Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 195: Then Marry The Eldest Princess

"That's right, although our younger sisters are not comparable to older sisters, we are still willing to do our bit for the Zhenyuan Kingdom."

"After my sister leaves, my sister will devote herself wholeheartedly to the construction of Zhenyuan Kingdom. She will be surprised when she comes back next time."

"Sister, don't worry about anything. Our sisters will take care of all the affairs of the imperial city for you."

Before Ouyang Di could speak, the other princesses said firstly that the eldest princess could get married, this was something they dreamed about.

As long as the eldest princess is out, the power among the several princesses can return to the time when they were divided into courts, and everyone can enjoy power, instead of a certain princess's family being dominant.

"Hehe, my lord, the princesses of your family are really reassuring and well-educated." Yun Yan said with a smile.

"Elder Yunyan praised it absurdly. It is normal for several princesses to support each other. This time when the eldest princess gets married, they only have instructions in their hearts. Yue'er, don't worry, Zhenyuan Kingdom is a suitable size, and this king will take care of it himself. of."

Ouyang Di said.

Ouyang Yue'er's face was ashen. In this royal family, there was constant fighting, and no one would speak for her. They all hoped that something would happen to her!

Earlier, she laughed at Ouyang Shuang'er as a royal tool for marriage, but it turned out that in just one day, she transformed into a high-ranking figure, but she was abandoned by her father in an instant and became a royal marriage tool.

Now she can be considered to have experienced Ouyang Shuang'er's mood, which is really ironic.

"Okay, then today, Wang Wei, my Huolin Cave disciple, officially married Ouyang Yue'er, the little princess of Zhenyuan Kingdom. From today onwards, the two families will marry each other, and we will support each other and make progress together!"

Yun Yan said with a serious face, and glanced at Li Xiaobai from the corner of his eye.

Li Xiaobai's heart is like a bright mirror, this elder of Huolin Cave is also a fine person, knowing that he has a close relationship with Ouyang Shuang'er, so he wants to reciprocate.

It's a pity that the old man also miscalculated, but he missed the Lord Zhenyuan who he has always looked down upon. Ouyang Di has no intention of peaceful coexistence at all. At this moment, he only thinks that Huolindong and others can quickly take Ouyang Yueer away. , to leave Zhenyuan Country, so that he has room to play.

Four and a half million high-grade spirit stones, even for Zhenyuan Kingdom, is a small sum that cannot be ignored. What's more, Li Xiaobai also has the secret recipe of Tang Neng Yipin in his hands.

Among the people present, Wang Wei was the most bewildered. He was just a handyman disciple who didn't know anything. He obeyed the command in all his actions. He changed his wife out of nowhere, which felt a little weird.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, today is a double blessing. I have harvested so many precious elixir, and I have successfully married Huolin Cave. Congratulations!"

"Yes, the eldest princess looks dignified, not only virtuous and virtuous, but also full of knowledge. She will definitely become a good wife in Huolin Cave!"

"The Zhenyuan Kingdom will only become stronger in the future."

"Mr. Wang Wei and Princess Yue'er are really talented and beautiful, they are a natural couple!"

The rest of the dignitaries didn't dare to speak until now, and congratulated each other.

When the dust settled, the eldest princess got married, although it would damage their interests, but it was nothing compared to the marriage with Huolin Cave.

Seeing the polite congratulations of all the dignitaries around, Ouyang Yueer's lungs are going to explode, it's no problem for you to congratulate, can you take it easy, this set of words was only said to Ouyang Shuang'er half an hour ago , and now using it on himself, this is too perfunctory.

All this is because of Li Xiaobai and Ouyang Shuang'er. If these two people hadn't come back to disrupt the situation at this juncture, she would not have ended up like this. If there is a chance in the future, she will definitely make these two people forever!

Out of breath, her eyes turned dark, Ouyang Yue'er's neck tilted, and she passed out.

"This eldest princess, the old man will take it away first, and the bride price will be delivered in a few days." Yun Yan said with a smile, clasped his fists, and prepared to leave with Ouyang Yue'er.

"It's easy to say, Elder Yunyan doesn't need to spend too much money."

Ouyang Di also said with a smile that his daughter's marriage was considered a major event in his heart.

"Mr. Li, I'm going." Yun Yan said.

"Elder Yun, walk slowly."

Li Xiaobai smiled in return, Yun Yan performed very well for today's affairs, which gave himself enough face.

Seeing the disappearing figures of the people in Huolin Cave, Ouyang Di clapped his hands, "Come here, bring Tang Neng Yipin's employees here, and ask Mr. Li to count them."


The people in the dungeon were already waiting outside the main hall. After a few breaths, the attendants brought Situ Yanyu and others into the main hall, including the Patriarch and disciples of Gu Yue City, a total of more than a hundred people were arrested.

In the crowd, Li Xiaobai saw all familiar faces at a glance.

The Patriarch of the Xia Family, Xia Jiuquan, knelt down with a plop, "Master, Your Majesty, the villain was also threatened by that Ye Liangchen, and I don't know anything about Tang Neng Yipin, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"The Lord of Zhenyuan is actually a narrow-minded person. I, Situ Yanyu, will never beg for mercy!"

At this moment, Situ Yanyu was dripping with blood, with traces of whipping all over her body, her legs were trembling, her lips were white, her breath was like gossamer, and her eyes were full of unyielding and anger.

"That's right, our Situ family is poor and ambitious. Mr. Liangchen has been kind to us, so we must not betray him!"

Old Master Situ Kong also said that he also had the same scars all over his body.

"Hehe, look at who is next to you?" Lord Zhenyuan pointed at Li Xiaobai and said.

"Young Master Liang Chen!"

Situ Yanyu was pleasantly surprised that she and Situ Kong had seen Li Xiaobai's true face, but they didn't expect that Li Xiaobai would appear in the imperial city at this moment, intact.

"Master Liang Chen, the old man did not betray you, they still whipped the old man, the young master must avenge the old man!"

Grandpa Situkong burst into tears with a whoosh, and plunged into Li Xiaobai's arms, crying loudly.

The sadness that Li Xiaobai had brewed up with great difficulty disappeared in this instant. There was something wrong with the development of the plot. Shouldn't it be that Misty Rain girl threw herself into her arms?

Why is there a bad old man in my arms now?

"Ahem, old man, sister Yanyu, I'm back now, you are all fine."

Li Xiaobai said with some embarrassment, wanting to push the old man in his arms away.

"My lord, I know you will come to save us. This town of Yuanguo is a Confucian and Taoist school in vain. After hearing about the magic of Tang Neng Yipin, he not only ordered the blockade of Guyue City, but also took us all away. , put into the sky prison, guarding against the pain of whipping every day!"

Situ Yanyu's eye sockets were also rosy.

The other Patriarchs and disciples felt a little guilty. In fact, in order to reduce their punishment, they deliberately pushed everything to Situ Yanyu and the two of them. These two were the first to get acquainted with Li Xiaobai, so they must know more.

As a result, they often received special care from the jailers.

However, no matter how strong Ye Liangchen is, it is impossible to cause trouble in the imperial city, and he is still showing his loyalty at the moment.

"Your Majesty, this person is Ye Liangchen, the boss of Tang Neng Yipin. This is an opportunity for Zhenyuan Kingdom. I suggest arresting him immediately!"

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