Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 198 I, Ouyang Di, Willing To Serve Allegiance

They are veteran powerhouses in the Transcending Tribulation Period, who became famous decades ago, but today they would kneel at the feet of a junior. They couldn't accept such a fact.

The sword seemed to have some kind of magical power, which made them feel a strong urge to kneel down and receive the sword.

It's hard to tell whether this is due to the sword or the moves used by the opponent, it's too weird!

"One sword fixes the body, the sword of evil spirits, the old man has heard about it, what is your cultivation?"

"Even though you are only in your early twenties, how could you be so strong? My cultivation level in the Transcendence Tribulation Period is completely useless in front of you!"

The priests regained their composure and realized that something was wrong. Now almost all the masters in the imperial city were arrested, kneeling at Li Xiaobai's feet. It can be said that at this moment, the fate of Zhenyuan Kingdom is in the hands of the other party.

"So what about the period of crossing the catastrophe, not to mention you, that kind of Huolin Cave masters, don't you also obediently clean the toilets in my sect?"

Li Xiaobai said indifferently.

My current defense power is already at the stage of physical sanctification, and the power of these skills has also made a lot of progress. Today, being 100% empty-handed and empty-handed can completely control the masters of the Transcending Tribulation Stage.

But this can only be control, and his attribute points are all defensive. If he wants to kill these masters, he can only rely on the power of this formation.

It's a pity that these gangsters didn't know about it. Seeing that I could easily control them, they were all very panicked.

In one of the enshrined space rings, two inconspicuous beams of light slipped through the formation and sank into the center of Li Xiaobai's eyebrows.

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Achievement Troublemaker.

All the blood sacrifice fragments in Zhenyuan's country have been collected by himself, and tens of thousands of attribute points have been directly increased in one wave.

All points of defense!

The physical sanctification of defense power (2500001000000) can be advanced.

Feeling the disintegration of the physical body piece by piece, everyone was very flustered. Several princesses were seriously insufficient in their own strength, basically in the stage of Jindan stage and Nascent Soul stage. After struggling for a while, they screamed a few times and exploded to death. .

Seeing the exploding monks in the arena, blood spraying continuously in the void, the woman behind the curtain looked terrified at this moment, she was at a loss for what to do, and her heart was flustered. She was only half-step through the tribulation period, and she couldn't resist it at all. The powerful power of this formation.

The erosive force of blood energy has already begun to corrode her body, and her internal organs have suffered a lot of trauma. After a while, she will melt into the formation like those low-level monks before.

"Husband, save me!"

The beautiful woman's face was distorted, painful and hideous.

"My country, my Zhenyuan kingdom, my dragon spirit!"

"Li Xiaobai, you have won, let us go, and you will open!"

Ouyang Di was suffering in his heart all the time, his country was rapidly decaying, and the dragon energy was dissipating rapidly, but in just a few breaths, the luck of Zhenyuan Kingdom had regressed by at least ten years.

Moreover, he was imprisoned, and he couldn't use any means to resist the attack of the formation. His arms were already bloody and bloody from being polished by the formation.

At this moment, he finally remembered what his little daughter said, Li Xiaobai is a big boss, they can't afford it!

Ouyang Di's eyes were full of resentment, and he blamed Ouyang Yue'er. This eldest daughter actually made a mistake on such a major intelligence, and seriously underestimated the opponent's strength. Because of the old man Tianwu, the opponent made such a big news?

Now it seems that the situation is the same whether there is old man Tianwu or not, he is not a master who has passed the tribulation period in vain!

"Talk about your Zhenyuan Kingdom, descendants of the most holy Confucianism and Taoism, why are you so despicable? Talk to you with good words, but you want to kill me. Does it have to be like this before we can have a good talk?" Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Mr. Li, please spare the life of my father, queen mother, they are also confused for a moment!"

Ouyang Shuang'er shouted from the side, really couldn't bear to see them suffer.

"Yes, yes, Shuang'er, please persuade your young master to let him let his queen go!" the beautiful woman shouted.

"Master Li, I will give you Shuang'er, please spare our lives!" Ouyang Di said in the same way.

In their view, there is nothing in this world that cannot be traded. Their daughter seems to have a close relationship with Li Xiaobai, and Li Xiaobai has repeatedly stood out for her, giving them hope and giving Ouyang Shuanger away without hesitation. .

Ouyang Shuang'er's complexion was even paler at the moment, she never imagined that her parents sold herself again in a blink of an eye.

For the sake of the so-called interests, anyone can really be sacrificed at will. Is her daughter really just a tool for the benefit of Zhenyuan Kingdom?

"It's very simple to let you go. Each of you swears with your Dao heart that from now on, you will be loyal to me and not disobey my request." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Hehe, and your Lord Ji Wuqing, you must be loyal!" Ji Wuqing came over and shouted.

"you are dreaming!"

Ouyang Di was furious when he heard the words. Zhenyuan Kingdom is the foundation of his ancestors. After dozens of generations of contributions, he has achieved what he is today. The foundation was given away, and it was still given to a junior.

"Then your life is gone." Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"Wait, we are willing to swear, my husband, life is the most important thing. My Hua Niang, I swear with my heart, from now on, I will be loyal to Li Xiaobai, and I will never give up!"

Seeing Ouyang Di's temper rising, the beautiful woman's complexion changed, she hurriedly apologized to Li Xiaobai, and made an oath of Taoism.

With her taking the lead, the remaining monks made the Dao Xin oath very simply.

"I, Kong San, am willing to serve Mr. Li!"

"I, Zhang Tianfang, am willing to serve Mr. Li!"

"I, Wang Xian, am willing to be loyal to Young Master Li, and I will never betray Young Master Li in this life!"

Who wouldn't want to have a chance to survive, in the formation, they have no possibility of surviving, even the masters of the tribulation period, it is only a matter of time before they die in this formation, let alone them .

One by one, they made their Dao heart vows very simply.

Seeing the courtiers swearing oaths one by one, even a few priests, Ouyang Di felt that he had aged several decades.

With a sigh, he said weakly, "I, Ouyang Di, am willing to serve Mr. Li!"

He knew that starting today, Zhenyuan Kingdom existed in name only.

"Very good, don't worry, I won't interfere with you, Zhenyuan Kingdom is still governed by you, but I need to vigorously develop and promote my industry."

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