Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 332: Heavenly Sword Song Que

"The main force of the first battlefield? It seems that he is also a master of the Mahayana period."

Li Xiaobai nodded, no wonder he was so ostentatious, and he really had the capital.

Being able to kill a person back and forth in the frontier is a ruthless person. In terms of cultivation base, he should belong to the top group in the Mahayana period, but he doesn't know if he has reached the realm of half-step human immortal.

Slowly stepping forward to blend into the crowd, he carefully sized up the Heavenly Saber Song Que.

This is a middle-aged man, his left hand is gone, his clothes look empty, and there is a scar on his face, which is very hideous.

There was a saber hanging from his waist, and he couldn't see the rank, and his eyes were a little cloudy, listening to the information of the surrounding monks.

"My lord, I'm a monk from the third battlefield. I'm here to deliver the battle report, and I'm going to collect food and grass by the way."

A monk stepped forward and said.

"How is the situation on the third battlefield?"

Song Que asked, a gleam of light flashed in his empty eyes.

"Eh... this is a secret, my lord..."

The monk was a little hesitant. When he came, he was told by the boss not to pay attention to Song Que, the Heavenly Saber.

"Okay, let's go in."

Song Que didn't say much, but waved his hand to signal the other party to go in.

"Thank you senior!"

The monk breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately the other party didn't make things difficult for him, otherwise he really didn't know what to say.

"Ahem, old man, I'm going to the city."

Li Xiaobai leaned over and said cheerfully.

Song Que looked up at him with no emotion in his eyes, "What's your name?"

"I'm Li Xiaobai."

"Well, the name is a good name, but it's a pity that wanted criminals are not allowed in."

Song Que pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from under his butt, and it was still in front of Li Xiaobai.

A portrait of Li Xiaobai is clearly drawn on it.

wanted warrant

The ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou offer a reward to Li Xiaobai, whoever is captured alive, will receive tens of millions of top-quality spiritual stones, one top-level kung fu method, and one qualification for practicing three sects.

Note that this person is extremely dangerous and possesses the disguise technique. If you see it, please report it as soon as possible.

The scene was a bit embarrassing, and the monks who were queuing around unconsciously backed away. They often went in and out of the holy city, so they naturally knew Li Xiaobai's name.

This man was so bold that he caused a great upheaval in Zhongzhou, and it was said that he was carrying a treasure, and many monks were looking for him.

Unexpectedly, after this person disappeared from Zhongzhou, he came to the border area.

Although this place is not under the jurisdiction of Zhongzhou, there are a lot of desperadoes. Are they not afraid of being besieged when they appear so blatantly?

Li Xiaobai picked up the crumpled paper on the ground and looked at Song Que.

"Everyone has walked on the road of invincibility, so it's convenient."

All the monks are speechless, is there anyone who flatters himself so much?

You are just a junior, how dare you compare yourself with your seniors, Song Que, the Heavenly Saber, earned his reputation.

"Rules are rules. Wanted criminals are not allowed to enter the holy city. This is an ironclad rule. If you want to enter, you will kill me."

Song Que said casually, still lazily sitting on the steps in front of the door.

"Hehe, it's just a wanted criminal who offended three juniors who came here to avoid the limelight. How dare you compare yourself to Senior Tiandao?"

Among the crowd, a young man left the crowd and looked at Li Xiaobai with cold eyes.

"Invincibility doesn't need to be explained. Go back and ask your parents for advice. You don't know anything about power."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, now that this level of existence can no longer make him interested, only monks in the Mahayana period can bring him enough attribute points.

"Boy, you are crazy."

The young man said coldly, "I am a disciple of Moyun Cave in Zhongzhou. May I ask who is your teacher?"

"Even I don't know. I'm afraid you are not a fake fairy. If you have time, read the Fairy Daily and go for a walk. Life is alive. It's not wrong to have poor strength, but it's your problem that you have a narrow vision and like to point out the country. .”

"Go back and ask your family elders to find out what kind of existence I am."

Li Xiaobai's face didn't turn red and his heart didn't beat, and he took what he said as a matter of course, as if he was really awesome.

Well, now I am really awesome, so I don't need to pretend.

"How courageous, even my senior brother is not as arrogant as you. Today, I will arrest you and return you to Zhongzhou in front of Senior Tiandao!"

The young man's face was furious, and the spiritual power in his body was fluctuating, and he was about to strike.


A soft hum came over, hitting everyone's hearts like thunder, the young man's face turned pale, and he took a few steps back again and again,

"The most important place in the holy city, death fights are prohibited, do you still want to fight in front of the old man?"

Tiandao Song Que's face darkened, and a fierce aura shot out from his body, piercing the sky.

There was a dull and oppressive atmosphere in the air, and all the monks present shivered unconsciously.

"Don't dare, I'm being rude, I'll apologize to Mr. Song."

The young man hurriedly bowed his hands and apologized again and again, for fear that the other party would kill him if he was unhappy.

The rest of the monks were also flustered. This was the first time they saw Song Que angry in such a long time.

"It's good to know, the rules of the holy city cannot be broken, you go in first."

Song Que restrained his aura, and the edge in the void dissipated in an instant without a trace.

He waved his hand, signaling the young man to advance into the city.

The young man clasped his hands together, gave Li Xiaobai a hard look, and left.

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. Let's go in and have a look, and don't make trouble."

Li Xiaobai said still unwillingly.

"Should I let you in and make a fuss? If you have time, you can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. Don't waste your time in the holy city. Except for some garbage people, there is nothing worth nostalgic for."

Song Que also spoke surprisingly, as soon as he opened his mouth, he crazily spread hatred.

One person beats one city, and only Tiandao Song Que dared to say this.

"Garbage people, garbage souls, garbage people also have masters, we have to analyze the specific situation, we can't generalize, I heard that there are many big bosses here, so I want to come and meet."

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, lifted his foot and walked inside.

"If you want to go in, you can go in. If you can catch the old man without dying, you can go in."

Song Que said lightly, one right hand was already on the scabbard.


Just as Li Xiaobai nodded, a silver thread flashed in front of his eyes, and the sword light cut through the sky soundlessly, cutting towards Li Xiaobai's neck in an instant.

Attribute points +20000...

Attribute points +30000...


Song Que, the Heavenly Saber, was a bit fierce this day, and he could have such power with a single strike. If he was serious, wouldn't he be at the same level as the big boss of the Sea Clan?

Li Xiaobai was shocked, as expected of a frontier, he encountered such an existence when he first arrived.


The ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing pierced through the eardrums of the monks present. Li Xiaobai was so shocked that he took a few steps back and touched his neck.

In the dumbfounded eyes of all the monks, he said with some resentment, "It hurts a bit."

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