Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 365 Secret Technique, Repeated Horizontal Jump


"I `m coming out……"

"I went in again..."

"I `m coming out……"

"Hey, I went in again..."

"It's all right..."

In the arena, a group of monks looked at Li Xiaobai in front of him repeatedly jumping horizontally in the flames, playing like crazy, and their dull eyes slowly returned to calm.

Doubts arose in their hearts, this Li Xiaobai is definitely a real person, but why did he enter the flames and nothing happened?

Could it be that the flame really didn't hurt at all?

Cai Kunxu stared at Li Xiaobai who was repeatedly jumping sideways. Could it be that this flame was different from the one found in the battlefield, and didn't burn the spiritual power in the monk's body?

With an attitude of being cautious, Cai Kunxu stretched out his hand and said to the jumpy young man, "Go in and try to see if there is really no problem with the flame?"

"City Master, there is no need for this, Mr. Li has already proved that there is nothing wrong with the flame, should we go directly into it?"

The young man was a little apprehensive, the power of the hellfire looked quite intimidating, even with Li Xiaobai leading the charge now, he didn't dare to step in easily.

Cai Kunxu narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of coldness, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Don't dare!"

The young man said hastily.

"It's good to know. I am the city lord. As the city lord, I must be responsible for the safety of every brother. Can you understand what I mean?"

Cai Kunxu continued.

Youth "Understood!"

"Now that you understand, let's go in."

Cai Kunxu's expression was indifferent, revealing an unquestionable feeling.

The young man had no choice but to walk towards Li Xiaobai's direction, his heart beating a little, but judging by the relaxed expression on the other side, there shouldn't be any problem.

Li Xiaobai waved to the young man with a smile, as if he hadn't seen a friend for many years.

As long as this guy dares to come in, he can be burned to ashes in an instant.

Stopping at the edge of the flame, the young man cautiously stretched out a finger, and lightly touched the pitch-black flame.

Hei Yan swayed, strands of black threads covered his entire body, and in the blink of an eye, the young man was reduced to a pool of ashes.

The whole process took less than a second, and there was no abnormal sound at all, which seemed weird and natural.

All the monks present were shuddering at the moment, and they couldn't help shivering, and the eyes that looked at the flame instantly became terrified.

"What's the situation, Brother Wang was directly burned to slag!"

"Yeah, what's going on, why is Li Xiaobai safe and sound in it?"

"He must be carrying a treasure, the boss of Zhongzhou said,"

Cai Kunxu also looked at Li Xiaobai in front of him as if he were looking at a monster.

"There is a big problem with this flame. It is definitely not something that monks in the Tribulation Period can block. Who are you?"

Xiong Da quietly distanced himself from the flames, and the phantom of gods and demons towering over the sky in the void was powerful, and the tyrannical pressure fell from the sky, and the surrounding pitch-black flames were blown away a lot in an instant.

Li Xiaobai's figure broke away from the flames.

"I'm Li Xiaobai. You've been thinking hard about killing me, but you haven't even figured out the situation of your opponent. I have to say, you let me down."

Li Xiaobai said slowly with a calm expression.

"This flame can burn the spiritual power in a monk's body. Even I dare not step in it lightly. What kind of sorcery did you use to survive the black flame without any injuries?"

Cai Kunxu still showed unstoppable surprise in his eyes.

"That's your dish. A master at my level is not afraid of any existence anymore!"

"It's unbearably cold at high places, invincible is very lonely, if you don't accept it, come to fight!"

Li Xiaobai's expression was arrogant, and he didn't take Cai Kunxu seriously.

"Boy, die for me!"

Cai Kunxu was furious, his dantian internal exercises were running wildly, and he stretched out a hand to grab Li Xiaobai who was in the flames.

Five fingers formed into claws, covered with powerful primordial power, and stabbed into the flames, but then his face changed, and in just a split second, the spiritual power and primordial power covered in his hands were swallowed up in an instant.

The flesh and blood on his hands melted away, turning into a dry bone.

Withdrawing his wrist like lightning, Cai Kunxu's figure exploded, and he retreated to the edge of the flame, a stormy sea arose in his heart.

In just a split second, his primordial power was devoured, and the flame was really a little scary.

The dry bones on the hands were dripping with blood.

"It's impossible, my Mahayana cultivation base was burned off in an instant!"

"You are not the pride of heaven they say at all, who are you, why did you sneak into my border area in disguise, and what is your purpose!"

Cai Kunxu was startled and frightened, the flames in front of him were extremely weird, he could be sure that if he fell into it, he would definitely not survive half an hour!

"I never said that I was a young man, everything was created by you."

"I keep saying that I am a genius and an invincible existence, but no one believes me. What can I do?"

Li Xiaobai shrugged and said innocently.

Xiong Da on the side also retreated like flying, leaving only a group of bewildered melon eaters standing in place.

"This kind of flame can kill the Mahayana period!"

"Li Xiaobai is not a young talent at all!"

"He is a hidden thousand-year-old monster!"

"What is the purpose of this person coming to the frontier!"

Cai Kunxu screamed in surprise, and appeared on the battleship in a flash, salvaged the bloody bone palms from the void, and threw a group of monks who were in a state of confusion below onto the battleship.


"There is a big problem with this person!"

In the void, the two gigantic gods, demons, primordial spirits, phantoms raised their fists and smashed hard at Li Xiaobai who was on the ground.

At the same time, layers of inscriptions in the battleship manifested, drifted into the air, rose into the sky, and instantly turned into a stream of light.

"Hehe, I can't escape."

Li Xiaobai raised his head and smiled faintly, turned his wrist, and a long sword appeared in his hand, raised it above his head, and slashed down casually.

Just for a moment, the monks on the battleship were out of control, and rushed backwards suddenly.

He knelt down on his knees, raised his hands high up, in a gesture of worship, and slammed them down into the pitch-black flames.

"What the hell am I..."

"What's going on, my body doesn't listen!"

"Why do I run towards the black flame?"

"This pose is embarrassing..."

A group of monks looked terrified and panicked.

He watched helplessly as his body sank into the pitch-black flames, and then the black flames moved, and before he could let out a miserable howl, he was instantly reduced to ashes.

Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da were horrified, what kind of sorcery is this, it can be controlled by force, and even their Mahayana cultivation base can control it, without the slightest resistance, they are submerged in the darkness.

"Old Cai, think of a way!"

"If I had a way, I would have already run away..."

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