Liu Jinshui threw the spirit stone in his hand into the formation in a very exaggerated manner.

"Well, that's right, a high-grade spirit stone." Li Xiaobai happily pocketed the spirit stone.

"Brother Fruit, do you sell those dragon snake fruits behind you?"

"Not for sale."

"Ten high-grade spirit stones?"

"What are you thinking!"

"One hundred dollars?"

"you are dreaming?"

"How about the thousand high-grade spirit stones?"

"make a deal!"

Liu Jinshui pretended to take out a space ring and handed it to Li Xiaobai.

"Junior brother, pay attention to the heat. Although these people are stupid and rich in money, they are too miserable and will cause backlash."

"Hey, brother, don't worry, brother has a sense of propriety."

Li Xiaobai returned to the dragon snake fruit tree, and picked all the fruits in one go. When he turned around, he accidentally tripped over something under his feet.

Looking down, it was a fragment. This fragment was crystal clear, and contained scarlet light inside. It grew under the dragon snake fruit tree, so it was definitely not ordinary.

Bending down to pick it up.

The fragments turned into a stream of light, which disappeared between Li Xiaobai's eyebrows.

At the same time, the attribute value panel was adjusted again.

Attribute points +10000.


What is this? It actually increased the attribute value by 10,000 points at once!

Li Xiaobai's face was shocked, it was just a small fragment, which actually contained this level of power, and it also actively submerged into his body, so there would be no problem.

He fumbled around indiscriminately, but found nothing special.

Li Xiaobai doesn't know how to practice, so he can't look inside to check the situation in his body, but from the current point of view, this fragment should be a good thing.

If you see other fragments in the future, you can't let it go.


Just as Li Xiaobai was about to turn around and leave, a few dogs barked behind him.

At the same place where he had tripped just now, there was actually a small hole under the debris, and in the hole lay a small white broken dog the size of a palm.

This little broken dog was white and fluffy all over, trying to open its two big black eyes, as if it had just been born.

After the fragments disappeared, it seemed to be a little restless, and began to punch and kick in the small pit, sniffing around indiscriminately.

As if attracted by the smell on Li Xiaobai's body, he ran to Li Xiaobai's side with short legs and kept digging into his clothes.

"Who are you?"

Li Xiaobai took the little broken dog out of his trousers and asked.

"Wow woof!"

The little broken dog was still struggling to get into Li Xiaobai's trouser legs, as if there was something attracting it there.

"Why are you here?"

"Wow woof!"

"What was that fragment just now?"

"Wow woof!"

"Can you speak human language?"

"Wow woof!"

Li Xiaobai was speechless, didn't everyone say that psychic monsters can talk, why is it a little different for me?

"But this little broken dog lives with that mysterious fragment, so it's obviously a treasure, so let's collect them together first!"

Thinking in his heart, he stuffed the broken dog into the clothes on his chest and wrapped it up. Li Xiaobai walked towards Liu Jinshui with a dragon snake fruit he had just picked.

This dragon snake fruit doesn't look big, but its weight is really big, like a small shot put.

He held up a dragon snake fruit, handed it to Liu Jinshui in front of many big bosses, and at the same time secretly handed over the remaining five fruits to the other party. This is for senior brothers and sisters of Piao Miaofeng, one for each person.

"Thank you Brother Fruit!"

"Hehe, it's easy to talk about!"

The above-board transaction between the two of them is clearly seen by the competition for the senior bosses. I didn't expect that the Dragon Snake Fruit would have such wisdom and know how to bargain. The value of this fruit may be higher than their imagination. .

However, this also proves that it is indeed feasible to exchange for Dragon Snake Fruit through trading.

"Seniors, this junior has successfully obtained a fruit and spent a thousand high-grade spirit stones. The rest of the fruit is for the seniors to distribute themselves. This junior bids farewell!"

Holding the fruit in his hand, Liu Jinshui bowed to the elders of many sects.

Then lightly tapped his feet, and quickly fled away under the flash of his figure.

"It seems that this kid is not really stupid."

"Hehe, how can there be fools who can get to the golden core stage?"

"However, this person can reach the sixth level of the Golden Core stage at such a young age, it is indeed extraordinary!"

"It's a pity for the old man's token."

After Liu Jinshui left, many sects immediately followed secretly. It was obvious that they wanted to catch up with Liu Jinshui and kill people to seize the treasure.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals. Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

The bosses knew that this simple and honest fat man might not survive.

People from Piaomiao Peak followed along with them. Although these sects are also elite masters, they should not be able to deal with the brothers and sisters of Piaomiao Peak.

Li Xiaobai took a deep breath, and the next stage was his own stage, and he touched his chest unconsciously. The little broken dog was very honest, and he didn't make any noise or make trouble.

"Ahem, little friend, can I come forward and speak?"

Chen Kun from Tianwu Sect couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped forward first and asked, he was very urgent about the dragon snake fruit.

If he eats this fruit, he is very likely to break through the realm, so he must get it.

"Who are you, come in if you want to talk!"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, and said flatly that he didn't have the slightest liking for Tianwumen.

Chen Kun was angry, but he still needed help from the other party, so he had to hold back the anger in his heart for the time being.

"The old man wants to make a deal with my little friend, how about it?"

"Go ahead."

"The old man is willing to give a thousand high-grade spirit stones to buy a dragon snake fruit behind my little friend."

"Old man, do you want to buy my brother?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai was furious and cursed at Chen Kun.

Uncle Feng and the others in the back laughed, seeing the collapse of Tianwumen was what they wished for, and they were not in a hurry to talk to each other for a while, they all wanted to see how much foolishness this Chen Kun could make.

Chen Kun was stunned, this way of opening is a bit wrong!

His approach is similar to that of the fat man just now, why is his attitude so different?

Shouldn't the other party greet him with a smile and agree with joy, why is it completely different when it comes to him?

Could it be that the money is not in place?

Well, it must be so, the fruit of this transformation is more greedy.

"How about a thousand high-grade spirit stones and fifty low-grade spirit medicines?"

Chen Kun smiled, his eyes flickering coldly. No one in this world dares to make money from him, and no one can make money from him. No matter how much this transformation fruit is collected now, he will eventually spit it out with interest.

But the next second he couldn't laugh anymore.

"Are you trying to provoke the relationship between me and my brother?"

"With so little money, do you still want to play Infernal Affairs like others?"

"I'll eat you!"

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