Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 423 Heavenly Sword Vs. Tianwu

At the gate of the holy city, the old beggar stopped in front of the gate with Li Xiaobai.

It only took about ten minutes to come back from the depths of the frontier. It took me more than half a day to drive my Lamborghini, but now I returned to the holy city in more than ten minutes.

It is hard to imagine that the speed of the old beggar is astonishingly fast.

If he was allowed to truly control the spirit of the fairy, he might be able to shatter the void and ascend to the upper realm.

"Little friend, go in first, the old beggar will arrive later."

The old beggar looked at the gate of the city with a cold light in his eyes, and said with a smile on his dirty face.

Li Xiaobai understood in an instant that this was the meeting of the enemies. Song Que had always been obsessed with the old beggar, and when they met at this moment, they might have a big fight.

This is a personal grievance between the big bosses, so I won't mix it up, just be a melon-eating crowd honestly on the sidelines.

"Oh, I see."

Li Xiaobai walked in, nodded and smiled with Tiandao Song, and then stood still at the gate of the city. This distance should be just enough to catch the aftermath of the battle between the two big men. In order to improve the defense, we must seize every opportunity to improve attribute points.

"Young Master Li is back, did your trip go smoothly?"

Song Que glanced at Li Xiaobai strangely, not understanding what the other party was doing there.

"Success is quite smooth, not only smooth, but also brought back a big boss, senior, look over there."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, stretched out a finger and pointed in the direction where the old beggar was.

Song Que turned his head to look in the direction of his fingers, but for a moment, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, and the radiance in his eyes soared, and the two radiances shot straight into the sky, piercing the sky.

A sharp aura pierced the sky like an imperishable blade, looking at the sloppy old man not far away.

All the monks present only felt that there was a big knife hanging on their heads, as if they would cut it off at any time.

Because there is no coercion coming, but they just can't take a step. This is a kind of instinctive fear, just like a baby facing a wild beast.

"What's going on here?"

"Who made Senior Tiandao angry?"

"I don't know, even the Huolindong monks did not make Senior Tiandao so angry. What happened today?"

"This is my first time here. I want to buy Huazi. Can anyone explain to me what is going on with this terrifying guard?"

"Hurry up, I have a hunch that this space is about to turn into a battlefield, maybe there is an enemy attacking in, let's go to the city quickly, watching a play here will kill people!"

"Yes, yes, there must be an enemy, otherwise Senior Tiandao wouldn't appear in a situation for no reason."

The monks were restless, trying to get rid of the fear in their hearts, and ran towards the holy city. The last time Song Que made such a gesture, the radius of a hundred miles was directly transformed into a field of swords. The monks will never forget that feeling in their lives. If you take one wrong step, you will be separated from yin and yang, which is too dangerous.

They don't want to follow in the footsteps of Huolin Cave.

It is the wisest way to hide and eat melons honestly.

In just a few breaths, the gate of the city, which was originally crowded with people, was now empty and turned into a wasteland.

Song Que ignored these monks who were running away. At this moment, he was squinting his eyes and looking carefully at the sloppy old man not far away, with a trace of dangerous energy constantly venting.

"Old man, you are still alive!"

"God has eyes, these days I often think of you, I didn't expect you to come to my door today, old man Tianwu, the debt from thirty years ago, it's time to pay back!"

Tian Dao Song Que yelled suddenly, and the blade glowed straight into the sky in the void, and the sky suddenly dimmed a bit.

"Uh... Song Que, treasures are always reserved for those who are capable. You told me this yourself. Why can't you get over this heart after all these years?"

"Life is alive, and many things should be taken care of. Since you didn't get the fairy spirit in the end, it means that the opportunity has not arrived. When the opportunity arrives, you will be able to get it."

The old beggar said kindly.

"Nonsense, chance?"

"If you, an old man, hadn't stepped in that day, the opportunity for labor and management would have arrived long ago!"

"As a senior, you have no shame at all. You are still pretending to be young at a very old age. Come to cheat and attack me, a junior. The old man doesn't talk about martial arts!"

Song Queyi was filled with indignation, almost rushed out of Tianling Gai full of anger, staring at the old man in front of him with murderous eyes.

"What happened in the past, let it go. Today, the old beggar comes to spend money in the holy city and promote the economic development of the holy city. This is a good thing. You should let it go quickly."

The old beggar said calmly.

"Bah, the old man is shameless, it's not enough to steal the spirit of the fairy, and you want to get your hands on Huazi and the bathhouse?"

"It's just a dream, today labor and capital are here, you have only one dead end, and your head will be taken every minute!"

Song Que put his five fingers together to form a knife in his hand, and slashed forward suddenly.

In just a split second, all the monks present felt that the world in front of them had disappeared, only a big, borderless and shocking sword light slashed at them, their hairs were cooked, and they all broke out in a cold sweat.

They are just bystanders, who feel the meaning in the sword light, and feel the deadly threat just by feeling it a little bit. It is hard to imagine how the old beggar who is facing the sword light should deal with it.

The old beggar looked a little helpless, stretched out a hand slightly and made a sword finger, and also slashed forward suddenly, a sword intent soaring into the sky, and greeted the sword light with momentum like a broken bamboo.


When swords, lights and swords encountered each other, the air mechanism in the field exploded, and the sword light and knife air criss-crossed. Bottomless ravines appeared on the surface of the ground in an instant, as if they were going straight into the abyss.

"Fuck, run!"

"Senior Tiandao is serious, who is that old man, he can actually compete with Senior Tiandao!"

"Run, that old man is many times stronger than Huolin Cave. If we really want to fight, we will all suffer!"

"You can eat melons slowly in the future. If you lose your life, you will lose everything. Get out!"

The monks looked shocked. They originally thought that Song Que would be able to control the situation in an instant just like last time, but now it seems that the old beggar is not an idle person, and it is very likely that he is at the same level as Tiandao Song Que exist.

If the sword qi scattered and splashed in all directions hit them, they would kill them in an instant.

It's too dangerous to leave as soon as possible.

Li Xiaobai's eyes glowed with excitement, and he moved forward without a trace.

Attribute points +50000...

Attribute points +50000...

Attribute points +50000...

It's so refreshing, is this the battle between the bosses? Just the first temptation can bring him such a large amount of attribute points, which is equivalent to that of the sea clan boss.

The old beggar spread his hands, "I'm invincible, you can do whatever you want."

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