"Big... big brother!"

The pupils of this group were trembling, and ashes disappeared with the snap of their fingers, the man in front of them made them feel terrified.

With such strength and cultivation level, they actually met in the periphery, let alone them, even if the city lord came, he was not qualified to talk to him.

"We came from the forward battalion..."

The leading woman's tone trembled a little. Even Bingshan felt great terror at this moment, and her heart seemed to be about to jump out.

The pitch-black flames and the attitude of destroying the enemy at will made her terrified from the bottom of her heart. She had only seen this kind of existence in the first battlefield!

Moreover, it was still far away at that time, and the aftermath of that powerful battle made her feel lingering fear now.

The rest of the guards wanted to stand in front of the woman, but their calves were a little cramped, and after trying for a long time they couldn't move even with a single step.

Seeing this scene made Ji Wuqing very emotional.

"Heck, no matter where you are from, follow this deity in the future, and this deity will keep you safe and sound!"

Ji Wuqing said lightly.

"This...thank you, Mr. Chicken!"

Looking at the chicken in front of them, everyone dared not neglect it. This is the chicken of a peerless powerhouse. It cannot be offended and must be sacrificed.

"Well, yes, it's pretty good, don't worry, it's like going home when you get here, and you'll be fine."

Ji Wuqing was familiar with it, waved her wings, and said with a smile.

Li Xiaobai glanced at it, it's fine that this guy likes to show off, his brain is not good enough, all he asks are unnutritious questions, without any technical content, it just lowers his taste.

It feels a bit embarrassing to carry this stuff.

"Thank you, Mr. Chicken..."

The leading woman looked very nervous, she was focusing on Li Xiaobai the whole time, and didn't care what Ji Wuqing said.

She knew that the man in front of her was a real boss, the kind who could decide her life or death with one word.

"Who are you, what is the Qianfeng Battalion, and why those people chased and killed you just now, please tell me carefully."

Li Xiaobai said slowly, and waved his hand casually, blocking all the black flames around him.

"The little girl Yang Huan is the daughter of the city lord Yang Guang. Is this the first time your lord has come to the frontier?"

The woman's expression changed, as if she had guessed something.

"That's right, it's my first time in no-man's land, I'm not familiar with the place, and I found you monks after burning most of the wasteland."

Li Xiaobai nodded and replied, I don't know Yang Guang or something.

Many guards were speechless, and burned most of the wasteland. Is this something that people can do?

Moreover, speaking in such a relaxed tone, it seemed as if he was just doing something casually. Where did this young man in front of him come from, such an old monster?

"My lord, this is the outskirts of the frontier. Most of the entrenched meat mountains are only very low-level life forms, which will not cause too much trouble to the monks. Therefore, the monks did not waste too much time here, but guarded in the The deeper the area, the stronger the Roshan."

The woman's expression was more respectful. If she wasn't a big boss in the frontier, it meant that the other party had no position here, and she wanted to win over the other party as much as possible.

"As for the Vanguard Battalion, it is the vanguard of a small battlefield ahead. There are many such small battlefields. We are mainly responsible for testing the strength and distribution of Roshan in the battlefield. We are also the team that rushes to the front during the battle."

Li Xiaobai knew in his heart that this was the Death Squad, and they were at the forefront of the battle, no doubt they were like cannon fodder.

And he is still such a weak cannon fodder.

"Then who were those people just now, why did they surround and kill you?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"Returning to my lord, those monks who were on the same battlefield with us just now wanted to snatch the military power from the little girl and expand their own power. That's why the scene just now made my lord laugh."

Li Xiaobai nodded, he understood that the situation in this frontier is not as free as he imagined.

Where there are really powerful meat mountains, monks are entrenched and guarded, and only these peripheral places that are not valued will allow themselves to make a fuss without being guarded.

"On the battlefield you are guarding, what is the strength of Roshan?"

"Very strong, we lost a lot of brothers in the Jindan stage, and even one in the Nascent Soul stage was killed or injured."

Hearing this, Yang Huan was overjoyed, if the big guy in front of him was willing to help them eradicate Roshan, it would definitely be a piece of cake.

But what Li Xiaobai said next choked her speechless.

"Golden Core Stage? Nascent Soul Stage? There is such a low-end realm in the frontier?"

"Isn't this too delicious?"

Everyone looked embarrassed, especially the guards. They were in the realm of Jindanqi Dzogchen. In the past, they were respected existences in the team, but today they have become the noobs in his mouth.

But there is no way, who let the big guy talk?

In front of the boss, the average person is chicken.

"Ahem, boss, although our cultivation is nothing in the frontier, the backbone of the battlefield will always be these monks with weak cultivation."

Yang Huan coughed a few times and spoke slowly.

"Well, that's right. Defending the family and the country are all heroes. It's true that I shouldn't be judged on the basis of cultivation. I was rude."

Li Xiaobai nodded with a serious expression, remembering what Tianba had said.

These monks gathered here to encircle the mainland. Even though they were weak, what they did was great.

"It's because the junior's strength is low, and he can't catch the eyes of the seniors."

Yang Huan said hurriedly.

"Which battlefields are nearby, take me to see them one by one."

Li Xiaobai said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"My lord, please follow me!"

Yang Huan looked overjoyed, the boss was willing to act with them, it was a blessing from heaven.

With big bosses joining, my brothers don't have to go through life and death on the battlefield.

After beckoning, the guards behind him also came back to their senses at this moment, all of them looked ecstatic, with the help of the boss, they don't have to worry all day long!

What day is it today?

To be able to meet such a legendary existence!

With a thought in Li Xiaobai's mind, the flames in the sky instantly split the two sides. Everyone hurried forward to lead the way, and they were even more shocked. They could tear apart the sea of ​​fire so casually, and they hadn't felt the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power. This level of cultivation is so powerful. incredible.

Li Xiaobai hangs far behind, the sky is still full of flames behind him, and the group of people in front are very tormented, the big brother has no intention of using his cultivation to drive, and they dare not fly in the wind, but the speed of driving with two feet is too fast Slowly, the spreading fire behind them made them fearful.

"Heck, boy, this flame is so fierce, how did you do it, give me some too?"

"Okay, here's some for you."

A ray of pitch-black flames flew across, and Ji Wuqing's body instantly turned into a piece of black charcoal, rolling to the ground.

Li Xiaobai reached out to pick it up into his arms with a calm expression, never hearing such a rude request.

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