"No, no, you're not really afraid, are you? If you're afraid, just say it outright, and I won't embarrass you too much!"

Cai Kun and Xu Yinyang said strangely.

He has already made a decision in his heart, Li Xiaobai is a treasure house of human form, he must not let it go, find a time to tie him up, search his soul, and he can get any secrets.

As for Yang Guang?

In his view, it was just an empty shelf.

"Hey, since you insist on brutalizing your disciples, then do as you wish."

Li Xiaobai was helpless, shook his head and sighed, the guy in front of him was an old hermaphrodite when he opened his mouth.

"Hehe, okay, I agree!"

"I agree!"

"Master Yang, don't say we don't give you face, you have seen Li Xiaobai's appearance, so arrogant, openly contradicting us, you must give an explanation!"

The eyes of several city lords flickered coldly, and they said coldly.

Yang Guang's face was also a bit embarrassed, this Li Xiaobai is indeed a bit arrogant, everyone here is a big boss, even if you are a genius, you shouldn't be so contemptuous.

Even if he wants to help now, he can't help. This frontier is not his monopoly. After all, he is just a staff member, and more often, he has to consider the requirements of the other city lords.

"Hey, you can decide for yourself, but the words are up front, stop at the end, and don't hurt your life."

"Okay, the time is set at noon tomorrow, and I will let all the younger disciples in the city go and observe."

Elder Gongsun said with a chuckle, in his opinion, Li Xiaobai has already been manipulated to death by him, and he can't make any waves.

Li Xiaobai looked indifferent, "Whatever."

"Huan'er, take Mr. Li down, my father will arrive later."

Yang Guang made a show, and Yang Huan hurriedly led Li Xiaobai out of the hall.


inside the hall.

"Then let's get to the point, Wu De, and let's talk about the third battlefield."

Yang Guang didn't want to waste time, so he asked directly.

"Reporting to my lord, the third battlefield has achieved a preliminary victory. Originally, our monks showed signs of being defeated, but since yesterday, a strange black flame has swept across the third battlefield, and many powerful mountains of meat have been burned into pieces. Ashes, the cultivators also got a chance to breathe."

"Now Roshan has retreated several miles collectively, and will not come back in a short time."

Wu De said respectfully.

A group of monks pondered and frowned.

"What is the origin of this black flame? A monk reported it before, but I didn't pay attention to it. Now it seems that this flame is unusual."

Yang Guang said slowly.

"But as far as the current situation is concerned, this black flame is a friend rather than an enemy. It can burn the mountain of meat to ashes. I am afraid it is also a strange fire between heaven and earth. As the lord of a city, Cai is willing to risk himself to find out The truth of the black flame."

Cai Kun and Xu Yi said in a positive manner.

"What are you pretending to be, don't you just want to swallow the black flame?"

"Tell you, there is no door. This black flame was discovered in my third battlefield. Even if this fire is to be recovered, it should be controlled by my third battlefield!"

The rough man on the side raised his eyebrows and said, not giving Cai Kunxu any face.

"That's wrong. Although the flame appeared in the third battlefield, I don't think you, Xiong Da, are capable of recovering the flame. Everyone knows that your monks in the third battlefield mainly focus on body training, and their cultivation is second. You may not be able to swallow this flame."

Cai Kunxu waved the feather fan, and said lightly, he felt a little fortunate that only two city lords came today.

The two guys from the first battlefield and the second battlefield did not come over. If they participated in the snatching, it would be difficult for him to talk to Xiong Da.

But this is fine now, Xiong Da is not his opponent, this black flame will definitely be in his hands.

"City Lord Cai is right. This flame can even burn the meat mountain in the third battlefield. It is obviously an extremely dangerous existence. You must be careful in everything. I think you two city lords should go together and check it out." Fan is better."

"If possible, bring back a ray of flame, and test and analyze it for the Danzong people."

Yang Guang said that he didn't want the flame to be in the hands of a certain city lord. If the balance of power was broken, the city lords would not be able to check and balance each other.

Letting the two city lords pass by at the same time can be regarded as being able to restrain each other.

As a result, neither Xiong Da nor Cai Kunxu had any objections, and they went together, and whoever could retrieve the flames would depend on their own abilities.

"Okay, I'll go over now and see where the flame came from!"

Xiong Da was impatient, and disappeared into the hall in a flash.

"Hehe, it's a fart to go fast."

Cai Kunxu's expression was gloomy, and he also disappeared into the hall.

The surrounding monks also got up to leave one after another, and today's meeting is over.

Elder Gongsun took Wu De away, and he wanted to discuss in detail the details of tomorrow's ring with the other party.

Yang Guang's face sank like water, his status as the city lord of the holy city was getting weaker and weaker. Today, only two of the city lords came, and they obviously didn't treat themselves as dishes.

It's just superficially obedient, and he still suffers from insufficient cultivation.

If he could be promoted to the Mahayana stage, if Song Que, the Heavenly Saber, was still by his side, why would these people be so unscrupulous, discussing how to divide the spoils in front of him.


at the same time.

In the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, Li Xiaobai was leaning on the recliner, while Yang Huan was serving tea and water.

At this moment, Yang Huan has already changed into the clothes of his daughter's family, which has a special style. If there are outsiders here, his jaw will drop in shock.

This daughter of the city lord, who always looks cold to everyone, will actually busy a man, looking like a servant.

"Boss, those people don't know your true strength, so they speak rudely, please don't take offense."

Yang Huan hesitated again and again before speaking.


Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, thinking about his next plan.

He didn't care about those people in the hall, except for the two city lords, the rest would not be his opponents.

"But my father has always wanted to help you, but because of the affection of the two city lords, it's not easy to speak too bluntly."

"Isn't your father the lord of the holy city? He should hold a lot of power. Why do I think those monks don't respect him too much?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Father is the lord of the holy city, but his own cultivation is only at the great completion of the tribulation stage, and he has never been able to step into the ranks of the Mahayana stage. Therefore, after coming and going, the people below seem to despise him."

"Although this holy city is in charge of the overall situation, it is only the second line after all. It is the first-line city lords who are really charging outside. "

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