Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 349 Surprised Senior Brother

It was very late in the evening, Li Xiaobai bid farewell to Song Que.

This is a hero, and he was tied to the holy city only because of Yang Guang's relationship. If he didn't have Yang Guang's weakness, he might have gone to the first battlefield to find the city lord.

Back in the room, Li Xiaobai's complexion was terribly dark as soon as he entered the door.

Yang Huan was waiting inside the house, and there were several beautiful young men waiting together, all of them sat on the bed in a leisurely manner.

Seeing Li Xiaobai coming in, Yang Huan's eyes flickered and he let out a coquettish smile.

"Boss, I'm ready, no one will disturb you."

Li Xiaobai's forehead bulges with veins, "Get out!"

"Hey, boss, I understand!"

Yang Huan gave Li Xiaobai a look that I understood everything.

Li Xiaobai felt like his lungs were going to explode, what was wrong with him, he was thought to be an old hermaphrodite?

Do you have to show off your masculinity to be convincing?

But that's impossible, trying to take advantage of us is simply a dream!

Without explaining the tricks together, they directly threw several people out of the room, and locked the door tightly.

"Go away, don't let me see you again!"

Outside Yang Huan's face was full of confusion, did she do something wrong?

Why are you still not satisfied?

Could it be that today's group doesn't suit the taste of the boss, or do we have to think of that Zhang Xiuning in the morning?

Well, no matter how much you observe and observe, the road to please the boss will be long and difficult!

inside the house.

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out which song Yang Huan was singing. This woman's brain circuit was so strange that it was really hard to understand.

"Heck, boy, you actually like Longyang, hurry up and stay away from this deity!"

Ji Wuqing in her arms screamed suddenly, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, jumped three feet high, and stared at Li Xiaobai in shock.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, I'm an imposing man of three feet, how can I like Long Yang, don't you want to listen to that woman's nonsense!"

Li Xiaobai has the heart to kill this bastard, why are you screaming, isn't it embarrassing enough?

"Boy, you actually like men, I misread you!"

Ji Wuqing turned a deaf ear to Li Xiaobai's explanation, her two small eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.

"What the hell am I..."

Li Xiaobai has the intention to kill people. Who came up with this bad idea. He is doing his best to collect information and plan his future journey here, but Yang Huan has been studying some fresh meat, and even treats himself as a Intersex people.

Isn't this making trouble for yourself?

Silently lighting a wisp of hellfire, Ji Wuqing shut up, but her eyes were still shocked.

At the moment Li Xiaobai ignored it, flipped his wrist, and another pile of spiritual grass and elixir was slowly burning in the hellfire.

It was a peaceful night.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Xiaobai put away the fire and a resource, and prepared to go out for a walk.

Hellfire currently covers a range of 110 meters.

With the increase of the flame range, more and more resources need to be devoured, and the appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and there is already a trend of bottomless pit.

However, the flames on the outskirts of the frontier have burned a lot of materials at this moment, and they should be able to strengthen a lot when they are collected later.

Pushing open the door, it was still Yang Huan who greeted her outside. Li Xiaobai didn't want to talk to her anymore. This woman has a problem with her brain circuit, so it's not suitable for more communication now.

He picked up Ji Wuqing and walked away. Fortunately, there was no fresh meat waiting for him today, otherwise he would definitely kill someone.

"Boss, father invites you to the main hall of the city lord's mansion to discuss something important."

Yang Huan said.

"What is it?"

"It's about the flames in the wilderness. The flames have spread to the fourth and third battlefields. The monks in the frontier have seen the news published in the Fairy Daily today..."

Yang Huan said somewhat unnaturally.

When Li Xiaobai was writing Xianling Daily, she was by her side, knowing that all of this was planned by the other party.

This is the boss's game, she dared not reveal it, and said nothing to the city lord.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, this day has finally come, and it's time to pluck the wool.

"Come on, let's discuss the big plan!"

Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

A group of monks were discussing the situation on the two battlefields, and they were divided into two factions who were arguing fiercely.

A group of monks headed by the two city lords thought it was time to find out the situation of the black flame and collect the treasures in it.

However, a group of monks headed by Yang Guang believed that the battlefield was the most important thing. Sending monks to explore the black flame would reduce the vitality on the battlefield.

"Hehe, with a brain, send a few powerful monks to search for it. How long will it take? If you can really get the treasure, it might be a big boost to the battlefield!"

Cai Kunxu said coldly.

"All matters in the frontier have been prioritized by Roshan. This is an iron rule, and the rules cannot be broken. If everyone is like this, will Roshan still fight?"

Yang Guang's face also turned blue with anger. These people in front of him were pretending to be confused, they obviously took a fancy to the treasure in the flames and wanted to monopolize it, but they still showed an appearance of thinking about the overall situation.

"Hehe, pedantic!"

That's the matter, someone outside the door came to report.

"Report, Miss Yang Huan and Mr. Li Xiaobai are here!"

"Please hurry up!"

Yang Guang looked happy, and said hastily.

In the crowd, the two young men looked at each other, and they both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Li Xiaobai and Yang Huan walked into the main hall, there were still a group of familiar faces, the three city lords were discussing, and the rest of the monks watched from the sidelines.

But when his eyes came into contact with the two young people in the crowd, Li Xiaobai's pupils shrank suddenly.

I didn't expect to meet a big acquaintance here. These two people are none other than Fourth Senior Brother Yang Chen and Fifth Senior Brother Ling Feng.

The second senior sister said before that the two of them entered a certain powerful force in Zhongzhou to practice, but they didn't expect to meet in the frontier. It seems that several of their senior brothers and sisters have good chances.

Yang Guang's and Ling Feng's eyes flashed, but they didn't recognize Li Xiaobai directly.

Li Xiaobai instantly understood that this was because the seniors wanted to hide their identities and help him in the dark.

Being able to meet his two senior brothers in this strange land, Li Xiaobai felt confident, at least he had backup on his side.

At the moment, he didn't show any abnormality.

"Everyone, let me introduce you. This one is Li Xiaobai, the demon sword who has made a lot of noise in Zhongzhou. He is amazing. He is still the pride of the first echelon at such a young age!"

Elder Gongsun introduced with a smile, then changed the subject and pointed to Yang Guang and Ling Feng who were beside him.

"These two are also disciples of my Demon Cloud Cave. Their cultivation in the Tribulation Stage is Wu De's two senior brothers. Mr. Li, you young people have a common language, so you can communicate more when you have time."

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