Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 355 Practice Is Easier Than Breathing

The city of the Fourth Battlefield is comparable to the Holy City, full of luxury.

The dragon carving style in front of the gate, and the guards are strong and extraordinary.

Li Xiaobai looked it over carefully, and Yang Guang's worry was correct, the city guarding the front line was repaired and expanded to be comparable to a holy city without knowing it, which is not a good thing.

Moreover, there is an endless stream of monks who have forgotten to come to the city. The popularity and prosperity are far from what the Holy City can compare.

Sure enough, Cai Kunxu has his own set, but the fourth battlefield has already said so. It is hard to imagine how rich the first battlefield will be. No wonder these city lords will secretly expand their power.

Sitting in such a city, who wouldn't wish to have more power in their hands?

On the warship, Cai Kunxu walked towards Li Xiaobai and handed over a pill.

"Mr. Li, this is a life-sustaining pill. You can take it to save your life in an emergency. On the battlefield, things change quickly. I will release these life-saving things in advance one by one."

"I hope Mr. Li can take care of himself!"

Cai Kunxu's pupils were flickering with coldness, and he still said with a spring breeze on his face.

"Hehe, then I would like to thank City Lord Cai."

"However, my almost invincible cultivation base doesn't need any pills to save my life. City Lord Cai should stop wasting his mind."

Li Xiaobai chuckled, and casually threw the pill into his mouth.

Attribute points +3000...

Good guy, I guessed that it was a poison pill, but I didn't expect this pill to be so poisonous. It added three thousand attribute points at once, which is not comparable to ordinary poison.

Cai Kunxu's complexion on the side also changed slightly. This poisonous pill was carefully selected by him. A monk during the tribulation period will definitely be seriously injured if he eats it, and the spiritual power in his body will be locked, making it difficult to operate in a short time. Here, Li Xiaobai How could he just eat it like a normal person?

It's unbelievable.

"It's the city lord who is busy. I admire Mr. Li's talent."

"But since this operation is led by the city lord himself, he must be responsible for the safety of every member, and must do what he should do. I also ask Mr. Li not to reject my kindness. This pill The medicine is a real tonic, I hope Mr. Li can accept it."

Cai Kunxu changed the subject, and another pale white pill appeared in the palm of his hand, and he handed it to Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai sneered again and again, this Cai Xukun is really an old hermaphrodite, hypocritical to the extreme.

Responsible for the safety of every member?

I'm afraid you are the first one who wants to kill me, but now that you are restrained by Yang Guang, you don't dare to do things blatantly.

Without even thinking about it, he raised his neck and swallowed the elixir.

With my own defense power, it is very difficult for me to have a pill that works on me.

It's just that after eating this elixir, there is no attribute point jumping out, Li Xiaobai is a little puzzled, is this really a great tonic?

However, looking at Cai Kunxu's treacherous eyes, it is not difficult to know that this thing is definitely more poisonous than the elixir just now, but I don't know why it didn't cause any harm to him.

"The city lord has lost his mind. I still prefer the elixir just now. It is effective enough. This one feels a little bit less interesting."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said slowly.

"Hehe, since Mr. Li insists on this, then the city lord can't force it. I will take care of him on the battlefield."

Cai Kun Xu smiled and said, sweeping away the gloomy expression before, he felt extremely comfortable.

The elixir he gave was not an ordinary poison elixir, but an imprisoning elixir. As long as he took it, the spiritual power in his body would gradually become difficult to circulate like a quagmire.

When he was on the battlefield, Li Xiaobai couldn't use his spiritual power, and any Roshan could kill him.

"It's time to work."

Li Xiaobai cupped his fists and said in a neutral tone.

Cai Kunxu left, went down to count the soldiers and horses, and prepared to lead people to clean up the battlefield.

Yang Chen and Ling Feng walked over, they had just witnessed the whole process, and they were a little worried about Li Xiaobai.

"Junior brother, are you okay, Cai Kunxu is not a good guy, you dare to eat the pill he brought out?"

Yang Chen said quietly.

"Don't worry, Fourth Senior Brother, it's just two poison pills, it's useless at all."

Li Xiaobai looked relaxed, patted his chest and said.

"Junior brother, how did you practice and make such rapid progress? I heard that the ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou have nothing to do with you. I'm afraid even we can't touch you now, right?"

Ling Feng's expression was uncertain, and he looked Li Xiaobai carefully up and down, as if he had discovered a new world.

"Hehe, it's just luck. Isn't it the same for the senior brothers and sisters? I heard the second senior sister say that cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking. The cultivation level is improving every moment. It's hard not to become stronger!"

Li Xiaobai thought of Ye Wushuang's coquettish operation, that wave of self-promotion can be said to have broken the sky.

That pretender is stronger than himself!

But as soon as these words came out, the expressions of Yang Chen and Ling Feng suddenly sank.

"Little brother, logically speaking, we are from the same sect, seven brothers and sisters in one sect, and the speed of cultivation is soaring all the way. Could it be that you haven't realized the seriousness of it?"

"The cultivation of geniuses like us is not as simple as eating and drinking water!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

"What does this mean?"

Seeing the two senior brothers suddenly become serious, Li Xiaobai was not used to it and was a little nervous.

"For geniuses like us, cultivation is simply simpler than breathing. Things like improving our cultivation level are basically carried out unconsciously. Even if we don't think about it, the spiritual power in our body is growing every moment. You understand what I mean. mean?"

Yang Chen suddenly said mysteriously.

"And not only that, it doesn't matter if you practice super fast, our understanding and comprehension of exercises is far beyond ordinary people, and leapfrog challenges are even simpler things. Tell me, is this something normal people can do?"

Ling Feng also nodded and said, with a serious expression on his face.

Li Xiaobai felt his heart twitch, like ten thousand muddy horses galloping past.

Listen, do people speak?

Yang Chen and Ling Feng talked like Ye Wushuang.

I give full marks to this coercion!

"Well... I understand, this is something that only a talented brother and sister can do."

Li Xiaobai said dryly.

Yang Chen shook his head, "Little Junior Brother, you don't understand. It seems that your state is different from ours. Otherwise, when Second Senior Sister makes a point, you should wake up."

"What do you mean?"

Li Xiaobai is completely dumbfounded, he cultivates fast and can kill people by leapfrogging, don't you just want to pretend to be aggressive?

Why did the atmosphere suddenly become serious?

Ling Feng thought for a moment, but decided to speak out directly.

"Little brother, the brothers and sisters have problems with their bodies. It feels like there is still a monk hidden in the body, and is practicing instead of me all the time!"

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