at the same time.

Cai Kunxu has gathered all his troops and followed Xiong Da to the third battlefield.

Xiong Da was very confused. They didn't go directly to the fourth city to recruit soldiers, but directly recruited people from the bathhouse in the holy city. These monks, regardless of men and women, were all dressed in bathrobes, and their faces were full of reluctance. , Even the hair is still dripping.

Can such a team go to the battlefield?

"My lord, I was caught out halfway through the bath. I don't know when I'll have to wait until I want to go in again next time. You have to pay me the spirit stone."

"That's right, my lord, those bastards will definitely grab my seat. It's hard to grab Tang Neng Yipin's seat now!"

The cultivators had resentful eyes and kept complaining. Many of them originally wanted to use Tang Neng Yipin's power to break through the realm, but they didn't expect to be caught by the city lord in the middle, which was really uncomfortable.

"Go back and talk to Mr. Li, let you spend a day for free, don't complain, we are going to reinforce the third battlefield this time, there are flooded mountains of meat, countless monks were killed and injured, and the city master Xiong came here specially to ask for help."

Cai Kun Xu said with a smile.

"This... yes, I still have to rely on you, but the strength of Roshan is not what it used to be. Should you make preparations before going?"

Xiong Da looked at the monks all dressed in bathrobes in front of him, feeling a little confused, how could such a group of incomprehensible monks fight against Roshan on the battlefield.

Among other things, the bathrobes on those female cultivators may slip off if they move twice, can this be done?

"No, it's just a few mountains of meat. Let's make a quick decision and come back early to continue taking a bath."

A group of monks expressed their opinions one after another, and they didn't take that meat mountain seriously in their expressions. With Hua Zi, they really have no fear of meat mountain.


Xiong Da was completely stunned, not understanding what was going on.

It seems that something extraordinary happened in the past few days after he left the Holy City. Not only did the Holy City suddenly become more prosperous, but even this group of monks became arrogant.

If he remembered correctly, the level of monks in the Fourth Battlefield was generally lower than that of the Third Battlefield, but now they said such arrogant words, who gave them confidence?

An hour later.

In the third battlefield, blood mist filled the air, roars shook the sky, and a stench came from the pavement from far away.

The monks tried their best to fight Roshan, but more of them were killing each other.

Elder Ji has disappeared, leaving only a group of monks desperately resisting on the battlefield.

"Quick, hurry up and invite Ji Lao!"

"There are too many mountains of meat, gathered together, only Mahayana monks can break them!"

"Our people have lost their minds. Damn it, why did the Huolin Cave elder leave? I'm afraid we will all be buried here today."

The monks' eyes were red, their chests heaved violently, and their bodies were covered in blood, staring at the scene in the blood mist.

Remnants and broken arms covered the battlefield again, and the scene became even more tragic.

"Quick retreat, retreat, rebuild the defense line on the edge of the battlefield, and wait for rescue!"

The monks quickly made a decision and began to retreat. More and more mountains of meat appeared in front of them, which they could not resist at all. If they were not careful, they would get lost in it and become a killing machine without emotion.

But at this moment, wisps of white smoke quietly floated into the battlefield, and the monks couldn't help sniffing, but in an instant, the mental depression symptoms caused by the blood mist were swept away.

Not only that, they felt that the internal organs in their bodies were purged of impurities in an instant, and the spiritual platform was clear. All the doubts and puzzles about martial arts in the past were now self-defeating, and their thinking ability has improved a lot.

All of a sudden, the monks felt a turmoil in their hearts. What is this? There is such a miraculous effect that even the negative effects brought by Roshan can be eliminated, which is really inconceivable.

Looking in the direction of the smoke, a large number of monks in bathrobes were walking slowly, men and women, all holding a smoking treasure in their mouths.

The white smoke came from here.

The leader is Xiong Da, the monks are collectively petrified, didn't they say to ask for help?

How did you bring back such a bunch of weird things?

What the hell is the bathrobe on her body? The water stains on the hair have not been completely dried, can you pack it up and come back?

This look should not be too casual, as if it was just here for an outing.

"The city lord!"

"Well, the reinforcements for the fourth battlefield have arrived, where is Ji Lao?"

Xiong Da looked around and asked.

"This... Ji Lao said let's clean up the battlefield first, and call him after something happens."

A monk said.

Xiong Da frowned. Ji Lao's move put the border monks in dire straits. Without the Mahayana monks in charge, the border monks could not resist the invasion of Roshan. The number of monks who were originally left was even more acute Almost half of them fell into the blood mist.

If things go on like this, even with reinforcements from the fourth battlefield, his entire army will be wiped out on the third battlefield.

"Hurry up and ask Mr. Ji to come over, important matters in the frontier are not to be trifled with!"

Xiong Da said in a deep voice, Huolin Cave can help with matters on the battlefield. He has no reason to ask others to do anything. The soldier's life was treated as a trifling matter, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"City Lord Cai, you have seen the situation on the battlefield, it is extremely dangerous, and please be careful with the brothers who come to reinforce."

Cai Kunxu waved his hand and said, "That's not necessary, City Lord Xiong's people can withdraw, and my sons and daughters in the fourth battlefield will defeat Roshan and rescue the monks trapped in the blood fog."

Xiong Da was dazed, he didn't understand where the other party's confidence came from, the situation was already so difficult, could it be that the other party didn't see the broken limbs and arms below?

While thinking, a group of monks in bathrobes had already stepped into the battlefield slowly, not taking his words to heart.

"Brothers and sisters, are Huazi ready?"

"Bring it on!"

"Then let's go, kill this batch of meat mountains, go back and take a bath!"

The monks on the fourth battlefield were very comfortable, and they could not see the panic of the enemy at all.

Slowly lit a Huazi, took a small sip, and swallowed the clouds for a while, showing no signs of being eroded by the blood-colored mist.

The monks who evacuated outside the field were stunned. What's going on? Why are these people not affected by Roshan?

And what is that smoking stick in their mouths?

Xiong Da also looked shocked, and didn't understand what was going on. It seemed that the group of people on the way here had such a stick in their mouths.

What kind of fetish is it that is not afraid of the invasion of Roshan's breath!

In the midst of their thoughts, a group of monks already walked into the blood fog battlefield with Huazi in their mouths...

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