It seems that there is a problem in this small world, and I couldn't get out with the instant talisman before.

He took out a few Tianxiang life-extending pills and swallowed them, and the corroded bone parts of his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Xiaobai was relieved, although the underwater thing was very fierce and terrifying, but as long as he couldn't lose himself in a second, everything would be fine.

There are as many instant talismans as there are in the mall, so there is no need to worry about the inventory problem. The monster's gastric juice will not be able to dissolve itself for a while, so it is a good place to play with attribute points.

In the midst of his thoughts, the surface of the lake fluctuated again, and a jet of water also shot up, and a scarlet tongue would drag Li Xiaobai into the darkness at the bottom of the water again with lightning speed.

The familiar stench came over the surface, and the body was severely corroded again.

This time Li Xiaobai didn't come out directly, but was going to collect a wave of attribute points first.

No matter who the enemy is, as long as you can't kill yourself in a second, you can only become your own exclusive cultivation tool.

Attribute points +50000...

Attribute points +50000...

Li Xiaobai was in pain and joy, the speed of increasing attribute points was unprecedentedly fast, but the corrosiveness of this monster's gastric juice was too strong, even he didn't dare to wait longer, after waiting for a while, he held the thousand-mile teleportation talisman in his hand, and once again Teleported out of the monster's stomach.

After taking a handful of Heavenly Fragrance Renewing Life Pills, within a breath, the injuries on his body had recovered to the original state.

300,000 attribute points.

All on defense!

Half-step Immortal Physique (351,000,000) in defense power (faerie air has not been obtained) can be advanced.

This progress is a bit cool, Li Xiaobai has the urge to fill up the attribute points here.

That monster's belly is too strong, if it comes dozens of times, maybe this attribute point can really be maxed out.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaobai looked forward to it, walked to the lake, put his hands behind his back, shook his head and sighed, "You want to eat me, are you a monster?"


There was a loud noise, the lake trembled, and the scarlet tongue sprang out from the water again, stabbing straight at Li Xiaobai's chest, ignoring the defense of his body, piercing directly, and then pulling him into the bottom of the lake again with a roll.

Attribute points +60000...

In the monster's belly, Li Xiaobai was seriously injured, and he didn't dare to neglect. The Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman in his hand was suddenly activated, and he moved to the shore in an instant.

I didn't expect that monster to be so ruthless, it directly pierced itself, not a little bit fiercely, after a few Heavenly Fragrance Renewing Life Pills were swallowed, the body recovered again.

After bouncing on the ground twice, Li Xiaobai walked slowly to the shore.

"Invincible is really lonely, it's too cold to be so tall, it's a bit cold!"


The surface of the lake was turbulent, and Li Xiaobai instantly disappeared in place with a huge scarlet tongue.

After a few minutes.

Li Xiaobai appeared on the shore alive and kicking again.

"Li Xiaobai is really awesome."


With a roll of his tongue, Li Xiaobai disappeared in place.

After a short period of calm, a light flashed on the shore, and a figure walked out slowly.

"I'm so strong that I can't even beat myself to death. The road to invincibility has been opened. How should I deal with myself in the future?"


With a flash of scarlet light, the figure on the shore disappeared again.

But after a few breaths, Li Xiaobai appeared on the shore again, took a handful of pills slowly, and recovered in the blink of an eye.

One million attribute points.

All points of defense!

Half-step Immortal Physique (1,351,000,000) in defense power (faerie spirit has not been obtained) can be advanced.

"These three cases really sent me to a good place. If this continues, my attribute points will be filled up soon!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes shone with excitement. It's only been a few hours now, and he has already accumulated more than one million attribute points. If you work harder, breaking through will definitely not be difficult.

I didn't expect that the attribute points that I had to accumulate for several months before could be easily obtained now.

Who said that the further you go on the path of cultivation, the more difficult it will be?

From our point of view, as long as there are bosses, our upgrade speed will never slow down.

"Hey, below, give me some strength, come and eat me!"

Li Xiaobai said to the lake with a smile.

Only this time, there was no movement on the surface of the lake, and the scarlet tongue did not come out again.

Li Xiaobai was not happy anymore, and urgently urged, "What's the matter, come and eat me!"

"Boy, what's the matter with you, if you want to be eaten, just stay still, why do you keep running out of my stomach?"

The faint voice from the bottom of the lake came again, mixed with anger, it seemed a little out of breath.

"Well, I still want to ask you, if you want to eat, eat me directly. Every time I am eaten, I find that I am alive. It is very difficult not to run away. You can't just send me the spiral in one step. God?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

There was no movement on the lake again.

"You came to eat me!"

"Could it be that you are conquered by my handsome appearance, so you are reluctant to eat me?"


The waves on the lake surged, and a red lightning burst out from the turbulent waves, skillfully piercing through Li Xiaobai's body and dragging him into the darkness at the bottom of the lake.

"Little thing, hurry up and jump in front of me, and die to me!"

"Go to hell, little one, sink into this darkness!"

There was an irritable roar from the bottom of the lake, and as the stormy waves hit the shore, a huge blue whale soared in the void, and the whole small world began to tremble.

After just a few breaths, the light flashed, and Li Xiaobai jumped on the shore again intact.

"I, Li Xiaobai, beg to die!"

"Boy, let's talk."

After a moment of silence, the voice from the bottom of the lake came again.

"No need to talk, I like the feeling of being eaten by you."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"No need to eat, your physical body is extraordinary, my gastric juice can't dissolve you in a short time, so you can escape every day, if you are willing to stay in my belly, you can stay where you are." Ascension."

The voice continued.

"Okay, I won't move this time."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

Red light swept across, and Li Xiaobai disappeared in place again.

A few minutes later, the surface of the lake trembled, the water burst, and the mighty Wia swept across the entire small world.

The violent thunder was deafening.

"You're fucking lying to me, why don't you agree?"

"Do you think I'm stupid, your stomach is so smelly, who can bear it?"

Li Xiaobai rolled his eyes and said disdainfully.

One's own purpose is an attribute point, and only by constantly provoking the other party can one be drawn into it.

Now the attribute points of this system are approaching the two million mark, so work harder and try to farm monsters in this small world to fill up the attribute points.

But this time, the monster at the bottom of the lake said nothing and did not attack.

"Boy, I won't eat you anymore, let's talk, calm down."

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