Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 383: Mei Changqing Makes A Move

This strange black flame is burning the spiritual power in its dantian, and the speed of devouring it is extremely terrifying.

It was the same with the rest of the Holy Sons, the spiritual power in their bodies bottomed out almost instantly.

"Holy Son, quickly activate the power of the bloodline to block the attack of the flames!"

A few old guards roared angrily, with just a short breath, more than half of the spiritual power in their bodies was consumed, let alone their own holy son, who wanted to struggle, but his body was firmly kneeling on the ground, if this continues , They are probably all going to die here.

What exactly is this flame is so terrifying, the most important thing is that Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da didn't disclose such an important situation at all.

Damn the city lord, he really is a scam!

In the flames, Er Gouzi's eyes rolled around. If anyone in the field was the most calm, it must be him. The moment his body lost control, he realized that it was Li Xiaobai's demon sword.

It has seen this evil sword many times before, and it is absolutely impossible to admit that it is wrong. This shameful kneeling posture is the same as before.

He never expected that it was Li Xiaobai who was hiding in the flames.

Although it doesn't know how the other party did it, it knows that it doesn't have to die.

Quietly yelled toward the depths of the flames, "Boy, let your Er Gouzi in, the spiritual power of Er Gouzi has bottomed out."

In the darkness, a hand popped out silently, lifted Er Gouzi's body and pulled it in.

In the center of the flame, a person, a chicken, and a dog stared with wide eyes.

"Wang, boy, Lord Er Gouzi said that there is something wrong with this place, so it is you who are causing the trouble!"

"All this is your routine again, isn't it?"

Er Gouzi was furious, he should have thought of it long ago, but he didn't expect to be given a trick now.

"Heck, boy, why did you let this dead dog in, you should burn it to death!"

Ji ruthlessly screamed.

"You bastard, you actually want to murder your second dog, you are so daring!"

Er Gouzi was furious and bit Ji Wuqing like crazy.

A gleam of red flashed in Ji Wuqing's eyes. Now it is not what it used to be. It has died ten times. It has initially opened the blood in its body. Today it will bloody two dogs.

Flapping its wings in the air, it suddenly pecked at Er Gouzi.

But then it was dumbfounded, and a dirty white paw patted it, directly pressing it to the ground and being unable to move.

"How is this possible, the deity has clearly become stronger, why can you, a broken dog, suppress the deity!"

Ji Wuqing's eyes were full of shock.

"A little grass chicken still wants to go to the sky, but to tell you the truth, your Er Gouzi is already a real master of the tribulation period, and it is only a snap of the fingers to deal with a small character like you."

Er Gouzi said lightly, changed into a comfortable position and pulled Ji Wuqing under him.

Li Xiaobai was very speechless, both chicken and dog had an inexplicable sense of superiority, a kind of mysterious self-confidence.

"Look carefully from the side, Er Gouzi, after entering, you will be the only holy son of Huolin Cave, and the Huolin Conquest for Hegemony will come to an end in advance."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Wang, kid, don't kill those Qilins, Er Gouzi will only count if he devours them!"

Er Gouzi suddenly became anxious, Li Xiaobai was taken aback, there is such a saying?

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, and two powerful coercions descended suddenly, and the massive black flame forcibly opened a path from it.

Attribute points +10000...

Li Xiaobai's pupils shrank suddenly, but this coercion brought him 10,000 attribute points, not an ordinary monk, but a super expert.

"I wipe, there are masters, run!"

At the moment, he didn't care about controlling the people in Huolin Cave, so he put away his long sword and grabbed Ji Wuqing and Er Gouzi and ran away, hiding deeper in the flames.

In the void, a god, demon, and primordial spirit that covered the sky and the sun manifested, stood upright, and grabbed the battlefield below with a giant hand that covered the sky, and plunged into the hellfire for a while to salvage, killing the three Qilin beasts and four guardians. Salvage it.

The current coverage area is 415 meters...

The current coverage is 420 meters...

Li Xiaobai's eyeballs were about to pop out. What kind of operation was this? After being burned by the black flame and devouring spiritual power, the arm of the primordial spirit didn't change at all. Who was it that came? There was such a massive amount of spiritual power Power, without fear of the burning of hellfire.

Moreover, the power of this primordial spirit's arm is extremely pure, and just a little burning adds ten meters to the initial coverage of Hellfire, which is really incredible.

Quietly parting a ray of flame, spying towards the battlefield.

Two figures stood outside the fourth battlefield, one was gentle and refined, and the other was sharp and murderous.

It turned out to be Mei Changqing and Wang Guan. The phantom of the primordial spirit in the void is Mei Changqing's masterpiece. This is the first time Li Xiaobai has seen someone with so much spiritual power that they are not afraid of the burning of hellfire. It is not at the same level as other Mahayana monks.

As expected of a cultivator who can formidably defeat the Heavenly Sword Song Que, it is indeed extraordinary.

outside the battlefield.

A group of people in Huolin Cave fell to the ground in all directions, panting heavily, their eyes full of horror, this black flame is so terrifying.

There is no way to escape the control they had just now. If Mei Changqing hadn't arrived, they, the holy sons, would all die here today.

"Thank you, City Lord Mei, if I didn't have you today, I'm afraid I would have to confess here."

Wang Ba recovered a little bit, stood up with strength, and thanked him with his hand.

"It's a trivial matter, no need to say much, go back and have a good rest"

Mei Changqing said slowly, he and Wang Guan knew that there must be some kind of big secret hidden in the fourth battlefield, but they didn't expect this secret to be so shocking.

Following several holy sons, he witnessed the whole process. The flame could actually burn and devour the spiritual power in the cultivator's body. Just now, his phantom of the primordial spirit was swallowed up a lot, although it is harmless compared to the endless spiritual power in the dantian , but the terrifying speed of devouring is not something that ordinary Mahayana monks can resist.

When did this level of treasure appear in this frontier?

"Where are my holy sons, why did only three holy sons come out, where did the Huolin holy son go?"

Jiang Yi's shout interrupted Mei Changqing's thoughts, and he fixed his eyes on several holy sons, his pupils constricted for a while.

One is missing!

The most pretended Qilin beast disappeared.

Mei Changqing was very clear about what this meant, and sighed quietly, "Old Jiang, please give me some condolences. It seems that the son of Huolin has left early."

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