On the shore, red light flickered, the giant tongue stabbed frantically, and blood holes appeared one after another on Li Xiaobai's body.

But soon these blood holes healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Li Xiaobai had already been prepared for the attack of the monsters at the bottom of the lake, and stuffed a few Heavenly Fragrance Renewing Life Pills into his mouth in advance.

Seeing that Li Xiaobai recovered in the blink of an eye, the scarlet tongue stopped attacking and disappeared into the bottom of the lake.

"Why don't you fight anymore?"

"Come and hit me?"

"Boss, your attack is useless, there is no wave in my heart, and I even want to laugh!"

"I, Li Xiaobai, beg to die!"

Seeing that there was no movement on the lake, Li Xiaobai started to taunt again, but this time, the monster at the bottom of the lake didn't appear at all.

There was no sound at all, and the bottom of the lake was calm.

After yelling for a while, Li Xiaobai understood that the idea of ​​relying on the big boss at the bottom of the lake to get the level can be declared over. It is very good that this big guy can help him get two million.

The hatred value has been full, and if he wants to continue playing with attribute points, he may have to think of other ways.

Strolling around the lake and carefully observing the surrounding environment, there is only one lake in this small world, and the surrounding dense forest is an illusion. When he reached the edge of the dense forest, Li Xiaobai touched an invisible barrier.

It is because of the existence of this barrier that the previous thousand-mile instant talisman will fail.

But Li Xiaobai wasn't worried about anything. There were a lot of advanced props in his mall, such as Godzilla, Gundam Men, and a few artifacts that he didn't use.

It's just that the barrier is broken, and the monster at the bottom of the lake is in danger of getting out of trouble, so we still need to learn more about it before making any plans.

At the very least, he had to figure out the cultivation base of this thing. He originally thought that the Mahayana period should be over in the Fairy Continent, but now it seems that there are still terrifying existences in this world that can threaten his life.

After walking for a while, he found an open space on the shore and sat down, and took out Ji Wuqing, who had been corroded into black charcoal, from his chest.

This chicken has died several times in just a few hours, and after each resurrection, it stays in the belly of the monster just like itself, and then dies instantly, but at this moment, you can clearly feel the power emanating from its body pressure.

The characteristic of the Pudong rooster is that the more times it dies, the stronger its strength will be.

Pet Pudong Rooster.

But now that monster doesn't eat me anymore, and the chicken's chance to become stronger is over. If I knew this, I should have kept Ji Wuqing in the monster's stomach, so that I could die repeatedly, and it would die thousands of times all over.

When it comes out again, it must be an earth-shattering and terrifying existence.

As soon as this idea appeared, Li Xiaobai stifled it. Just think about it. If you really do it like that, when Ji Wuqing comes out, you will 100% kill yourself.

This is the divine beast phoenix, it is better to be more stable.

Flipping his wrist, a black flame appeared in his palm. This is hellfire. It is a rare opportunity to sit down and practice hard. Li Xiaobai decided to improve all aspects of himself in this small world.

All the upgrades that should be upgraded have recently engaged in a few big things, accumulated a huge amount of wealth, and continued to spend and spend.

He casually summoned a large handful of medicinal herbs and threw them into the hellfire to burn blazingly.

Hellfire's current state can be advanced by attaching the right arm.

continue still.

Another wave of herbs went down, and a few bottles of pills were thrown along.

Hellfire... (It can be advanced by attaching the right arm.)

The materials consumed in the early stages of promotion are still acceptable, and the black flames on the arm have spread from the fist to the forearm.

It looks like this, the progress of this flame is based on the body, when it evolves into a complete body, it should be able to cover the whole body. At that time, the whole body will be covered with black flames, just think about it.

Not to mention, continue to deliver materials.

"Tianxiang life extension pill!"

"Nine-turn male snake pill!"

"Soul Severing Grass!"

"High-grade spirit weapon!"

"Extreme quality spirit stone!"

"Female inner armor!"

Li Xiaobai randomly took out items and threw them into the hellfire, without looking at what they were, since he definitely didn't need them anyway.

A large wave of precious items are burning, and the progress of hellfire is also soaring.

Hellfire's current state The right arm and the left arm can be advanced.

The entire right arm is covered with hellfire, but unfortunately this is a skill produced by the system, so it can't burn yourself, otherwise it can always increase the defense.

"Boy, you actually have so many genius treasures, it's a waste to squander them like this!"

The voice from the bottom of the lake came again, and seeing Li Xiaobai continuously taking out a huge amount of cultivation resources, the monster couldn't help it.

But this time it was Li Xiaobai's turn to stop talking, and without saying a word, he threw a large amount of materials into the hellfire, and the pitch-black flames burned blazingly, crackling and crackling.

Seeing Li Xiaobai not answering, the voice at the bottom of the lake became a little anxious.

"Boy, talk!"

"Isn't it pretty good to say just now?"

"It's a reckless waste of resources for you to squander your cultivation resources like this!"

"If my guess is right, the thing in your hand is a kind of growable flame. It needs to devour spiritual power to advance. Although I don't know this thing, it is the most stupid thing to throw the cultivation materials directly. way of doing!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai's expression changed, "Then tell me, how to improve this flame?"

"Hehe, the spiritual power in this seat is as vast as the sea of ​​stars. If you store this flame in this seat, it will be able to spread throughout your body in a day."

The monster said lightly.

Li Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat. Indeed, this monster's cultivation is unfathomable. If Hellfire devours the spiritual power in its body, it will definitely become stronger quickly, but this guy will be so kind?

"Then thank you, senior."

"Hehe, you kid has a lot of ability to climb up the pole. This seat can help you strengthen the flame, but correspondingly, this seat wants those genius treasures you just took out, it's not too much!"

The monster at the bottom of the lake said that it has a keen eye for Li Xiaobai's small coffers, and it hasn't taken so many genius treasures for many years.

Li Xiaobai thought for a moment, then nodded. From the perspective of cost performance, putting flames into the monster's body can grow faster.

Gently brushing the space ring, a hill formed by the accumulation of spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and pills appeared instantly.

"Let's eat."

Li Xiaobai laughed.

There was no movement on the lake.

"Huh? Why don't you eat?"

"Boy, do you think this seat is a garbage recycling station, and you want to make a deal with this seat with some Xibei goods?"

"I want to eat the kind of baby you just fed to the flame!"

From the bottom of the lake came the displeased voice of the monster.

"Those have been used up, and there are only so many for the time being. Since the boss doesn't like it, then I will use it to upgrade the flame."

With a wave of Li Xiaobai's hand, a ball of flames floated towards the hill formed by the accumulation of pills.

"and many more!"

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