This time I set off to Zhongzhou, I didn't worry too much about safety.

Those so-called righteous people are all going to the West Desert at this moment. If I go to Zhongzhou at this juncture, I should not be hit by a large army. As long as there are no masters in the Mahayana stage to attack me, there will be no problem.

After experiencing the thunder disaster, Ou Yezi seemed to have made a major breakthrough, which was not comparable to that of ordinary Mahayana monks.

Now he meditates and enlightens every day, and all matters in the sect are handled by the Great Elder Feng Qingyang, who has already entered a semi-closed state.

Maybe I won't see him the next time I come back.

But speaking of it, Ou Yezi was too courageous, it took half a year or even longer to plan, and in the end he sacrificed hundreds of talents in one fell swoop, such a method was a bit frightening.

If he makes further progress in the future, he will definitely be a generation of heroes who can compete with those old monsters.

"Chicken, let's go to Zhongzhou and earn spirit stones!"

"Hehe, call me Lord Ji!"


At the same time, in Danzong of Zhongzhou, piercing screams sounded.

"Sister Xiyao, our ranking has dropped by one place!"

The girl in purple looked annoyed. Looking at the leaderboard in front of her, her eyes were full of resentment. It took her a long time to get up to the top 200, but now she dropped one place for no reason.

The elixir her father promised her is probably useless.

"It's Li Xiaobai who jumped to the top of the list, and the rest of the geniuses will automatically drop one place."

The one who spoke was a woman in a white dress, with pink and almond eyes, skin like suet, and her gestures and gestures were superb.

"Junior Sister, don't get angry. This is a special situation. I believe that this time Master will keep his promise and give you the potion that breaks the mirror." Xi Yao laughed.

"Really, what is the origin of this Li Xiaobai? Recently, the Fairy Daily is full of news about him, so I haven't seen any advertisements about Zhuyanshu for a long time!" The girl in purple said dissatisfied.

"Although this person has never met, I think he must be an amazingly talented person. If there is a chance, I really want to make friends."

Xi Yao admired, a look of longing flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"What's the matter, Sister Xiyao, look, this guy is going to the West Desert. He openly opposes the righteous people in the world. He must not live long. Once he dies, my ranking will come back!"

The purple-clothed girl Gu curled her lips and said disapprovingly.

"This time, the incident in Ximo is anticlimactic. Not all the righteous people are righteous people. Based on my understanding of Su Meier, there may be something hidden in it. Let's wait and see what happens." Xi Yao said. .

"This guy must have used improper means to gain the ranking. As long as he dares to go to the West Desert, he must die without a place to die!"

The purple-clothed girl's eyes flickered coldly, and she said with disdain.

"Okay, the holy son of Zhenzong has sent an invitation. You and I will go to the Dao Discussion Conference two days later." Seeing that the girl has been cursing Li Xiaobai, Xiyao frowned slightly.

"Thank you Sister Xiyao, the son of Zhenzong is so kind to my sister, if the two families get married in the future, it will be a real happy event!" The purple-clothed girl smiled like a flower.

"You're talking nonsense again. If you want to do this again, I won't take you there."

"I was wrong, my sister is the best."

The same operation happened to the young talents of the major powers in Zhongzhou. Everyone stared blankly at the leaderboard in front of them. They didn't understand why this leaderboard suddenly changed hands. People collectively drop one down.

This Li Xiaobai had a lot of trouble some time ago, but didn't he have the old man Tianwu behind him to support him?

Why is this guy directly on the list now? Could it be that Old Man Wu was operating in secret for him that day?

I heard that the old man Tianwu and the old man Tianji are veteran masters of the same era. It is very possible to operate a little bit!

The more people thought about it, the more they thought about it, the other party must have used this relationship, otherwise, with his original strength, it would be impossible to enter the list!

"Damn it, this Li Xiaobai is actually a related family!"

"I'm not convinced that he was on the list based on his relationship. Let him come to Zhongzhou. I will set up a ring and fight him fairly!"

"There is also the old man that day, who blatantly helped others to cheat. This Li Xiaobai, what virtue and ability, is even above us. From now on, I will never read this fairy daily again!"

"That's right, I don't watch it either, I want to complain, report!"

"I want to challenge him, but I don't believe it. My cultivation in the half-step tribulation stage is only the tenth on the list. This Li Xiaobai is just a wild man in the mountains. How can he be better than me?"

"Fair fight, take his ranking!"

Li Xiaobai didn't know that the Tianjiao of the major powers in Zhongzhou caused a wave of waves because of their rankings, and he didn't know that he was already being targeted before he even arrived in Zhongzhou.

On the Lamborghini, Li Xiaobai sneezed unconsciously.

Rubbing his nose, "Made, who is scolding me?"

"Hehe, boy, when will I get a car for this deity, I don't have high requirements, as long as it's better than the silly dog's." Ji ruthlessly jumped on the steering wheel, bouncing around for a while.

Li Xiaobai pulled him aside impatiently, "Did you have the mount as you said, it depends on chance."

"Hehe, boy, don't lie to me, you must have one here, you must fix one for me!" Ji Wuqing was furious.

"I'll fix it for you in the future, let's get down to business first."

Li Xiaobai was perfunctory, the wings of this broken chicken can't hold the steering wheel at all, and the size of a palm can't even step on the accelerator. A born killer on the road, still want to drive?

Zhongzhou is still quite far away from the Northern Territory, and it would take a lot of time to go there. Fortunately, the Lamborghini is strong enough and the speed is very fast. At night, it entered the range of the Northern Territory.

He secretly made up his mind that if he had the opportunity in the future, he must also install a teleportation formation here, as it would be too troublesome to run back and forth.

The prosperity of Zhongzhou is not comparable to that of the Northern Territory. Compared with the scene of Zhenyuan Kingdom, which was prosperous enough before, it is like a rich man meeting an official. There is no comparison.

The aura of Zhongzhou land is very strong. Living here, even if the aptitude is limited, the achievement is much better than that of the monks in the Northern Territory.

No wonder it is said that Zhongzhou is powerful and has its reasons.

Tianfeng City.

There is an endless stream of monks coming and going at the door, and ordinary people have become accustomed to the existence of monks, turning a blind eye to the monks soaring in the sky.

Put away the Lamborghini and take Ji Wuqing into the city.

This day, Fengcheng is the coordinate given by Jubao Pavilion. This is the junction point of Zhongzhou, Beiyu and Ximo. It is a relatively large city with a dense population. This auction is held here.

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