Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 300: Honest People Only Tell The Truth

"Hehe, I came out first after I moved Roshan. Could it be that Brother Zhao thinks I didn't notify you?"

Li Xiaobai still smiled foolishly.

"Of course not. I didn't expect Xiongtai to hide everything, but someone Zhao saw it wrong."

Zhao Hao said with a nonchalant smile, a coldness flashed in his eyes, he thought that the other party was just a waste of oil, but unexpectedly he was a master, he felt a threat.

"You bumpkin, you were able to resist Roshan's power, what method did you use?"

Wanying also looked surprised, as if she had discovered a new continent.

"Wanying, don't be rude!"

"Brother Dabai, I really troubled you this time, otherwise we should part ways, and if we encounter danger in the future, it will be difficult for us to take care of it."

Tian Hui said apologetically that although the other party had some abilities, he couldn't hold back Zhao Hao's murder.

Even she would not dare to get involved in the further formations, she really didn't want Li Xiaobai to be in danger again because of her, maybe staying in the third formation was her best choice.

"Alright, then I'll go and break into the fourth formation, sister, you can stay here."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said in a serious manner.

Tianhui is angry, this guy is just a dumb head, he can't understand what he is thinking at all, does he really think that the previous few formations were passed by his own real ability?

The next few formations are all high-grade trapping formations and killing formations, which belong to the domain of Tianjiao.

"Hahaha, brother, you have a lot of ideas, but this fourth formation is not that simple, and even I can't pass it so easily. I need to observe carefully and find the weak points in it before I can pass."

Zhao Hao laughed loudly and said that he has information about many senior brothers in the sect, but even so, it will take a lot of effort to pass the formation.

"That's right, a bumpkin is just a bumpkin, without any knowledge!"

Wanying said contemptuously.

"This formation is the embryonic form of the Golden Dragon Trapped Heaven Array. The legend of the completed Golden Dragon Trapped Sky Array can trap and lock even powerful seniors who have ascended to the upper realm. Although the one in front of you is just a prototype, its power is also extraordinary. of."

Zhao Hao continued.

"May I ask what is the difference between this sleepy formation and the killing formation?"

Li Xiaobai asked, he has not learned this knowledge yet.

"The so-called trapped formation is a static killing formation. There will be a life gate in it. If you find this life gate, you can pass the level smoothly. However, this life gate will change every once in a while, so you must crack the formula in a short time. You can spend it."

"And the killing formation is in operation all the time. As long as you enter it, you will be attacked by the killing formation. If you want to crack it, you have to find the eye of the formation and suppress it to stop the operation of the formation."

Zhao Hao said that he once again showed off his knowledge and showed his knowledgeable feeling in front of the beauties, which he enjoyed very much.

"However, I already have an idea of ​​this formation. There are four golden dragons in this formation. Their course of action remains unchanged. Only the formation itself changes. As long as we can avoid these four golden dragons, we can Can pass through smoothly!"

"I see."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and had a clearer understanding of the trapped and killing formations in his heart. As for what Zhao Hao said could be broken, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Just relying on my own defense power, I can just force my way in, and there is no need for troublesome operations at all.

As soon as he took a step, he stepped directly into the formation. Zhao Hao, who was watching, almost stared his eyes out. What did he say so much in vain?

What kind of operation are you going to go in directly? Are you afraid that if you make a mistake, you will be forever lost?

But then he realized that something was wrong, Li Xiaobai stepped into the formation step by step, unexpectedly there was no damage at all, just standing in the formation intact.

Zhao Hao's complexion instantly became ecstatic. In his opinion, this honest guy must have been blindsided, and the area under his feet is a safe zone.

Originally, he was still worrying about where to enter the formation as an entry point, but he didn't expect that Li Xiaobai's blind cat ran into a dead mouse and found a safe passage, which is really lucky.

"Brother Tai is really a lucky star, and he found the birth gate of the formation all at once, do you feel something wrong?"

Zhao Hao is more cautious in doing things, first make sure there is no problem before following up.

Li Xiaobai looked at the values ​​flashing on the system panel in front of him.

Attribute point +800...

Attribute points +1000...

Attribute points +1000...

The attribute points added by this formation are not very good. I feel that the attack power is almost equivalent to that of a cultivator in the transformation stage, and the attribute points added to him are very limited.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said honestly, "I didn't feel anything, just light."

"It really is!"

Zhao Hao was overjoyed, greeted Tianhui, and hurriedly stepped into the formation. This opportunity is very rare, as long as he catches it, he can guarantee a smooth pass.

"This is actually the gate of life!"

"God help me too, hurry in!"

"Get out of the way, out of the way!"

Seeing this scene, many monks around flocked over, pushing the two of Tianhui aside, and stepped into the formation one after another.

Tianhui and Wanying looked a little anxious, and wanted to rush forward, but their steps stopped suddenly.

I saw that the group of monks who rushed into the formation just now all let out miserable howls, and there were dozens of wounds on their bodies in an instant. bloody.

The dense white bones protruded outside, and bursts of blood mist erupted, which was very scary.

"Ah, this is not a life gate at all!"

"Damn it, who led me to my death?"

"But the person in front is clearly intact, is there another mystery in it?"

"Don't worry about that, get out quickly, that person is weird, this is definitely not the gate of life!"

The monks howled terribly, but the formation was already in operation, and only a few people near the edge of the formation crawled out with their broken bodies.

"Damn it, I was tricked!"

In the formation, Zhao Hao didn't understand until the end, why Li Xiaobai stepped into the formation and nothing happened. This place is obviously not the gate of life. The spiritual power in his body exploded. He wanted to rush out of the formation, and a golden dragon appeared in the void. Shaking his head and swaying his tail, he opened his mouth and sucked in suddenly, and a group of monks in the formation were directly sucked into his belly.

Before dying, Zhao Hao vaguely saw the simple and honest man in front of him, and blinked at him with a charming smile.

"I...I am unwilling..."

Immediately, it was swallowed by the golden dragon, and it could not die any more.

All this happened so fast, dozens of monks were strangled by the formation in an instant, and the golden dragon roared in the void, frightening the rest of the monks as blank as paper.

"What the hell does this happen?"

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