Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 22 National Teacher, Let's Be Friends

After fiddling with the boat for a while, Li Xiaobai lost interest in the boat.

This thing looks quite majestic, but the target is too big, if it is attacked by the enemy, it will not be able to run away.

"Junior brother, how long do you think the national teacher can last in there?" Yang Chen stared at the cabin mockingly.

"I hope he can be a real man for five seconds." Liu Jinshui laughed.

This national teacher can be regarded as a top-quality one. He is so proud that no one is so arrogant, it should be stripped alive and strung together.

While speaking, Li Shejin had already opened the door and walked in, then closed the door and locked it behind him.

"This is lighting a lantern in a hut, looking for trouble." Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed.

At this time, Elder Sun was also lying on the bow of the boat watching the scenery, letting him fend for himself, his face was livid with anger from the conversation just now.

From a famous family, if it weren't for seeing that Yuanguo and Zhongzhou have some ties in this town, he would have sent him to the west long ago.

in the room,

Su Yunbing and Ye Wushuang looked cold, they didn't expect that Li Shejin dared to come in.

Seeing the two delicate beauties sitting on the head of the bed, Li Shejin could only feel the flames in his lower abdomen go straight up.

"Hehe, two girls, are you satisfied with the room?"

Li Shejin suppressed the excitement in his heart, and wanted to behave gracefully.

"Very satisfied." Ye Wushuang chuckled lightly.

"That's good. I'm about to enter Zhenyuan Kingdom. If you have any needs, you can tell me. If you are bullied, I will help you settle it!"

"Hey, you know, I am a strong person at the third level of the Golden Core, and your Elder Sun has only reached this level. In the entire Immortal Feather Sect, only the head can compete with me."

"Hehe, then I would like to thank the national teacher."

"It should be, to be honest, I still have a good impression of you sisters, if..."

Li Shejin also sat on the head of the bed, mouth full of running train, and put his arms around Ye Wushuang's waist unconsciously.

After realizing that the other party didn't resist, Li Shejin smiled even more, and his movements became bolder.

Want to go for a walk.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong, the thin and boneless comfortable feeling was gradually disappearing, replaced by stiffness, as stiff as a rock.

Looking down, the big hands wrapped around Ye Wushuang's waist had turned completely dark green at some point.


Howls like killing a pig echoed throughout the cabin.

"This... what is this?"

"Bitch, how dare you hurt me!"

"Do you know who I am? No one has ever dared to treat the people of my Zhenyuan Kingdom like this. Hurry up and hand over the antidote, and I will spare you once!"

Li Shejin's face was ferocious, with fear and anxiety in his eyes.

The dark green toxin was rapidly spreading along their palms to their arms. In just a short while, the entire arm turned green.

Gradually losing consciousness, Li Shejin was even more frightened and wanted to call Elder Sun.

"Damn, you're so greedy for life and afraid of death, and you talk so much nonsense, how did you come out to mess around!"

Su Yunbing was impatient for a long time, and slapped him directly. Li Shejin flew straight across and landed on the ground, knocked out all his teeth, and coughed up blood.

"How is this possible? How can a mere disciple of the Immortal Spirit Sect have such a cultivation level!"

It wasn't until now that he realized that these two female disciples were not ordinary female disciples at all, and their cultivation base was much higher than his.

Looking at his posture, he probably didn't want to let him get out alive.

"It's just Yuanguo, and you still want to make trouble on my aunt's head?"

With a disdainful expression on Su Yunbing's face, she pinched Li Shejin's chin, and with a click, the jaw was removed, and her mouth could not move. Li Shejin couldn't speak, and could only babble non-stop, looking very frightened. .

"Li Snake Gold, right? National teacher, don't worry, our sisters will give you a full range of services." Ye Wushuang still had a smile on his face.

"The poison on your body will not kill you, it will just make you unconscious, but your consciousness is still very clear."

"What are you talking about with him, Junior Sister, if you have any poison, pour it directly into his mouth. If he survives, he's lucky, but if he dies, he will get it."

Su Yunbing blocked the door to prevent Li Shejin from escaping.

Li Shejin's trousers were unsatisfactorily wet, and there was a fishy smell in the air. This guy was actually scared to pee.

"National teacher, didn't you say that you have a good impression of our sisters? After drinking it, we will be good friends..."

Ye Wushuang took out a small bottle, squeezed Li Shejin's mouth and poured it down suddenly.

"Xing Tianzong, I won't let you go..."

Li Shejin's pupils shrank, and his eyes gradually became dull...


On the deck, the disciples concentrated on sensing the movement in the house.

Less than five seconds after Li Shejin entered, the screams pierced the sky, but now the room suddenly became strangely quiet, feeling that something more terrifying was about to happen.

Elder Sun also felt a little regretful at this time, and he shouldn't be angry. If he stopped Li Shejin at that time, although he would be scolded by others, his life could be saved anyway.

It's too late to say anything now.

"Then the national teacher must be dead?" Some disciples couldn't help asking.

"Needless to say, it's completely dead. It is estimated that the corpse is being dismembered right now."

Yang Chen laughed loudly, he was very happy to be able to punish the national teacher.

"The door is open!"

"Come out, come out!"

After a while, the door of the cabin room opened. To everyone's surprise, Li Shejin came out intact, followed by Su Yunbing and Ye Wushuang.

How is this going?

The disciples were a little puzzled, the screams before were not fake, why did these three people come out together in a friendly manner?

Li Xiaobai was also very puzzled, but more because he felt that something was wrong with the national teacher, but he couldn't tell exactly what went wrong.

Seeing Li Shejin come out intact, Elder Sun heaved a sigh of relief. Anyway, it's good that this person is still alive.

But then he frowned, and he keenly sensed that something was wrong with Li Shejin now.

"Ahem, National Teacher, this disciple of the old man didn't cause you any trouble, did he?" Elder Sun asked tentatively.

"Hehe, how could it be, your disciple is very good, I really want to have a long talk with them all night, and let my dreams fly!"

Hearing Elder Sun's question, Li Shejin seemed to have recovered a little, but there was a dull look in his eyes.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Elder Sun's heart turned cold at the moment.

He is very familiar with this situation. This is a puppet technique, which uses special means to forcibly erase the opponent's mind and completely turn the opponent into an obedient puppet.

Although his performance on weekdays will be the same as usual, but it will become very fanatical when it involves some things related to the master.

If someone finds out about this, it may become a diplomatic issue between Xianyuzong and Zhenyuan Kingdom. It is not an exaggeration to say that Xianyuzong wants to steal Zhenyuan Kingdom's secrets.

Grandma, it's better to kill the other party!

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