Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 37 The Hinayana School, Yun Mengqing

Li Xiaobai was very annoyed, he didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance in this kind of place.

What's more, Zhang Rui was still as shameless as ever, secretly taking away his space ring.

After a while, we must concoct the opponent well.

Let him know the dangers of society!

After taking away Li Xiaobai's interspatial ring, Zhang Rui retreated back into the crowd, not intending to continue searching for the treasure.

The man in black robe gave him a very contemptuous look.

"Hehe, a dignified disciple of the Tianwu Sect actually did such a disgraceful thing. I really don't know how your parents taught you on weekdays."

Zhang Rui's face turned blue and white, but he didn't say anything, he wanted to see what is so mysterious about this formation.

"Why didn't I notice the slightest danger in this formation?"

"I also feel that this formation seems to be just for show."

"But if you take a closer look, there are more than a dozen monster inner alchemy in the formation, and the monk who sent out a distress signal before dying, this is obviously a dangerous place!"

"That's true. I'm afraid this formation has killed many golden core stage monsters. We can't untie it."

"Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, maybe we are lucky or maybe it is!"

Many disciples also began to chatter and discuss.

It is impossible to say that there is no danger in the birth of a strange treasure. Years of experience in cultivating immortals told them that no treasure can be obtained easily.

Not to mention it's a treasure, even picking a stalk of spiritual grass on the side of the mountain may encounter unimaginable dangers.

Therefore, the calmer the performance on the mountain top, the more restless the crowd became.

There must be something wrong with this formation, but the big guys still can't perceive what is wrong, and they are at a loss for a while.

"Is there any Taoist friend who understands the formation? Let's study this formation together. If we can successfully crack it, no matter what kind of treasure it is, we will give him 30%!" said Xiang Natural Enemy.

"I come!"

Among the crowd, a female cultivator in white came out.

"It's Yun Mengqing from The Hinayana Sect!"

"I heard that she was brought back from the West Desert in the early years, and she was born with the inheritance of Buddhism!"

"That's true. It is said that this woman is devoted to cultivation and has long since cut off her ordinary thoughts. When I saw her today, she really is so!"

"With her shot, it should be possible!"

Surprised in the eyes of the natural enemy, he did not expect that even the fairies of the Hinayana sect participated in this operation.

However, Yun Mengqing has the inheritance of Hinayana Buddhism in his body, he has read many books since he was a child, and he is very proficient in all kinds of knowledge, so he may be able to see the key to this formation.

"Fairy Laoyun is here."

"No problem."

Yunmeng said calmly, and walked towards the formation slowly.

First, she checked Li Xiaobai's injuries, and couldn't help frowning. She didn't observe the slightest injury on Li Xiaobai's body, and he seemed to be asleep.

Could it be a mental injury?

Yun Mengqing knew that the most dangerous attack in the world was not aimed at the body, but directly at the soul.

When the sea of ​​consciousness is annihilated, it is futile to always have magical powers.

It seems to be careful.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, his hands continued to evolve the formation in the void, trying to reverse the essence of the formation in front of him.

One after another faint traces of the Dao manifested in the void, intertwined continuously, and under the flow of the Dao Rhyme, everyone was shocked.

This Yun Mengqing is only at the Great Perfection level of the Golden Core stage. It is really not easy to reach this level of comprehension of the nature of the heavens and the earth, and he has already begun to have the invincible qualifications.

The patterns in the void aroused the resonance of Yunmengqing's dantian, and the sound of Dao Sanskrit sounded like the murmur of gods and Buddhas.

"This formation has some tricks."

Yun Mengqing laughed lightly.

The glow in the dantian appeared, and in the void, a golden Buddha phantom appeared, holding a scripture scroll in his hand, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to be whispering.

Being in this world, many monks felt that their spiritual platforms were completely bright, their comprehension of their own skills had increased, and the long-shackled realm barriers showed signs of loosening.

I was even more astonished in my heart, but it was just the vision of the evolution of the dantian, which was able to drive the people around me to break through together.

Is this monk with inheritance really so terrifying?

Li Xiaobai was also a little nervous, and the attribute points in front of him kept beating.

Attribute point +10...

Attribute point +10...

This woman named Yun Mengqing made a lot of noise, and this movement method is also full of special effects, so she can't really see the essence of this formation.

In that case, I will become a public enemy of the whole people.

But now that things are up to now, I can only bite the bullet and pretend, I just hope that my brother's formation is not a commonplace.

The situation is much better than expected.

Even though Yunmengze has evolved in the void for a long time, his brows are still furrowed, looking very troublesome.

She repeated the deduction dozens of times, but the results were different each time, as if the formation in front of her was a living thing, changing every moment.

No wonder many monks thought this formation was completely useless, no wonder this formation killed so many golden core stage monsters, no wonder this unknown monk died so strangely.

She had never seen such a formation in her life, it was so surprising.

Standing up, he picked up a stone and threw it into the formation, but nothing happened.

He took out another spirit stone and threw it in, but nothing happened.

"How?" Asked the natural enemy.

"There is something wrong with this formation, but I have learned that the formation is changing every moment. Whether it becomes a killing formation or a non-threatening formation is random. As far as the current situation is concerned, this The formation is not offensive in any way, and you can enter and exit at will."

Yun Mengqing said.

Li Xiaobai's face twitched, the woman said something like that, I really don't know if she was talking about her being a pig teammate or a god assist.

"If that's the case, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take out the treasure chest. We'll talk about the distribution later!"

Say it to the natural enemy, and you can't wait to rush out.

At this time, the white figure flashed past and rushed straight to the treasure box in the formation. It was Zhang Rui who had been waiting for a long time.

There was a hint of teasing in Xiang Natural Enemy's eyes, he was just pretending to lead people to test the formation, but he didn't expect Zhang Rui to really save face.

What if you got the treasure chest?

It is located on the top of the mountain, and there is a cliff behind it. If you want to go down the mountain, there is only one way to go. At that time, you have to honestly hand over the treasure chest.

However, there were not many people who could understand the situation. Most of the monks saw that Zhang Rui took the treasure chest in his hand without being attacked by the formation, and their eyes immediately turned red.

They ran their skills one after another, rushed to its location, and wanted to snatch the treasure chest.

More and more monks rushed forward, and everyone was fighting for it. In desperation, Xiang Natural Enemy and a few other elites also joined the battle.

There is only one way down the mountain, and there is no chance of being blocked by anyone. Whoever can snatch the treasure chest will be able to successfully own it.

The air waves rolled over the top of the mountain, and the rocks shattered.

The colorful exercises collided with each other.

It's just that no one noticed that the corpse lying on the edge of the formation had disappeared at some point...

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