Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 339 You Don’T Understand The Invincible State Of Mind

next morning.

Li Xiaobai took back Hellfire, and invested too many cultivation resources in one night.

According to preliminary estimates, if these resources are auctioned in the Jubao Pavilion, they should be several million top-quality spirit stones. If they are publicized in the Xianling Daily and some gimmicks are made, it may be worth tens of millions.

This hellfire burns too much money, so let's just call it the Prodigal Flame.

However, the harvest in one night can be regarded as a small achievement.

The Hellfire currently covers ninety-nine meters.

The initial coverage area of ​​nearly 100 meters is already very good. The larger the area covered by the initial flame, the faster the subsequent burning speed.

It's just that Li Xiaobai felt a pain in his heart when he thought of throwing down the resources of millions of top-quality spirit stones, but increasing the coverage area by tens of meters.

It's so fucking uncomfortable.

In the future, it is better to burn monks.

Not only was Li Xiaobai distressed, but Ji Wuqing beside him was even more distressed. It wanted to snatch resources, but was too afraid of the power of hellfire, so it was forced to watch the precious medicinal plants all night. Burning in flames.

The eyeballs were red, staring at Li Xiaobai with bloodshot eyes at this moment, and said weakly.

"Hehe, boy, with so many genius treasures, you are wasting them on this stupid flame!"

"Do you know how much torment I have in my heart!"

Li Xiaobai chuckled, "Everything is for strength, I can afford such a small sacrifice."

The initial coverage of the flames must be increased. This time, the hellfire can spread across the entire wasteland, largely because of luck. There are no powerful monks on the outskirts of this uninhabited area, and the enemies are all slow-moving and without self-awareness. Roshan.

The most important thing is that this area has enough space for the flames to burn.

Under the right time, place and people, Hellfire can accomplish such a feat.

If you change the place, you won't be so lucky every time, let people wait for your own flame to complete the coverage of a large area.

Therefore, it is the kingly way to increase the coverage of the initial flame as soon as possible. It is best to have the kind that has been turned on and stretches for thousands of miles. It is exciting to think about it.

However, I can only think about it. The further the future, the more precious the resources and materials needed will be. Just increasing the coverage of tens of meters consumes millions of top-quality spirit stones, and the distance stretches thousands of miles. The ultimate goal is far away.

Moreover, the flame itself is of great use, and I don't want to expose it too much in front of people for the time being.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door outside.

"Boss, it's almost noon, we should set off."

Yang Huan's voice came through.

Li Xiaobai nodded slightly, "Understood, let's go."

After mentioning Ji Wuqing, Li Xiaobai pushed open the door and walked out slowly.

"Lead the way ahead."


In the holy city and the four cities, any level of private fighting is prohibited, and the arena is the only place to use force to solve problems.

Every city has an arena, which is usually used for the uneven distribution of the monks' combat achievements. When there is a dispute, they can speak according to their ability.

There are also monks who simply want to prove what they have learned and challenge a certain genius. Such things are not uncommon.

However, the area around the arena today is overcrowded. Li Xiaobai's reputation is too great. Unexpectedly, this person would appear in the frontier area and directly appear in the holy city.

This Wu De is the top group of Tianjiao experts in Zhongzhou. His strength is strong and he has already reached the state of great perfection.

When Li Xiaobai arrived, the area around the ring was already crowded with people. On the high platform were the city lord Yang Guang of the holy city, and the two city lords of the third and fourth battlefields as referees.

The melon-eaters in the audience have theories.

"Why isn't Li Xiaobai here?"

"That's right, it's a bit pretentious. Wu De has already arrived."

"Who do you think is stronger, Li Xiaobai or Wu De?"

"Needless to say, of course it was Wu De. You have to know that I killed a large meat mountain in the third battlefield two days ago. I saw it with my own eyes!"

"That's right, although Li Xiaobai's reputation is great, it's all due to trouble and hype. The Xianling Daily has never recorded that he has defeated any Tianjiao with dignity."

"However, if the ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou can jointly issue a reward, this person must have a big secret. Since he has appeared in the frontier, he may not be able to get out."

"Yeah, don't say I'm waiting, there are tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones, and I'm afraid even a few city lords will be tempted."

The monks are not optimistic about Li Xiaobai when you glance at me.

Some monks even opened the gamble, betting on who would win.

"Press big and small, buy it and let it go, it's a wave of wealth and wealth, don't miss it!"

Li Xiaobai took a look, the odds were 1 to 100, no one beat him at all.

Shaking his head and laughing, he waved his hands, motioning for Yang Huan to come over.

"Do you want to make a small fortune?"

"Boss orders!"

Yang Huan said.

"Go to that person to bet, bet on me to win, bet as much as you want."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly.

"Understood, boss!"

A gleam flashed in Yang Huan's eyes. This is indeed a good opportunity to make a fortune. With odds of 1 to 100, he can definitely get rich!

"Give way, I'm coming."

Li Xiaobai shuttled through the crowd. Although his defense was strong, he lacked strength. He was squeezed back and forth in the crowd, and the surrounding monks who watched him laughed.

"That's it?"

"Are you really a genius? You can't even separate the crowd. Are you serious?"

"No way, no way, is there really someone who can't even make it to the ring?"

The faces of the melon-eating crowd were full of sarcasm. The city was banned and could not fly in the air.

But other geniuses usually separate from the crowd and walk slowly onto the stage. This Li Xiaobai was actually huddled in the crowd. He looked so much like a bumpkin with ears from the countryside, he didn't look like a genius at all.

There was also a hint of mockery in Wu De's eyes.

"Mr. Li, can't you come up? Why don't I give you a hand?"

Seeing the laughing crowd around him, Li Xiaobai really wanted to start a wave of hellfire, but in the end he held back, because a small indifference will lead to chaos and big schemes, and he has a plan, so he should not be as knowledgeable as these people.

After pushing and shoving, he finally stood on the ring.

"It's true to be ordinary. A monk wants to comprehend the principles of heaven and earth from the ordinary place. You don't understand, and you only want to pretend to slap your face. You are still too young."

"Including you in the audience, you are too impetuous."

"You don't understand the state of mind of Invincible Road."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"I bother!"

"Where did this come out? You're so fucking shameless!"

"Don't Bilian, brother Wu, stop talking nonsense, just be him!"

"If I hadn't kindly made way for you just now, you wouldn't even be able to make it to the arena, so what are you pretending to be!"

The melon-eaters below were furious. Li Xiaobai's words and deeds were too arrogant, and they couldn't bear it.

Yang Guang on the high platform also had a strange expression on his face, but this Li Xiaobai is really as usual...confident?

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