Li Xiaobai was happy to see that person, it's really not that friends don't get together, this world is really small.

This person was the young man in white who had provoked him at the gate of the city before.

However, because the other party entered the city first, he did not see the scene where the Heavenly Sword Song Que made his move, so he still did not take Li Xiaobai seriously in his heart.

"The world is so small, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

"Hehe, Li Xiaobai, I didn't expect you to throw yourself into a trap. Do you know that there are so many powerful seniors from the great powers of Zhongzhou gathered in this holy city, and you are not able to compete with them at all!"

"It seems that I don't need to do anything, you will be pushed to Zhongzhou soon."

The young man in white sneered.

It is an iron rule not to fight privately in the holy city, and no one can violate it.

But if he reported it, he would surely get a lot of good things.

"Your vision is too narrow. I don't want to waste time talking with you. If you have time, go back and ask your parents for advice."

"Existence like me is not something you can guess at your level."

Li Xiaobai shook his head slowly, feeling that there was something wrong with this person's head.

The young man in white was furious. He is a genius in Zhongzhou, but he is little known because he has fought in the frontier all the year round. But in terms of strength, he is confident that he can beat most of the younger generation.

In his opinion, Li Xiaobai here is just a commoner in the mountains. He gained popularity by relying on his luck and popularity. Anything has to beat the opponent to a half.

"Hehe, Li Xiaobai, there is no shortage of geniuses in this world. Maybe you think you are famous, but in my eyes, you are not even a fart. You have never fought in the frontier. After all, you are just a flower in a greenhouse, an ant that can be easily exterminated That's all."

"You'd better pray that you don't leave the Holy City, otherwise, I will let you know what despair is!"

The young man said with a grim expression.

"Hehe, you're just a clown."

Li Xiaobai's expression was indifferent, and he didn't take it seriously.

At this time, the door in the hall opened, and a thick middle-aged man's voice came out.

"You two outside, please come in, don't take offense at the poor hospitality of the Marquis."

"Where is it, it is an honor for this junior to be received by the Marquis of Zhenyuan in person!"

The young man in white turned his attitude 180 degrees, and walked into the hall very humbly with a smile on his face.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this guy changed his face faster than the sky, there was something.

The hall was empty.

There was only one table and a few chairs, and on the table were several simulated maps of the battlefield, and a group of people were frowning and thinking about it.

The middle-aged man standing in the middle is Zhenyuan Hou Yang Guang, and Yang Huan is standing beside him whispering.

Yang Huan has already explained everything that needs to be explained, except for the incident at the gate of the city because of Song Que's relationship, he has told Yang Guang everything else.

After hearing a series of deeds of Li Xiaobai, Yang Guang was also a little shocked. Killing most of the wilderness by himself, killing the meat mountains in nine small battlefields with all his hands, this is not something ordinary monks can do.

Moreover, the other party's arrest warrant was delivered to him just two days ago. He originally thought that this was an ordinary genius who caused trouble and was responsible for others, but now it seems that there may be secrets in it that he doesn't know.

However, he does not believe that the opponent has the ability to control the situation of the battle. He heard from his daughter that Li Xiaobai killed some low-level Roshan and monks from the beginning to the end, which proved nothing at all.

At this age, at this stage, the most talented group of people have just stepped into the realm of the tribulation stage.

No matter how evil this Li Xiaobai is, it is impossible for him to surpass the cultivation base of the Transition Tribulation Period. At best, as stated in the arrest warrant, he possesses some kind of treasure with infinite power and can fight against the enemy by leaps and bounds.

Yang Guang's thoughts are clear to Yang Huan. Although she is anxious, she can't tell the whole story of the incident, because of the oath, whether it's the strange black flames all over the mountains, or the battle with the Heavenly Sword Song Que at the gate of the city. It is impossible to directly describe the confrontation.

Therefore, he could only be furious. Yang Guang felt a little funny when he saw his daughter like this. In his opinion, Yang Huan couldn't argue, so he was sullen all his life.

"Junior Wu De, a disciple of Moyun Cave in Zhongzhou, has met all of you seniors."

The young man in white stepped forward to salute, and greeted all the bigwigs present one by one.

"Hehe, not bad, De'er is a rare talent in my Demon Cloud Cave. At only thirty years old, he has already entered the state of Dzogchen Transformation. Given time, he will be able to stand alone and become my Demon Cloud Cave. mainstay!"

Among the crowd, an old man with a white beard stroked his beard with his hands, and looked at Wu De with extremely satisfied eyes. Although this disciple was not the best in Moyun Cave, he was definitely the genius closest to the first echelon.

And compared to the two people in the first echelon, he likes this disciple more. He knows etiquette, knows how to advance and retreat, and has a good sense of life.

Li Xiaobai's complexion is weird, are all the names of this Zhongzhou person so weird and random?

Wu De?

No virtue?

Who the hell named this, what a talent!

"Haha, not bad, not bad, he's much better than that kid in my family. It's really my human race's luck to have such achievements at such a young age!"

"That's right, it looks like it won't be long before our Zhongzhou will produce another Tianjiao who will pass the tribulation period!"

"Yes, yes, I would like to congratulate Elder Gongsun now, if he can reach the level of the Tribulation of Tribulation, it will be a blessing for Zhongzhou."

The rest of the bosses also smiled and complimented each other.

"Hehe, it depends on his own efforts!"

Elder Gongsun laughed from ear to ear.

"Elder Gongsun and all the seniors have praised it absurdly. This junior's mediocrity is not worth mentioning. It is all thanks to the cultivation of Moyun Cave."

Wu De's face was very modest, and he laughed.

"Well, yes, what is De'er doing here today?"

Elder Gongsun laughed.

"The disciple just came back from the third battlefield today. Firstly, he wanted to visit the seniors, and secondly, he wanted to report the situation of the third battlefield. By the way, he wanted to take charge of the collection of food and grass."

"But just now, I thought of the third thing."

Wu De's eyes suddenly turned cold, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his words.

"What's the matter? Just say it, the old man is here to make decisions for you!"

Elder Gongsun noticed Wu De's strangeness, and his face became serious.

"It's a coincidence that this disciple found the demon sword Li Xiaobai in this holy city!"

After finishing speaking, Wu De pointed to Li Xiaobai beside him, and sneered.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent. Except for Yang Guang's father and daughter, the rest of the monks didn't react and stared at Li Xiaobai in a daze.

This face seemed somewhat familiar.

Li Xiaobai was not aware of this, waved his hand, and said with a smile, "Hello, everyone!"

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