Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 27 Little Lolita Chu Xiaoxiao

Li Xiaobai was very angry now, and a large number of monsters chased after him, almost scaring away the monks in front of him.

Turning around and facing this group of monsters was just a burst of punching and kicking, but unfortunately they couldn't beat the monsters without skills, and the source of their own attribute points was cut off if they used skills.

He also pointed at these monsters to help him upgrade!

Several young men and women were sweating profusely, what kind of cultivation is this, to let monsters bite on themselves, like a normal person?

This level of strength, this strange hobby, is definitely a master, could it be the senior's great power?

Seeing this, the little girl on the side was not afraid, and while they were not paying attention, she ran in the direction of Li Xiaobai, hugging Li Xiaobai's thigh without letting go.

"Boss, help me, they want to steal my elixir!"

"I belong to the Holy Demon Sect, and the leader, Ou Yezi, is my master. Boss, help me get rid of them. My master and uncle will give you benefits!"

This little girl is weird and clever.

Li Xiaobai carefully looked at the elixir in her hand for a while, then shook his head in disappointment, he didn't need to practice, this kind of elixir to increase his cultivation was useless to him.

Sensing Li Xiaobai's expression, the little loli felt relieved, it seemed that she had made the right bet, the big boss didn't like her Delicate Grass and would not snatch it from her.

Turning his gaze to the few disciples in front of him, Li Xiaobai hesitated, this little loli looked unreliable no matter what, if he wanted to find the monster quickly, he might have to rely on these older disciples.

The young men and women stared blankly at the ferocious beast that was constantly tearing and biting Li Xiaobai, their calves twisted, and cold sweat broke out.

"Senior, this junior knows it's wrong. This junior shouldn't bully this little girl and snatch this little girl's elixir. This junior will leave now."

A young man in the lead cupped his hands under pressure.

"Wait, no one is allowed to leave!"

Seeing how many people were about to leave, Li Xiaobai became a little impatient, he finally met a group of people, how could it be so easy to let them go.

"What advice does the senior have?"

The young man was extremely nervous, and he had already started to think about how to escape.

There are still a few blasting talismans in his space ring, I don't know if it will work.

The rest of the people also had solemn expressions, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"I don't have any advice. It's lonely on the road. Can I have a companion?" Li Xiaobai changed his face in a second and said with a smile.


Several people were taken aback, they didn't expect this "senior master" to make such a request.

"Okay, seniors don't dislike us, it's great to be willing to explore this beast mountain range together."

"Junior Ouyang Feng, I haven't asked senior's name yet." The young man seemed very respectful.

"My name is Li Xiaobai."

Li Xiaobai felt very strange, as a rookie himself, how could he become a senior expert.

"Boss, you can't be with them, they just wanted to take away the elixir that I worked so hard to dig up!"

As soon as Little Lolita heard that she wanted to form a team with this group of people, she immediately yelled, a hundred times unwilling.

Ouyang Feng's face was very embarrassed. No one expected that in less than a minute, the relationship between the few people changed from an enemy to a companion.

"You don't want to go with them?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"Yes, yes, they are not good people!" Little Lori saw hope.

"Then you can go alone, I came from that road, and I didn't see any monsters when I came."

Li Xiaobai pulled little Loli aside very understandingly, then pointed out the direction he came from, and said.

Little Lolita was stunned, she never dreamed that she would get this answer in exchange.

What's going on, why doesn't the boss play his cards according to the routine?

Didn't this boss come here on purpose to save her?

She is so cute, how can the boss have the heart to let her go alone?

Could it be that the boss doesn't like little loli?

Well, it must be so!

After the brief battle between heaven and man, the little loli immediately stepped forward and hugged Li Xiaobai's thigh again. In her opinion, it is safe to follow the big boss, and maybe she can make a small fortune!

"Boss, if I think about it carefully, these people are not that bad. They just want to grab the elixir, and they have no intention of killing people. They are pretty good!"

Everyone was a little speechless, this little loli turned her face faster than a book, she didn't know what to say for a while.

"What's your name, the head of the Holy Demon Sect is your master?"

Li Xiaobai asked, he was still very curious about the Holy Demon Sect.

"My name is Chu Xiaoxiao. I am a disciple of the head of the Holy Demon Sect. Among the disciples, the head treats me the best!" Chu Xiaoxiao was full of arrogance.

"Then why are you such a noob?"

Li Xiaobai was very strange, how could the true disciples of the Holy Demon Sect be bullied by these guys who didn't seem to have a golden core?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was embarrassed again.

There is no way, everything the boss says is right, if you are despised, you will be despised, there is no shame.

"I think peace is the most important thing. If I make a move, I will either die or be injured..." Chu Xiaoxiao spoke with a little confidence.

Li Xiaobai shrugged, unable to comment.

Ouyang Feng took over the words in time, "Senior, where are we going now?"

Hearing what Ouyang Feng said, Li Xiaobai remembered that he was here to find the monster.

"Where there are more monsters, let's go there!"

"These predecessors on you..."

Ouyang Feng pointed to the fierce tiger that was constantly gnawing on Li Xiaobai's shoulder, and said.

The evil tiger seemed to have sensed what Ouyang Feng meant, and grinned at Ouyang Feng, causing him to back away in fright.

"It's okay, just let it hang."

Patting the tiger on the head, Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

The team set off strangely, young men and women walked in front, Li Xiaobai followed slowly behind, the people in front walked staggeringly, turning their heads three times at each step, for fear that the monster on Li Xiaobai's body would charge towards them.


There was a crisp sound, the tiger's teeth on its shoulders were shattered, its head was bloody and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the porcupine who was constantly hitting behind him also fell down at the same moment. This was because his passive skill counter-injury had an effect.

Although these monsters have been biting themselves, they are also constantly taking damage. Now that the damage has reached a critical point, they can't hold on anymore, and they were shocked to death by their own injuries.

"Boss, let me help you!"

The little lolita Chu Xiaoxiao had quick eyes and quick hands, she took out a dagger from nowhere, slashed at the monster on the ground, and took out a lot of monster materials.

The rest of the people also wanted to step forward to take a share, but the big boss was still there, they didn't dare to make mistakes, so they could only watch greedily.

People with backgrounds are different. Backed by the mountain of the Holy Demon Sect, they even dare to take the monster materials of the seniors. Sure enough, this is a world that depends on strength.

"Hey, big brother, these are just the monster materials of the foundation building stage and golden core stage. You have boundless mana, so you must not like it. Why don't you just give it to me!"

As she said that, Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to stuff the monster material into her pocket.

"and many more!"

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