai, amazing!

"A giant hand covering the sky appeared in the Northern Territory, suppressing all the invading monks with one move! "

"Li Xiaobai shouted from the air, don't tear up tickets, you have to pay more! "

"The forces in Zhongzhou have kept silent. Does this mean that they have to make compromises, and is the pattern of the Fairy Continent about to change?" "

One piece of news was flying all over the sky, and the blood of the melon-eaters who watched it was boiling.

They have all seen the scene of the giant hand covering the sky covering the entire Northern Territory. The cultivation level is so high that it can cover an entire territory with one hand. This kind of ability is enough to disdain the Fairy Continent.

I'm afraid only a few people on the list are qualified to fight against it, right?

In the Huolin Cave, there was an eerie silence.

The cave master tapped his finger lightly, "That giant hand that covers the sky, tell me your opinion."

The Great Elder frowned, "There is a hint of fairy spirit in the giant hand."

"Fairy Qi, could it be that person!"

The rest of the elders were astonished, they had never been in contact with such power, they had only heard of it.

"Who else is there besides him? In the past hundred years, only he has successfully captured the spirit of the fairy, and has disappeared for so many years. I thought he was dead, but I didn't expect to appear in the Northern Territory."

There was a cold light in the cave master's eyes, and he touched his empty left arm without any trace. The battle a hundred years ago was a bit tragic.

"It's less than a year before the next release of the fairy energy. That person appeared at this juncture. Could it be that he wants to intervene in the competition for the fairy energy again?" The elder frowned.

"This time, the spirit of the fairy has no part in him."

"Let me go and have a look. If it's really that person, I don't worry about other people going." The Great Elder said.

"Take the spirit stone over there, first get Yun Kun and Yun Yan out, and then find out the details of that person. There are a lot of things going on in Huolin Cave recently, and it's not appropriate to have extra troubles. The imminent battle for hegemony between gods and beasts, and trivial matters such as marriage, must be done in the next few days." Solve it within."

The cave master said lightly.

The Great Elder nodded, "Understood, I know what's going on in my mind, everything in Huolin Cave is the priority, and I will pick a smarter handyman disciple to marry."


misty peak.

Li Xiaobai oversees the working conditions of the workforce.

This group of people is not bad, they are very intelligent and know how to use their hands to work. Although they are a bit dirty, but seeing their smiling faces filled with joy, Li Xiaobai knows that his reform through labor is correct. These people have realized the true meaning of life. .

"What a group of hardworking and simple people!" Li Xiaobai exclaimed.

"Yes, all of this is due to the great wisdom of the Peak Master, and it is the Peak Master who leads well." Yuan Fang looked at Li Xiaobai with great admiration, this is his bole.

Yun Yan, Yun Kun and the others nodded and bowed their heads. They were busy, smiling on the surface, and in their hearts, if it wasn't for the purpose of not being put on small shoes, they wouldn't have worked so hard to clean up the cesspit!

"Work hard, don't keep thinking that someone will come to rescue you out, the only way you can get out is if someone pays you to redeem you, if no one redeems you, it's best to stop thinking about it." Yuan Fang said sternly and restrained.

Yun Yan suppressed the anger in his heart, and cleaned the cesspool with trembling hands.

"Master, do we still have a day to go out? Does Huolin Cave have no plans to redeem people?" Yun Kun couldn't help asking.

"No, good apprentice, we are all the pillars of Huolin Cave, Huolin Cave will not abandon us, wait a little longer, we will definitely be able to get out!"

Yun Yan said.

Similar questions linger in the minds of every labor force, will their sect really spend spirit stones to save them?

One and a half million high-grade spirit stones is not a small amount.

"For a few more days, we must trust the organization and will not abandon us!"


A day later, outside the Holy Demon Sect, another group of people gathered, this time all the people who came were the most authoritative people from all the sects.

The elders of many sects also watched from a distance, joining in the fun, wanting to see the true face of the master of the giant hand that shrouds the sky.

"Li Xiaobai, the elder of Huolindong, Lintian, the master of Huoyuan, came here today to redeem the disciples and elders of my sect."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Huolin Cave actually chooses to redeem people, is this subdued?

However, this is within everyone's expectations. After all, there are top masters in this sect, and it is not suitable for conflicts. They just didn't expect that Huolin Cave is so direct. It seems that the other party has no intention of conflicting with that master.

Today's melon is probably not sweet.

Inside the sect and in the bathhouse, the disciples were quite calm.

"There's another wave of people."

"It's okay, let's see how the peak master handles it."

"These guys look pretty good, with a good attitude."

Li Xiaobai didn't expect that the new wave of people would be so sensible, and they would take the initiative to pay the money, very kind.

Picked out Yun Yan and Yun Kun from the toilet.

"You two, Huolin Cave is here to redeem you, come with me."

The two were overjoyed when they heard the words. Sure enough, the organization did not abandon them. The hard wait these days was worth it.

"Lord Li Feng, what about us?"

The rest of the coolies looked a little anxious. Everyone was imprisoned here together and worked hard. Now that their companions who had been together day and night were bailed out, they suddenly felt that the toilet was not smelly.

"Unfortunately, your races don't seem to have the idea of ​​redeeming people. It seems that you have to stay here."

Li Xiaobai didn't want to talk nonsense, so he left with the two of them.

A group of coolies with pale faces were left behind, staring at the cesspit in a daze. The most worrying thing still happened.

outside the sect,

The old and the young meet in Huolin Cave, Yunyan and Yunkun are full of love, and they finally meet their relatives.

"Great Elder!"

"This old man is ashamed of Huolin Cave!"

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