Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Thirty-Four: Large-Scale Murder And Treasure Hunting Scene

Figures flickered in the jungle, and quickly rushed to the direction of the golden light.

Looking at the fleeting figures around him, Li Xiaobai was envious in his heart. This ability to fly to the sky and escape from the ground anytime and anywhere is so practical.

Unlike me, I have to run slowly on two legs, and I can't run as fast as ordinary people.

Fortunately, the treasure land was not far from him, and the monsters along the way were cleared out early.

He wobbled to the edge of the jungle, and there was a small river in front of him. The golden light burst out from the bottom of the river. The river water was very muddy, and he couldn't see clearly what was below.

There are already countless monks waiting here.

At the edge of the river, a fat man was sitting on the ground crying loudly, and there were several corpses in front of him, looking very miserable.

Seeing this, everyone didn't dare to compete for the treasure in the river for a while.

Li Xiaobai recognized the fat man in front of him at a glance, it was his sixth senior brother Liu Jinshui.

The fat man was acting again, he got a few words from somewhere, and the monk's corpse began to cry miserably, tears streaming down his face, it really looked like that.

"Fellow Daoist, please be sorry, I don't know what happened to you here?" A monk asked.

"A baby was born in that river. We went into it to search, but we encountered a monster. In desperation, several elder brothers sent me ashore, but they themselves would never wake up!"

Liu Jinshui was sincere, and she burst into tears again as she spoke.

There are female cultivators around who stare sideways at him, feeling a little unbearable, living in a sect that is intriguing all year round, they haven't seen this kind of family affection that is thicker than water for a long time.

"Fellow Daoist, please forgive me, we are willing to help you take out the treasure, and please tell me the details of the monster."

The monk who spoke to him was also weak and damaged. He obviously wanted to snatch the treasure, but he just put on an awe-inspiring look.

But this is indeed a concern of many monks.

What is the state of this monster at the bottom of the water? If it is at the Jindan stage, you can touch it and be tough.

"Below here is a thousand-year-old dragon tortoise. It's not strong, it's only at the golden core stage, and it moves slowly. It's just that it can spit out poisonous liquid. My elder brothers will be caught off guard."

Liu Jinshui said.

"So that's it, junior brother, don't worry, there are so many of us here, we will definitely help you take out the treasure, kill the monsters, and avenge the heroes!"

This accosting cultivator took care of everything, looking full of pride.

The rest of the monks also have a bottom line in their minds. The dragon tortoise in the Jindan stage has strong defense, slow movement, and can release venom.

Although it is aggressive to a certain extent, it is not too difficult. As long as you are careful underwater, you can still get the treasure.

"Well, thank you fellow daoist, you must help me get the treasure up, my elder brother bought it with his life!"

Liu Jinshui said in mourning.


A trace of impatience flashed in the eyes of the accosting cultivator, and he got the exact information from the underwater, Liu Jinshui was useless to him.

The rest of the people looked at Liu Jinshui's stupid look with contempt in their eyes, and this fat man naively thought that the big guy was really helping him.

It seems that he is still inexperienced!

Li Xiaobai hid in the distance and watched everything in front of him quietly. He could see that the distress signal before was sent by Liu Jinshui, the sixth senior brother.

He deliberately gathered the crowd here, and acted and cried miserably, obviously with a plan.

Hehe, if the senior brother does something, the junior brother naturally wants to get a share of the action.

The surrounding monks gathered together in groups and began to discuss the countermeasures to compete for the treasure.

There are not a few of these monks at the golden core stage, and they all have their own small groups. For them, the most dangerous thing to compete for treasures is not the underwater monsters, but these other monks around them.

Such things as killing people and seizing treasures are not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals.

It is one thing to get the treasure, but another thing to take it away smoothly. In order to prevent being caught by mantises, they must come up with a perfect plan.

For a while, the monks were in a stalemate with each other, and no one was the first to enter the river to fish for the treasure.

At some point, Liu Jinshui quietly left the river and hid in the jungle.

Li Xiaobai hurriedly followed, hanging far behind Liu Jinshui, watching his every move.

My intuition told me that this fat man definitely made a big move.


The monks were at loggerheads.

"Everyone, it's not a solution for everyone to be on guard against each other here. Why don't we all go underwater together, who can get the treasure and let's each rely on our own abilities?"

The monk who spoke to Liu Jinshui before said.

"I agree, let's see what the baby is first."

"I have no opinion either..."


"Okay, since everyone has no objections, I'll count to three and let's go into the water together." The monk who spoke continued.




There was no movement, no one moved, and everyone smiled tacitly.

"Hahaha, it seems that the monks of my generation have a good understanding, but always doing this and waiting is not an option. How about it, in order to dispel everyone's doubts, Yu Mou will set an example and go into the water first."

The accosting monk laughed and jumped into the water.

The rest of the monks seemed to realize something, and their expressions changed.

"No, this guy is deliberately guiding us, holding us on the shore, and giving him the opportunity to snatch the treasure underwater!"

"Follow up, this river is long and slender, if he takes the treasure and escapes from the bottom, the duck in his hand will fly away!"

"Damn, I thought I was insidious enough, but I didn't expect this Yu to be more insidious than me!"

"This trick is so deep!"

"I really know how to play..."

Immediately, the rest of the monks no longer hesitated, and plunged into the river one after another.

There is only one dragon turtle underwater, so as long as you handle it carefully, it will not be a problem at all.

It's just that no one noticed that the instigator of this incident had disappeared without a sound, and no one thought that the fat man might not be telling the truth.

Money fascinated the eyes of the monks. In this tense state, everyone had no time to care too much.

There is only one thought in my mind, find the treasure, get it, and take it away!


A fat man walked out of the jungle with a smile on his face, and laughed heartily as he watched the waves constantly churning on the water.

"Hehe, these idiots, it's really worry-free to drill in if you give them a trick."

"Your spirit weapon and elixir, I will accept it!"

"It's exciting to think about the belongings of more than a dozen Jindan stage masters!"

A big wave of income is about to come in hand, Liu Jinshui's face is flushed, looking a little excited.

But then his face froze, and a familiar voice came from behind.

"Senior brother, you are very good at playing!"

"The routine is quite deep..."

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