Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Three Hundred And Sixtieth Chapters Bound In A Cocoon


"Could it be that junior brother is related to this black flame?"

Yang Chen's expression changed, and he asked in surprise.

"Hey, well, you can't say it, you can't say it, anyway, one person on this boat today counts as one, and they all have to die. Brothers, you can just do as I say when the time comes."

"Of course, so do you."

Li Xiaobai tilted his head, and said to Yang Huan and Ji Wuqing beside him that his attacks were all indiscriminate attacks, so he had to let his teammates leave the field in advance.

"Understood, sir."

Yang Huan nodded and said, she felt that this matter was serious, the boss was about to make a move, either death or injury.

"Heck, boy, this deity is going to kill all directions!"

Ji Wuqing was not happy anymore, it felt uncomfortable not to do something in such a big scene.

"Hehe, follow you."

Li Xiaobai glanced at it, this guy just wasn't dead enough and didn't have a long memory.

It would be good to let this poor chicken die a few more times, so at least his strength will be guaranteed.

While speaking, the warship stopped and was suspended in the air.

Li Xiaobai looked out, and there was an endless black ocean below, and the end could not be seen at a glance. The warship had already reached the outer sky, but it was too late to find a foothold.

"Is this the source of the black flame?"

"What kind of treasure is it that can directly swallow the entire periphery!"

"It only took a few days before and after. There was nothing here a few days ago, but the entire wasteland was covered in such a short period of time."

"Why do I feel that this thing is more dangerous than Roshan?"

"How is this going to go down?"

All the monks were attracted by the terrifying scene below. They stayed in the inner circle and didn't notice anything. It was only when they were really in the sky above the outer wasteland that they realized the seriousness of the problem.

With such a large area of ​​flames burning fiercely, finding a treasure among them is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

And judging from the momentum of the spread of the flame, it may not be long before it can burn to cover the inner battlefield.

Li Xiaobai was also amazed in his heart, he never thought that the black flame at the beginning could grow to such a degree.

Is this the power of hanging up?

It's not a little bit strong, but it can grow to this point just by letting it burn freely. It seems that hanging up is the best choice for Hellfire leveling.

On the bow, Xiong Da and Cai Kunxu also felt very difficult.

The momentum of the flames below far exceeded their imagination.

The small flame they found in the third battlefield two days ago was easily extinguished, so they didn't arouse too much vigilance.

But today's situation can no longer be described as serious. This black flame has become a phenomenon. I am afraid that even they cannot easily extinguish it, and the burning speed of this flame is very fast. If it is left unattended, it will definitely burn in two days. To the third and fourth battlefields.

It is not impossible to affect their cities.

The treasure must be found as soon as possible, and then the flames must be extinguished. The most urgent task is to find a foothold and hurry down.

"Old Cai, what do you think?"

Xiong Da frowned and looked at the scene below, and asked.

"How can you look at it? The flames are burning on the periphery, and they have already spread out of the periphery and spread to the no-man's land outside. If it continues to burn like this, let alone the frontier, I am afraid that even the Fairy Spirit Continent will suffer."

"Let's move fast, don't get killed by the flames before Roshan fully recovers, find a place and open up a small space to come out."

Cai Kunxu said lightly.


The warship circled around in the void and sank slowly.

On the bow of the boat, Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da joined forces, pinched the Yin Jue with their hands, and the phantoms of the two primordial spirits stood upright in the sky and went straight into the clouds.

The mighty power of primordial spirit swept across, forcefully retreating the fire below, opening up an open space, and the warship landed in the flame wrap.

The landing site chosen by Cai Kunxu is located in the center of the wasteland, where it is easiest to explore the treasures in the flames.

Of course, it is also the most suitable for Li Xiaobai to kill people and seize treasures.

"Did you see that? This is the strength of the city lord. The primordial spirit of a Mahayana monk can stare at a low-level monk to death with just one look!"

The young man before did not know when he came over again, and said with a proud face.

"The Mahayana period is of course powerful, but what does it have to do with you?"

Li Xiaobai scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth, you will soon accept the beating of reality!"

The young man said coldly.

"Go away, believe it or not, I threw you into the flames?"

Yang Chen went up and dunked, kicking the young man away.

"You wait for me!"

The young man clutched his butt and limped away.

Li Xiaobai jumped off the warship and looked around.

There was only a small piece of open space in the flames, which could accommodate the warship and a group of monks, but the problem of the flames could not be solved, and it was still difficult for everyone to move an inch on this wasteland.

As long as Li Xiaobai wants to, he can re-establish contact with this piece of hellfire at any time, and manipulate the flames to devour everyone.

But it's not yet time, it will take time to receive this piece of hellfire.

"Everyone, the treasure is in this black flame, but now we know very little about this black flame. Is there any monk who recommends himself and is willing to go to explore the way?"

Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da in front looked at the flame carefully for a moment, then frowned and asked.

The ability of this flame is too strange, the spiritual power they released to explore the way was swallowed up in an instant, as if there was a black hole hidden in this black flame, it was a bottomless pit.

You have to find someone to explore the way and see the specific situation of the flame before you can make a decision.

The monks whispered to each other. In the current situation, the entire wasteland is shrouded in darkness. There is only one way to die if you go into the flames with your eyes smeared.

Among other things, I couldn't even tell the direction in the darkness, let alone endure the burning of the flames.

"Mr. Li is a peerless arrogance, and his cultivation is considered outstanding among us, second only to the existence of the city lord. I think it is very appropriate for Mr. Li to enter the flames to find his weak point!"

Among the crowd, a monk said loudly, pointing directly at Li Xiaobai as soon as he opened his mouth.

Li Xiaobai followed the sound and saw that it was still the young man who provoked him who was speaking, his face darkened, this guy really never died before, if he did such a death, he must not let him go for a while.

"That's right, Mr. Li is a talent of the heavens, and he is also a master personally recommended by the city lord of the holy city. If he takes the initiative, he will definitely be able to find out the truth about this black flame!"

"I support Mr. Li!"

The rest of the young monks also booed, agreeing a hundred to what the young man said.

Killed Cai Kunxu's personal guards, in their view, this Li Xiaobai is the sinner of the fourth battlefield, and should be apologetic!

Being able to die in the flames is considered an advantage to the opponent.

Killing intent flashed in Yang Chen's eyes, "Grandma, these bastards really have a long life!"

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