But Li Xiaobai also heard some secrets.

For example, in the depths of the frontier, there should be a monk trapped by Mei Changqing. According to the other party's description, this monk should be an elderly man.

Moreover, this old man had participated in the last battle for the spirit energy, and successfully captured the spirit energy that he was looking at.

However, due to the introduction of too much fairy spirit, it could not control its own strength.

Why does this introduction sound so familiar?

It seems that the old beggar is like this. The old guy said before that he wanted to go out and find some old friends. Could it be that he was locked up in the depths of the border?

I have to find a chance to take a look, this old man is too worrying.

Half an hour later, Li Xiaobai returned to his hut in the holy city.

Pushing open the door, in the room, besides Yang Huan, there was a Erha and an old man.

It was Ergouzi and Jiang Yi.

"Boss, this Huolin Holy Son insists on breaking in, and I can't stop him."

Yang Huan said in a panic, the other party's background was too great, and her cultivation level completely crushed her, so she didn't dare to express anything at all.

"It's okay, I know this broken dog, it's not dangerous."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, signaling Yang Huan to stay calm.

"Wang, boy, you are back, hurry up and give your Er Gouzi to follow Huazi!"

Er Gouzi barked.

"One pack of top-quality spirit stones."

Li Xiaobai glanced at it and said calmly.

"Wang, boy, you are blackmailing!"

"Your security captain is paid at the highest price in the market, why do you still feel distressed about a top-quality spirit stone?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Er Gouzi with a half-smile and said.

"We have to use every spirit stone reasonably. You, Hua Zi, clearly only need a hundred low-grade spirit stones for a package. If you want to deceive your lord Ergouzi, there is no way!"

Er Gouzi bared his teeth, looking as if he was about to rush up and bite at any moment.

"Hehe, dead dog, don't be too arrogant, all the Huazi here belong to the deity, you don't want to take any of them!"

Ji Wuqing picked it out, glaring and frowning.

But in the next second, Er Gouzi slapped him with a paw and pulled him under him.

"It's a waste of resources, what kind of Huazi are you, a bastard."

Er Gouzi said lightly.

There was a flutter of chickens and dogs in the house, as if returning to the time a few months ago.

Li Xiaobai felt a headache and threw out a bag of Huazi, "Er Gouzi, since there is no spirit stone, let's talk about some information."

"What information?"

Er Gouzi quickly pulled Hua Zipa into his arms, and asked with a confused face.

Li Xiaobai's face darkened, "Er Gouzi, after being separated for such a long time, don't you have anything to say? For example, what happened after you were taken away that day?"

"Well, that's a long story."

Er Gouzi shook his head and glanced at Yang Huan who was beside him in a daze.

Li Xiaobai understood, and threw it backhanded.

"Miss Yang, let's discuss important matters tomorrow. It's getting late today, so let's rest first."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and closed the doors and windows, leaving only Yang Huan standing outside the door with a dazed expression on her face. She was kicked out by the boss again.

And it seems that the boss and the Huolin Son have known each other for a long time, and there is some kind of ulterior secret between each other, otherwise she would not be driven out.

Thinking of all the things along the way, Yang Huan's eyes gradually became shocked. Could it be that the boss is not only good at Long Yang, but also has a special liking for beasts?

No wonder the boss is always accompanied by a chicken, loves and kills each other, never leaves, this secret is really amazing!

Yang Huan only felt that she knew something she shouldn't know, so she hurriedly turned around and left, not daring to stay any longer, she was afraid that she would hear some bad voices if she stayed any longer.

The image of the boss in her heart is still perfect.

Li Xiaobai didn't know about Yang Huan's little thoughts, nor was he interested. He was listening carefully to Er Gouzi in the room at the moment.

After Yang Huan left, Er Gouzi immediately changed his appearance, his original hippie smiling face instantly changed into a serious poker face.

"Wang, boy, Master Er Gouzi is a blessing in disguise this time, and Laoshizi Huolin Cave captured Master Er Gouzi just to activate the Qilin blood in our body."

"There is a blood pool in the Huolin Cave, which is formed by the blood essence of ancient Qilin beasts. The Qilin beasts of all ages have to soak in the blood pool to awaken the power of blood in their bodies."

"Entering the blood pool, the power of the blood in the body will be activated, and the cultivation of spiritual power will also be greatly increased, but at the same time, a torrent of ancient memories will rush into the brain, affecting the primordial spirit of the Qilin beast. It feels similar to A brainwashing operation."

"The other three holy sons have been brainwashed, and they have been thoroughly washed. Compared with entering the blood pool, they have completely changed their appearance. Mr. Er Gouzi speculates that it should be the influence of the blood pool, which forcibly changed their appearance. Personality, maybe there are some instructions in their brains."

Er Gouzi slowly talked about his experiences after parting. He didn't suffer any grievances in Huolin Cave. As Qilin's holy son, even if he was not welcomed by others, he had to be worshiped as a master.

And with a Mahayana guardian at will, the possibility of being bullied is zero.

The only thing that makes it a little uncomfortable is that the masters of Huolin Cave will help it correct its standing posture, sitting posture, and talk every three days.

During the time in Huolin Cave, without the part of swearing, it could barely speak.

"Heck, dead dog, you are really happy in Huolin Cave, we are suffering outside, and you are enjoying it alone, you traitor!"

Ji Wuqing was full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Huolin Cave is an established force, and it would be nice to think about being offered as a grandpa in this kind of place.

"You bastard, you know what an egg, Lord Ergouzi is a prodigal son, destined to be unable to stop at a certain place, you know how lonely Lord Ergouzi is behind the infinite scenery of Huolin Cave. "

Er Gouzi grinned widely, and pressed Ji Wuqing under him with another paw. After many days, it was already able to ravage the other party at will.

"Then you also entered the blood pool, why weren't you affected?"

Li Xiaobai ignored the commotion and continued to ask.

Er Gouzi's appearance now is the same as when they parted, and the mouth is still the same.

Jiang Yi on the side also pricked up his ears and listened carefully. This is also a question that has always been in his mind, not only him, but almost the entire Huolin Cave.

The gang of high-ranking bosses originally thought that Er Gouzi would be reborn after entering the pool of blood, completely saying goodbye to the vulgar appearance in the past.

But unexpectedly, among the several holy sons, only Ergouzi was not affected at all. Not only that, but the resonance he had with the ancestor Qilin in the blood pool was the strongest in hundreds of years.

All indications indicated that these two dogs were the closest to their ancestors, but they were so bird-like that it was unacceptable for a while.

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