Yang Guang smiled slightly.

"Since you have no objections, then this matter has been decided so happily, how about it?"


"no problem."

Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da pinched their noses and said with a smile, although they were totally unwilling in their hearts, they were still smiling brightly.

It's not that I didn't say that Yang Guang was six times better than them in this game.

"Since this is the case, the old man still wants to recommend the two to go together. I wonder what Yang Cheng's idea is?"

Elder Gongsun interjected and said that the treasure in the black flame is a piece of fat, he can't follow it himself, but he can send someone to share a piece of it.

"But these two arrogances of the Moyun Cave?"

Yang Guang asked.

"That's right, the two of them are thoughtful and thoughtful, and their cultivation bases and minds are both excellent, and they are qualified for this operation."

Elder Gongsun nodded and smiled.

"What do you think, Mr. Li?"

Yang Guang couldn't figure out the number of ways to the Moyun Cave, let alone the thoughts of the two geniuses, Yang Chen and Ling Yun, and wanted to ask Li Xiaobai for advice.

"The two senior brothers have participated in good fortune, and the younger brother admires them very much. Naturally, we want to go together."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

Yang Chen and Ling Yun clasped their hands together, "Thank you Brother Li for your success!"

"Okay, then tomorrow, Mr. Li will lead a team in our city to the third and fourth battlefields to provide support, initially clean up the meat mountain on the battlefield, ensure the safety of the defense line, and then trace the black flames to find the whereabouts of the treasure!"

"You must remember that at any time, the safety of the frontier comes first. If there is an abnormality on the Roshan side, no matter where you are, you must return to your camp as soon as possible !"


Yang Guang said with a serious face, what he said was true. Compared with the treasure that he had never met before, everyone knew how important the Roshan battlefield was.

"Understood, the Roshan battlefield comes first!"

Cai Kun nodded slowly, with the same serious expression on his face. After so many years of guarding, he certainly understands this truth.

It's just that the current situation is still stable, even if I wait for someone to leave for a while, it's not a big problem.

"Let's go, let's start tomorrow, make more preparations today."

Yang Guang flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

The atmosphere in the field instantly cooled down. Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da changed their faces for a second, looking at Li Xiaobai with killing intent in their eyes, but they turned around and disappeared into the hall without saying anything.

The rest of the monks got together in twos and threes to discuss what happened in the temple today. In their view, behind this treasure hunt was full of power disputes.

Although the treasure is very important, judging from the performance of the bosses today, it is more like a pretext.

Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da wanted to take this opportunity to lure Li Xiaobai to kill him, while Yang Guang wanted to take this opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the two cities.

They are all old foxes, and no one has taken advantage of it. The two sides restrain each other, and the final outcome must be that everyone honestly searches for treasures together, and then distributes them honestly.

"Let's go, this melon doesn't feel very sweet."

"Yeah, not only is it not sweet, but it's even unpalatable!"

"Let's just watch it honestly. This wave of operations is really flying, but I don't know who will be the beneficiary in the end!"

"Do you want to report a letter to the first battlefield?"

"Farewell, if there is a fight, we will be the ones to suffer."

"That's right, let's wait and see what happens!"

A group of monks were whispering and discussing fiercely the operation of the several city lords just now.

The fire of gossip is burning in their hearts.

"Hehe, boy, please be blessed. Don't think that with Yang Guang protecting you, you can sit back and relax. There are more than one family who want your life in the frontier, and there are countless people who want to capture you alive to exchange rewards!"

"You have no chance of surviving this time out!"

Elder Gongsun said with a sneer, he lost face today, and he must find it on Li Xiaobai.

"May I ask what cultivation level Elder Gongsun is now?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the old man in front of him and asked suddenly.

"The great consummation of the tribulation period, why ask these?"

Elder Gongsun was a little confused.

"Ants in the tribulation stage dare to bark at me, and there are countless monks in the Mahayana stage who want to kill me in Zhongzhou, but I am still standing here in good condition. Where did you get the confidence to shout at me? "

Li Xiaobai looked disdainful and didn't take it seriously.

"Heck, how dare an ant in the tribulation period dare to shout in front of this deity?"

"You didn't know where you were when this deity was fighting against the Eight Desolations!"

Ji Wuqing popped his small head out of Li Xiaobai's arms for a moment, and said mercilessly.


"It's just a junior, how dare to be so arrogant and arrogant, and has no respect for elders. Yang Chen and Ling Yun are my disciples. This time, I, Moyundong, will let you understand that some people cannot be offended!"

Elder Gongsun's expression was ferocious. It was the first time in so many years that he was despised by others in terms of cultivation.

And it's not just people who despise him, but also a chicken!

"Yang Chen and Ling Yun are my disciples. It took only a few months to join the Moyun Cave, and their cultivation base has grown by leaps and bounds. They have become high-level monks in the Tribulation Stage. They will let you understand what it means to have someone outside of you!"

Li Xiaobai sneered, this old man is also a bit interesting, he can't fight himself, so he directly fights his apprentice, isn't this cheating his own disciple?

It's a pity that this old man would never have imagined in his dreams that the two Tianjiao he was talking about happened to be his senior brothers, and even if he started fighting, he would kill the people in Moyun Cave first.

"Why didn't Elder Gongsun come together? Finding treasures is not a trivial matter."

"Hehe, why, are you afraid?"

"Want to ask for mercy now? As long as you kneel down and beg this old man, I might as well give you a chance!"

Elder Gongsun laughed. He felt that Li Xiaobai had softened. He is the genius of Moyun Cave, and he is not comparable to ordinary geniuses.

"Uh... no, I just want to say, you are always hiding in the holy city, I can't kill you."

Li Xiaobai scratched his head, the old man also felt a little good about himself.

"Hehe, old man, if you have the ability to go out of the city, I will kill you immediately!"

Ji Wuqing continued to shout.

"How courageous, the old man wants to see how long you can be arrogant!"

Elder Gongsun's face was distorted, and he was poked in the back in public, which made his heart burn with anger, and his anger reached the extreme.

Li Xiaobai didn't care about this, just chuckled, turned and left.

Inside the hall, Elder Gongsun walked towards Yang Chen and Ling Feng with a gloomy face.

"Chen'er, Feng'er, go out tomorrow, find a chance to kill Li Xiaobai, this is what City Lord Cai means."

But Yang Chen snorted coldly.

"Li Xiaobai is the pride of heaven, possessing great luck. This kind of genius will definitely be able to ascend to the upper realm in the future. We can only be friends with each other, not enemies. Elder Gongsun must not ruin the future of my Demon Cloud Cave for his own selfish desires!"

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