Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 342 If You Can't Kill Me In Seconds, You Will Be Dropped By Me In Seconds

"Who is this guy who beat up the sword demon old man with such a big tone?"

"Besides, the sword demon old man didn't deny it!"

"Oh my god, isn't this person a genius? How could he have such an experience? I think he is only in his early twenties!"

"Don't guess, let's take a good look at it. With the spiritual power in Wu De's body as the carrier, the soul of the sword demon old man should have the cultivation base of the tribulation period, which is equivalent to the first echelon of the Tianjiao!"

"And the vision and moves are not comparable to Tianjiao. No matter how defiant Li Xiaobai is, he can't escape the opponent's palm!"

The monks were shocked that Li Xiaobai was acquainted with the sword demon old man, but after careful analysis, it was not necessarily Li Xiaobai who was pretending to be tender.

It is also possible that the other party has met the rest of the original soul phantom of the sword demon old man before, and fought a lot.

Anyway, this Li Xiaobai is not a waste as they imagined, on the contrary, this person has real abilities and is indeed a genius.

"Mr. Li, today I will have a good fight with you. Back then, that junior had too little spiritual power in his body, which was not enough to support the old man to use his methods. Today, I can have a good fight."

The sword demon's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he recognized Li Xiaobai, a genius who could catch his sword without a hair being hurt.

But Li Xiaobai shook his head slowly, "The monk who summoned you today is still weak, today, you will only be killed by me!"

"Mr. Li is still eloquent as always. There are not many people in this world who can take this old man's sword, and you are one of them."

Sword Demon Primordial Spirit Xuying didn't talk nonsense, and pointed at the void with his wrist, the ice soul in Wu De's hand burst instantly, and the fragments mixed with violent spiritual power recondensed into a long sword, stabbing straight at Li Xiaobai.

The arena was criss-crossed with ravines and ravines, and the powerful wind hit, causing many monks in the tribulation period to retreat one after another, not daring to shake their edge.

Looking at the ever-enlarging sword light in front of him, Li Xiaobai felt distressed. It's not a good habit for this old sword demon to explode his sword at the slightest disagreement.

There is a lot of spiritual power contained in this ice soul, if you allow your own hellfire to devour it, it will definitely be turned into a lot of nutrients, but at this moment, it was just exploded by the sword demon.

What a waste!

Still raising his hand slightly, stretched out two fingers, gently pinched the sharp edge in front of him, opened his anti-injury, and kicked it casually.

The soaring sword glow turned into a puddle of powder in an instant.

Attribute point +6000...

Attribute point +6000...

This attribute point is quite good. This value has already surpassed the attack power of ordinary monks in the Tribulation Stage. The Sword Demon lives up to its reputation.

However, this one-handed operation frightened the pupils of many melon-eaters in the audience. Facing the attack of the sword demon, Li Xiaobai was still so big, and he still only used two fingers to pick it up, and he also used his sword light to catch it. Crushed?

It's unbelievable!

That's the sword demon, the existence of sword tearing the upper realm, although now it's just a phantom of the primordial spirit in the tribulation period, but you don't want to be so casual, okay?

The Sword Demon's eyes were even brighter.

"After only a few months, Mr. Li has come to this step. This kind of cultivation speed is worthy of the word "Tianjiao!"

"Senior praised me absurdly. Although my cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking water, I also practice desperately on weekdays. I dare not neglect at all. I have a better cultivation talent than Tianjiao, and I work harder. It is only natural that I have this achievement. As it should be."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

He knew that this sword demon was going to be serious, and Wu De was going to be in trouble!

"The old man has a sword. Mr. Li has seen it before, but at that time he was unable to display his true power due to his cultivation base. Today, he can show a little edge. I don't know if Mr. Li can take it!"

After all, the sword demon suddenly pointed at Wu De, who was a little stupefied below, blood surged all over his body, and the tyrannical spiritual power fluctuated.

The right hand made sword fingers together, and a golden sword glow tore through the sky and the earth.

Wu De's complexion changed in an instant, the sword demon primordial spirit was performing some kind of tyrannical sword art secret technique, and was continuously extracting the spiritual power from his body.

In just one breath, the spiritual power in the dantian dropped by half.

At this rate, he will soon be sucked and fucked.

Randomly took out a handful of panacea and swallowed it into his stomach, quickly recovering his spiritual power, but compared to the extracted spiritual power, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Senior, please be merciful, the spiritual power in this junior's body can't hold it anymore!"

Wu De said with a painful expression, and kept bowing to the old sword demon in the void.

"Shut up, make noise, the old man is using the supreme sword technique, it is your honor to see its power, watch carefully, how the old man operates!"

The Sword Demon Primordial Spirit's eyes were fierce, he didn't care about Wu De's life or death, and frantically extracted the spiritual power from his body.

This appearance is exactly the same as when they were in the Holy Demon Sect. These disciples all thought that the summoned sword demon soul was their patron saint, but they didn't know that this old man was a double-edged sword.

If he met an ordinary monk, it would be okay, but if the old man met an evenly matched opponent and his fighting spirit came up, he wouldn't care who the summoner was, he would directly drain the monk's spiritual power and use the strongest swordsmanship.

The last monk who was treated like this has already been abolished

Li Xiaobai couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for Wu Desheng, relying on foreign things will eventually be backlashed by foreign things.

Wu De's aura became weaker and weaker, and within a few breaths, he turned into a radiant genius and a cripple with gray eyes. The sword demon old man's momentum became stronger and stronger, and a golden sword light shone in his eyes. Pierce the void.

"Sword twenty-three, sword break!"

The sword demon old man suddenly appeared in front of Li Xiaobai in a flash, pointed at him as a sword, and stabbed fiercely between his eyebrows.

For a moment, Li Xiaobai only felt that his whole body was strongly restrained, he couldn't move a step, he could only watch the golden sword light piercing his forehead.

The sword demon primordial spirit I met last time was too weak to show the power of this move at all. This time the sword demon gained some cultivation, and the power of this sword technique was also initially revealed.

Somewhat domineering!

Li Xiaobai felt a little rejoicing, fortunately, the other party was only at the transcending tribulation stage, if it was a sword demon soul at the Mahayana stage, he might really be able to break through his own defenses.

The top powerhouses in this world are a little scary. They are all Mahayana monks, but the gap is so big.

Attribute points +30000...

Attribute points +30000...

This damage has far exceeded the range that monks in the transition period can do, and it is not much worse than that in the Mahayana period. It is indeed the strongest sword technique of the sword demon.

Needless to say, anti-injury is on.

Since you can't kill me in seconds, you can only be dropped by me in seconds!

In an instant, the golden sword glow shattered, the entire arm of the Sword Demon Primordial Spirit was shaken to pieces, and the phantom of the Primordial Spirit dimmed in an instant.

"What the hell am I..."

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