Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 311: What’S In The Luminous Cup

"Sect Master Zhen, this..."

"The senior just now was also sucked in."

"No accident will happen to him, will it?"

The monks stammered and asked. A master of the Mahayana period was sucked in by the altar strangely. They always felt that something was wrong.

"Hehe, don't worry, it's not so easy to die at the Mahayana level. When Li Xiaobai is killed, I'll open the altar to pick him up."

The suzerain of the three sects laughed, signaling to everyone to be calm.

"Li Xiaobai is doomed today, and all the sect masters and elders have seen it. This person is indeed very evil. Even a Mahayana monk can't harm him. It is not accidental that the disciples of your sect have accidents."

"However, for the sake of all of you, our Zhenzong didn't hesitate to open the altar to forcibly suppress it, which can be regarded as an explanation to everyone."

Zhentian Nan said in a deep voice.

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the surrounding monks were terribly dark, and this group of sects was too shameless, so if they didn't want to give compensation, they just said, what is the purpose of deliberately inflating Li Xiaobai's strength?

You also said that the three sects are so hard, it seems that you have spent a lot of effort to open the altar, how can you make it as if you have experienced life and death?

Those who don't know think how much you paid for it!

But they didn't say much, Li Xiaobai's weirdness was obvious to all, even monks in the Mahayana period couldn't help him.

The disciples under their sect did not die unjustly, but fortunately, they also exchanged the background of the formation sect. The three sects suppressed a sea clan, and it is not too bad to be able to get this secret.

The bosses greeted a few words and then left one after another. They wanted to go back and report the secret. A suppressed sea clan with unfathomable cultivation must have a lot of good things on it. If they can find a way to snatch it Use it for yourself, and your strength will definitely skyrocket.

Even if you just kill the opponent, you can get a batch of powerful monster materials. They will not allow the three sects to monopolize such a good thing.

The battle of interests has already begun.

Looking at the figures of the people leaving, Zhen Tiannan and the others sneered. This group of people is so easy to understand. The death of the disciples of the sect is more joyful than anyone else. After receiving the benefits and obtaining the secrets of the Zhen sect, each of them suddenly became cold again. Thin it up.

This way of looking at money is a bit ugly. Can you take away the things of the three sects?

He walked up to the altar slowly, took off the luminous cup, put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

His brows were unconsciously frowned, the smell was a bit wrong, the blood essence in the past was full of huge energy, but at this moment, the contents in the luminous cup only had a weird smell.

And it was still yellow and viscous, without any trace of blood.

Could this be a new benefit from the Sea Clan below?

It’s just that I’ve never seen this kind of treasure before, how should I take it, should it be applied externally or taken internally?

"What do you think, what that guy gave this time doesn't seem to be blood essence, Sect Master Zhong, do you recognize this thing?"

Zhan Tiannan handed the luminous cup to the other two to watch.

"Judging from the appearance, this object is yellowish, it should be earthy, it is sticky in state, and has a pungent smell. If the suzerain's judgment is correct, this object should have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying."

Zhong Daoquan didn't dislike it, and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes, but after this analysis, the three of them became even more puzzled, why did the other party give them such a heat-clearing and detoxifying thing?

Could it be that this is a magic medicine, which can life and death human flesh and bones at critical moments?

Yan Xiaoqi took the luminous cup, stretched out a finger and stirred it for a while, then put the finger into his mouth to suck and taste it carefully.

In an instant, his complexion became stiff, his whole face turned into a liver color, the veins on his hands popped out, and the luminous cup instantly turned into powder.

"Sect Master Yan, what are you doing?"

Zhen Tiannan was furious, the things given by the Hai Clan were all treasures, and they were ruined like this. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was the suzerain of the Zhen Sect, he would have made a move long ago.

"I bought a watch last year. You guys are really talented. This is obviously a piece of shit. You just say it's an antidote, and it's not a good way to entertain the sect!"

Yan Xiaoqi's anger was even greater, he just ate it directly, and the taste in it was simply wonderful.

I have the intention to kill!

Hearing this, Zhen Tiannan and Zhong Daoquan were also stunned, staring blankly at the puddle of yellow mud on the ground, unable to understand how this thing could be shit?

"Zhong Daoquan, in vain you are still the suzerain of the alchemy sect, and you have practiced alchemy on dogs for decades. I really want to put all these things in your mouth!"

The more Yan Xiaoqi thought about it, the angrier he became. He is the majestic master of the Qi Sect, a master of Taoism, and he is actually eating shit here at this moment. Fortunately, no one else saw him, otherwise he could have directly executed himself.

Zhong Dao's complexion was cloudy and uncertain. After careful identification, he felt that what Yan Xiaoqi said was right, he really lived like a dog at his age.

Not even a dog, a dog knows what excrement is, but I am really blind to treat other people's excrement as a treasure.

In fact, he can't be entirely blamed for this, the atmosphere is so heightened, who would have thought that this thing wasn't made by the Sea Clan.

"I remember that there seems to be a chicken beside Li Xiaobai?"

Zhen Tiannan said quietly.

"It must be that chicken, who dared to shit and pee on the altar, this sect must stew it!"

Yan Xiaoqi's face twisted, and he squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Sect Master Yan calmed down, that chicken must have lost its soul, and as long as I don't say anything about this time, no one will know about it."

"Let's go back first, and come to the Sea Clan to collect benefits in a few days."

"Hey, whatever, let's settle those sects first. So many people died this time, so it's not easy to be fooled. I'm afraid some old guys are going to make trouble again."

"Yeah, the news about the Hai Clan will make our three sects become popular."

While talking, a flash of light flashed, and the three of them disappeared into the sky.

at the same time.

In the small world, two people and a chicken fell to the ground.

Li Xiaobai got up from the ground and looked around, the surrounding was quiet, only a huge lake, as smooth as a mirror.

"Good boy, he didn't die, where is this place?"

The old man on the side also got up, frowning and looking around, he was plotted by Sanzong, this operation obviously wanted him to be buried with Li Xiaobai.

"Ahem, senior, I was just sucked in too. Look, there is a pool of water here."

Li Xiaobai said dryly.

"The old man is not blind, he has seen it a long time ago, and then?"

The old man said angrily, he was extremely displeased with Li Xiaobai, but he suppressed the murderous intent in his heart at the moment, this guy is a bit evil, maybe he can be useful in this strange place.

Among other things, there is nothing wrong with being a scapegoat at critical moments.

"Senior, there is only one pool here."

Li Xiaobai cleared his throat and emphasized again.

"and then?"

The old man stared at Li Xiaobai and said word by word.

"Then how about asking Senior to go down and investigate?"

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