Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 262: The Illusion Of The Ten Thousand Buddhas

In the void, a familiar huge picture appeared again.

The golden light mirror has finished constructing the world, and Wanfozi has entered the illusion at this moment.

"Amitabha, let me wait and see what kind of cultivation level Wanfozi, the abbot of Wanfo Temple, has.

Master Xuanku waved his sleeves, and several barriers of Buddha light were raised in all directions, this is to prevent people from escaping.

The faces of the people were ashamed when they saw the situation. Today they stole chickens without losing money, and put themselves in it.

Li Xiaobai put on his sunglasses and looked at the fantasy world in the sky. At this moment, Wanfozi appeared in front of everyone.

This is an ancestral hall, where hundreds of people kneel and pay respects. Wan Fozi is also a member of this clan. He knows that his memory will soon be assimilated by the memory of the original master in this illusion.

It is necessary to sum up several methods in the shortest possible time to avoid showing one's feet.

Firstly, this world is not too difficult, the old guy will definitely arrange a beauty temptation plot, so I have to hold on to it.

The second power, this illusion will definitely lead you into a trap and fall into power disputes.

Wan Fozi secretly picked up a stone from the ground, and carved a line of bloody handwriting on his arm, never close to women, never close to power.

"You are all the pillars of my clan. What we rely on to make a fortune is unity. Because of unity and trust, we can keep the secrets in the clan ancestral hall. I hope that in the future, everyone can be as good as before Same, continue to keep this secret!"

"I won't gossip, everyone will step forward one by one and draw a treasure!"

An old man in sixties in the ancestral hall said slowly, and first put his hand into the enshrined tablet. What is miraculous is that the old man's hand went straight through, and when he pulled it out again, there was an extra kerosene lamp in his hand.

The rest of the people also stepped forward to take out items one after another. They pulled out various tables, chairs and benches from the tablets, and some even pulled out a set of armor.

There was a strange light in Wan Fozi's eyes. He understood how to play in this world. The core should be on this tablet. This thing is similar to a bottomless pit, and the things in it are inexhaustible. Everyone can Pick an item at random.

This should be arousing the greed in his heart, but this method is too simple, and he has seen through it at the beginning, so it should not be a big problem in the future.

Secretly and silently engraved on the arm again to only take one item, never take more.

After doing all this, Wan Fozi was determined, he knew the world well, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he slowly stepped forward and slowly stretched his hand into the ancestral hall tablet to retrieve the items.

Wanfozi didn't care at all what he got, all he knew was that he would never look at this tablet in the future, even if there were mountains of gold and silver in it, it had nothing to do with him.

Picking up an object casually and pulling his hand out, Wan Fozi was slightly taken aback.

In the hand is a doll, tightly sewn together with thread, it looks quite delicate, but there is no face.

"Hey, Wanfozi got a doll!"

"What's the use of a doll? My broom is practical."

Seeing the objects in Wan Fozi's hands, the crowd laughed.

"It's a pity, Wanfozi, you are alone and have no children. It may be useless to pick up a doll. Do you want to exchange it with the old woman?"

It was an old man who spoke, holding a writing brush in his hand.

Wan Fozi shook his head and refused, no one knows if this old lady is a test set by that old guy, everything has to be done carefully.

"Okay, now that the draw is done, let's go back to each house, remember, don't leave the village at night."

The sixtieth old man in front of the ancestral hall said, indicating that everyone can disband.

Wan Fozi left with the crowd, but he didn't see that the old man looked at him with a chilly look in his eyes.

The screen changed, and it was night.

Wan Fuzi casually pressed the doll under the bed. He inspected the doll and found nothing abnormal. His memory gradually became blurred. I am afraid that after tonight he will become Wan Fuzi in the illusion.

Before going to sleep, he used his last memory to write and draw in the house, recording all the situations he could foresee and the countermeasures to remind himself.

"If you are tempted by a beauty, you must refuse!"

"The temptation of wealth must be rejected!"

"The temptation of power must be rejected!"

"We must persuade the world to do good with one heart!"

"My Buddha is merciful!"

After doing all this, he fell asleep peacefully.

I don't know how long it took, a shadow quietly sneaked into Wan Fozi's room, and after rummaging through the room for a while, it stood by the bed.

"I can't help it. That thing can't fall into the hands of anyone other than this old man. I'll look for it slowly. I'll give you a ride first!"

An old voice sounded, and a sharp knife suddenly stabbed Wan Fuzi's heart.

Wan Fozi's whole body tensed up, he was startled suddenly, turned over in a hurry to avoid the knife.

"Who are you and why did you kill me!"

"Shut up, don't talk!"

The old voice seemed a little flustered, he didn't expect the other party to wake up at a critical moment.

"I don't know who you are, I have never met you, I beg you don't kill me!"

Wan Fuzi staggered and fell to the ground, his heart was full of despair. At this moment, he had completely become a character in the illusion, and he remembered the bad rumors from the past.

It is said that after each sacrificial offering, the ancestors will manifest and select one person from the clan to sacrifice to satisfy the ancestors' appetite.

Because of this, the village has the magical ability to extract items every year.

Looking at the shadow in front of him, Wan Fozi felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart. Could it be that this time, it was his turn to sacrifice to the ancestors?

"Okay, I won't kill you."

Unexpectedly, the movement of the person in front of him suddenly stopped, and the room fell into a strange silence.

"Who are you?"

"Ball of Suet."

"Are you the village chief?"

Wan Fozi's eyes widened, feeling a little unbelievable, a wise and wise village chief actually wanted to kill himself?

"I beg you not to talk, I have a lot of treasures in my family and I will give them to you!"

There was a pleading look in Suet Qiu's eyes, and Wan Fozi looked confused, but he was still asking questions.

"Why did you kill me?"

"Because you took the god doll."

The village head almost answered every question. Wan Fozi felt more and more strange. He reached out and took out the doll from under the pillow. He seemed to realize something.

"What's the use of this doll?"

"Be able to control the villagers, village chief, please, stop talking, and bury that doll, it's a disaster, you can't keep it!"

Ball-of-Fat begged.

Wan Fozi ignored his pleading and continued to ask, "Why did you tell me not to speak?"

"Because there are dolls here, what you say is an order, and the people in the village must obey unconditionally!"

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