Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 193 Young Master, Do You Think I Did The Right Thing?

After making his muscles weak, he rushed over directly, but unexpectedly heard Ouyang Shuang'er crying.

This family regards themselves as the boss, so naturally they want to stand out, and there are many familiar faces sitting on the banquet.

"Li Xiaobai, you are finally here. You have made the distinguished guests of Huolin Cave wait for so long, why don't you hurry up and make amends!"

Ouyang Yue'er is like a rooster fighting for victory, her eyes are shining with excitement, she has already thought of more than a dozen criminal methods for the opponent to use.

"Hehe, you woman, you look like an idiot, don't look at me!" Ji Wuqing said lightly.

Yun Yan's eyes flickered with coldness, and he looked at the people outside the hall. In just a moment, he was so frightened that his heart was broken. Yun Kun who was on the side was going to say something to reprimand him, but when he saw the person's true face, he trembled for no reason. , the wine glass in his hand shook unconsciously.

Originally, the Great Elder brought them here to marry, but the marriage was not worth the Great Elder's visit, so Yunyan and his apprentice took the initiative to take over the job and run errands for the Great Elder, which was considered as a reward for Huolin Cave to redeem them Kindness.

Who would have thought that Li Xiaobai could be met here!

At this moment, both of them are remorseful. If they had known this, they should have brought the Great Elder with them. Without the Great Elder, they would not have the confidence to resist Li Xiaobai. They had just been redeemed for their front feet. If their hind feet were grabbed and cleaned It's the toilet, but I'll be ashamed to see people in the future.

For a moment, several people in Huolin Cave froze in place. They remembered the fear of being dominated by the latrine, and the experience of digging out the cesspool with their hands for points.

The rest of the people naturally noticed their abnormal reaction. They didn't know Li Xiaobai, so they couldn't figure out Li Xiaobai's origin for a while, but judging from the pale face of the elder of Huolin Cave, this one seems to be a very ruthless person?

Ouyang Shuang'er looked delighted, "Boss, you are finally here, they are going to force a marriage, you have to save me, boss, I'm going to the Holy Demon Sect, I don't want to stay here anymore!"

Li Xiaobai looked indifferent, sat on the seat and waved his hands, "Small problem."

Turning his gaze, Li Xiaobai looked at the people in Huolin Cave, with a cold look in his eyes, "Elder Yunyan, Mr. Yunkun, it's really a fate to meet you from thousands of miles away. What's the matter, come and sit with me?"

"No, no, Mr. Li, it's the old man's fault. Forced marriages are inherently immoral. The old man advocates the freedom of marriage, and he dismisses arranged marriages!"

Yun Yan's head was shaking like a rattle, and sweat was pouring down his forehead. He was really afraid that Li Xiaobai would catch him again and clean up the toilet in the Holy Demon Sect.

Those old brothers who have shared weal and woe, he never wants to see them again in his life.

"Yes, Mr. Li, come to drink and drink. I really didn't expect to meet you here. When I saw you, I hit it off. We must have been brothers in the previous life, or father and son, your father and my son!"

With a flattering expression, Yun Kun trotted over to Li Xiaobai's table to pour wine for him, and also poured wine for Ouyang Shuang'er by the way.

"Hey, Miss Shuang'er, I'm sorry to have surprised you."

This performance made everyone's jaws drop in shock, Ouyang Di was so choked that he couldn't speak, so he hurriedly drank to suppress the shock.

Ouyang Yue'er was petrified in an instant. The senior boss she tried so hard to curry favor with actually bowed to Li Xiaobai. Didn't he rely on the old Tianwu behind him to be so arrogant and domineering? A master of the hole would be so afraid of each other?

Well, the other party must not know the news yet!

"Senior, this Li Xiaobai is only at the Nascent Soul stage, yet he dares to despise the Huolin Cave like this. The old man Tianwu has left the Holy Demon Sect now. Senior, there is nothing to worry about. My little girl will send someone to take him down for you!"

Ouyang Yueer shouted in surprise, and she made a gesture to send someone to take down Li Xiaobai. She wanted to remind the people in Huolin Cave that the current Li Xiaobai is just a mermaid existence.

"shut up!"

"Noisy, you are a girl, what do you know, hurry up and apologize to Mr. Li, and you, come over and apologize to Miss Shuang'er!"

Yun Yan and Yun Kun's complexion changed drastically when they heard the words, this woman can't understand the atmosphere so much, they know what Li Xiaobai's cultivation level is, Nascent Soul Stage? It's just a joke!

This eldest princess really has long hair but short knowledge, and her rhythm is chaotic. If Li Xiaobai is watching her, they will be too scared to walk around. At this moment, they are terrified in their hearts.

Seeing those people with anxious eyes and furious faces, Ouyang Yueer was stunned. She couldn't figure out what was going on. It could be seen that the other party was not just afraid of Old Man Wu that day, but was really afraid of Li Xiaobai in front of her. .

But judging from the previous Gorefiend Primordial Spirit, this Li Xiaobai is indeed only in the Nascent Soul Stage!

The handyman disciple of Huolin Cave, who was married to the side, was full of confusion. He had been fascinated since he came out of the sect. He was about to marry a princess for no reason.

Things have changed too quickly, and the game between the bosses is too complicated. Now he just wants to go back to Huolin Cave and continue to be his apprentice.

He felt a little unable to keep up with the outside world!

With a bitter face, he poured a glass of wine for Ouyang Shuang'er and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Shuang'er, for shocking you. It's also Tianya's fate, so I will apologize to you."

Ouyang Shuang'er was a little at a loss, these big shots suddenly respected her, and she couldn't keep up with the rhythm, so she took the wine glass in a daze: "Thank you, sir, for your understanding."

"And you!"

Yun Kun looked at Ouyang Yue'er who was stunned aside, for a moment, Ouyang Yue'er only felt the pressure of Mount Tai, her knees softened, and she knelt on the ground unconsciously.

Looking at the very harmonious scene in front of him, Yun Yan said with a smile, "Young Master Li, do you think we are doing the right thing?"

"Good job, now it's clean." Li Xiaobai nodded and said with a smile.

"Elder Yunyan, what do you mean, Yue'er is the princess of my royal family, how can she kneel down to outsiders at will!"

Ouyang Di was very annoyed. The seven daughters all had dragon aura, and their every move was closely related to the emperor's prestige. Ouyang Yue'er knelt in the imperial city, and he could clearly feel that the dragon aura in Zhenyuan Kingdom was much thinner. .

Even Huolin Cave can't bully people like this.

"Ouyang Di, your daughter offended Young Master Li, it would be considered light to ask her to kneel down, if the young master wants to kill her in front of the hall, I will definitely be the first to strike!" Yun Yan said lightly.

Ouyang Di was breathless, he didn't expect Li Xiaobai's energy to be so great.

Behind the curtain, a woman's voice came again, "Now that Yue'er has apologized, can Mr. Li talk about business?"

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