Yang Wei was shocked, the strange black flame devoured everything, looking around, there was nothing in front of him.

The flowers, plants, trees, insects, fish, birds and animals were all reduced to ashes and merged into the darkness.

At this moment, the fire wave surged, turning into a monstrous black beast and rushing towards the direction of the camp.

"What are you doing in a daze, run away!"

"Run, this thing is not something we can resist!"

"Grandma, what Wang Hu said is actually the truth, where did the flame come from!"

"Stop talking, run!"

A group of monks ran and scrambled, running wildly.

A scorching breath came over the face, and there was a faint burning smell on his body.

Yang Wei was confused in his heart, who did he provoke, why did he suddenly encounter disaster?

It must have been lured by Wang Hu just now, and he didn't run away.

"Damn it, I must give you a hard copy!"

But before he could think about it, the fire swept across the sky and directly engulfed the entire camp.

In just an instant, all the monks were reduced to ashes.

The current spread range is two meters.

The current spread range is three meters.

The current spread range is five meters.


The system values ​​are jumping wildly, and the hellfire grows at a fairly fast speed. After devouring the village, the initial range has grown to five meters.

Li Xiaobai looked delighted, and sure enough, stocking is the most effective way to quickly improve Hellfire.

In the distance, on the top of the mountain, Wang Hu said to the deputy battalion commander Lu She, "Deputy battalion commander, do you still need me to explain?"

Lu She swallowed her saliva, "No... no need, I understand, I owe you my life."

The rest of the monks looked serious, and said one after another, "Good brother, show loyalty, thank you for your kindness!"

"Now that we understand, let's go see Miss now."

Wang Hu is full of ambition, and it feels good to be recognized and obeyed. Although he is relying on the power of the big boss, it is still an addiction.

After a few minutes.

The village was submerged in darkness, Li Xiaobai and a group of troops walked slowly into the battlefield.

"Boss, the front is the battlefield where Roshan is."

Yang Huan hurriedly reminded.

"Well, lead the way."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said lightly.


The group of people did not dare to neglect, and immediately led the way. The later monks like Lu Snake were terrified. They had never seen such a powerful monk, nor had they seen such a strange flame. This black flame could spread and burn all the time. go down.

It seems that as long as there are carriers, they will never go out.

Everyone moved forward cautiously, and now they are more afraid of being contaminated by this weird black flame than Roshan.

Attribute point +10...

Attribute point +20...

The value on the system panel began to jump slowly, and Li Xiaobai knew that this was when he stepped into the battlefield and came into contact with Roshan.

Although the added attribute points are much stronger than the peripheral ones, Roshan's strength is still stretched.

Silently igniting a Huazi, puffing out the clouds for a while, the stench around it has faded a lot.

The scene in front of me was a bit bloody. Apart from the pieces of Roshan emitting scarlet aura, there were also many corpses of monks. They all died in the illusion of Roshan.

Li Xiaobai saw one piece of meat crawling on top of the corpse of a human monk, wriggling continuously. The corpse of this monk decayed and decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a dry bone.

At the same time, Roshan's figure suddenly swelled, and groups of sticky meat sacs swelled up, forming a larger piece of Roshan.

The scene was a little disgusting, Li Xiaobai couldn't bear to look directly at it, and pointed at the mountain of meat, black flames surged, immediately turning it into a mass of ashes.

Seeing this scene, everyone was even more in awe.

"Which battlefield are we in now?"

Li Xiaobai asked Yang Huan who was on the side, this woman has almost adapted to the characteristics of Hellfire, and she is also a lot more courageous.

"Boss, we are only in a small battlefield. Roshan's strength is generally not strong. Only really large battlefields will have serial numbers for ranking."

"There are four large-scale battlefields in our border area, all of which are occupied by masters of the Mahayana period. That is the main force against Roshan."

Yang Huan explained, and glanced at Huazi in Li Xiaobai's mouth indiscriminately.

She smelled the fragrance wafting from the flowers, and felt that the Lingtai was clear, her mind was clear, and the difficult and miscellaneous diseases in her previous practice were easily solved, and her understanding of the exercises seemed to be more in-depth.

She was shocked in her heart, what is this thing, just smelling a scent made her enlightened.

She couldn't help taking a few more puffs, the boss is worthy of being a boss, and an item that she took out was not something she could guess.

Li Xiaobai nodded, "I see, I understand. You said before, how many battlefields like this are there?"

Yang Huan replied respectfully, "Yes, there are a total of nine small battlefields nearby, all of which are separated from the inner core area and guarded by different camps."

"Understood, let's go from battlefield to battlefield."

Li Xiaobai knew it well. This is not the inner area. The Roshan he encountered is still weak, but it is superior in its vast area and large number. Let the hellfire burn, and the speed of upgrading will only be faster.

"Yes, thank you sir!"

Yang Huan was overjoyed, the boss is going to take action to clear all the meat mountains nearby, the pressure on the monks in the frontier will be greatly reduced, but the first preparations must be done, and the notification must be made as soon as possible, so that those monks will not be swallowed by the flames of the boss .

Many people in the team acted quickly and went to the battlefields of all parties to inform.

Of course, it's just to inform the forces that he has made good friends with. For a treacherous villain like Jing Kun who wants to get rich and kill, it's better to die directly.

Li Xiaobai knew what these people were thinking, so he didn't stop him. He walked back and forth in the battlefield silently, turning everything he passed into scorched earth, and black flames swept across, engulfing Roshan in an instant.

A wisp of blue smoke floated up, and Roshan disappeared.

The current spread range is six meters.

The current spread range is seven meters.


The current spread range is ten meters.

The harvest is not bad. The quality of the meat mountain here is not high, but the quantity is large, and the hellfire swallows it a little bit to obtain a large amount of advanced resources.

The initial spread range has become ten meters, and this distance is not considered tasteless.

The monks stared dumbfounded in the open space. Faced with these huge pieces of meat, they might not be able to defeat one of them with all their strength.

And at this moment, these meat mountains disappeared so easily in the black flames. Is this the strength of the boss?

After repeatedly walking back and forth in the battlefield several times to ensure that no fish slipped through the net, Li Xiaobai waved his hand.

"The next battlefield, let's go!"

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