Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 419: What Happened To The Old Beggar

"Let's call it a tie, let's let it go, how about it?"

Li Xiaobai cheerfully shuttled through the formation, letting the murderous aura in the formation sweep away, his body as stable as Mount Tai, without any falsehood.

"This kid, I haven't seen you for a few months, how did he become so strong?"

"This talent is even more perverted than the old beggar. I really don't know how to cultivate it."

The old beggar muttered, he still remembered that when they parted, the other party was only equivalent to the strength of the transcending tribulation stage, and in such a short period of time, he was not afraid to obliterate the formation of the monks of the Mahayana stage.

The progress is too fast.

Attribute points +50000...

Attribute points +50000...

This attribute point is comparable to the stomach of the big brother of the sea clan. If you wait two hours longer, I am afraid that millions of attribute points will be credited. For a while, Li Xiaobai is not in a hurry to get the old beggar out.

"Boy, get the old beggar out quickly, this place is so smelly, it's really not a place for people to stay."

The old beggar said cursingly, he would get angry when he saw Li Xiaobai's calm look.

"Senior, don't panic, first check to see if there is anything missing on your body, in case something happens later."

Li Xiaobai reminded very understandingly.

Hearing this, the old beggar immediately groped for a while, but then he reacted.

"What the hell, you have a deep trick, and you still want to deceive the old beggar. The old beggar has nothing on him, and all his belongings are in your hands."

The old beggar said while blowing his beard and staring, and almost lost his mind again.

The boy on the opposite side was listless, and seemed to be reminding him not to forget to take something, but in fact he wanted to test whether he still had any good things on him.

He won't fall twice in the same pit, trying to lie to him is just a dream!

The toes squirmed without a trace, um, it was very restful, and the space ring was still there.

"Why is senior here? Who trapped senior here?"

Li Xiaobai spread his hands, and continued to ask, this old thing is not a novice, after recovering from the initial shock, it is not easy to deceive.

"The old beggar came here to meet up with old friends, and to see how Roshan's recovery is going, but he didn't expect to be victimized by an adulterer and oppressed here!"

The old beggar said.

"But Mei Changqing?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"It's not just Mei Changqing, but also the young man surnamed Wang. The two young men came over to ask me if they could exchange ideas. As soon as I nodded, I slapped them. One Baoshan Seal, one Tiangang Sword, The speed is very fast, but I have guarded against it."

"I told them that there is no need to learn from each other, and friendship is the first. As a result, Mei Changqing used some skills to communicate with an ancient altar deep in the mountains, and suddenly there was a fairy spirit in his body. The ancient killing formation forcibly suppressed me here."

"Cheat me, a hundred-year-old old man, come to sneak attack, young people don't talk about martial arts!"

The old beggar said indignantly, his eyes were full of anger.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this old guy was in the same tune as Song Que, he really deserved to be an old opponent, and the tricks were the same.

"Isn't senior invincible in the world? Is there anyone in this world who can hurt senior? Didn't senior take a certain treasure?"

Li Xiaobai asked with some doubts. With the strength of the old beggar, he should be fearless. Even if the two city lords join forces, they cannot be their opponents.

"Yes, the remaining two bottles are used up. Originally, the old beggar could have torn these two young people with his hands, but suddenly there was a cloud of fairy energy in Mei Changqing's body, and he could control it freely, which is better than the old man. The beggar has a much better grasp, and if he is caught off guard, he will be defeated by him."

"If it weren't for the sudden fairy spirit, they would have died long ago!"

The old beggar said, he is also very puzzled, there is still a long time before the power of the fairy is released, why is there an extra ball in Mei Changqing's body?

"Fairy Qi? Isn't it released yet? Why does the Lord Mei have it? And what happened to the altar?"

Li Xiaobai was even more puzzled, and he felt that he was gradually approaching some kind of truth.

"I don't know either, but one thing is certain, that is, the fairy spirit is not his own, it is more like a temporary borrowing, and its source may come from the altar deep in the mountain range."

The old beggar pointed to the rolling shadows in the depths, and the outline of the mountains could be vaguely seen.

Li Xiaobai knew that this was the real core area of ​​the frontier, and the legendary piece of meat mountain that even the second leader of the East China Sea could not do anything about lived here.

"Boy, you let the old beggar out, and the old beggar will take you there."

The old beggar said, Li Xiaobai's delay in destroying the formation made him feel a little bit drummed.

If it was someone else's Dao Heart oath, he would definitely fulfill it, but this kid's Dao Heart vow, he was very uncertain.

"Don't worry, I have another question. Senior, have you ever seen other monks come here, for example, some evil cultivators in the Mahayana period?"

Li Xiaobai thought for a moment and continued to ask, the old beggar was found, and it was time to find the Blood Sacrifice Shard and Souei next.

"I've never seen it before. If someone really wanted to come over, the old beggar would have gone out long ago."

The old beggar said angrily, he felt that Li Xiaobai was playing him.


Li Xiaobai nodded, and with a random move, a mass of pitch-black flames surged, and a talisman in the center of the formation burned blazingly, and the murderous aura surrounding it melted away in an instant.

The current coverage is 520 meters.

The talisman in the center of the formation is very powerful, directly increasing the coverage by ten meters.

Half-step Immortal Physique (faerie spirit has not been obtained) can be advanced in defense.

The tempering in the formation directly increased three million attribute points, which is not bad, but the relative body surface has been polished to a point of blood and blood, so I grabbed a handful of Tianxiang Life-Extending Pill and took it.

The injury is recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The old beggar's eyeballs turned red, "Boy, you actually have so many good things, give some to the old beggar, and the old beggar will help you recover from your injuries!"

The Tianxiang Renewing Life Pill is a magic medicine, it has a miraculous effect on injuries, and this kid in front of him actually swallowed more than a dozen pills in one go for a mere skin injury, what a waste of money!

"It's just a mere Tianxiang life extension pill, it's not worth mentioning, senior, let's go, let's go to the core area."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand casually, indicating that these are nothing.

The old beggar was stunned, and quickly followed up. The Tianxiang Renewing Life Pill is nothing. I haven't seen him for a few months. Has this guy become so arrogant?

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