Li Xiaobai was speechless in his heart, the old man was still out of tune as usual.

He is talking nonsense here, isn't the strong respected in the realm of comprehension, when did you look at the house and the mount?

"Hehe, the old beggar is not groundless. Look at Lao Song, he has not even found a wife at a young age. He is doomed to be alone. Why? It is because he has no property of his own!"

"Look at those people in Donghai. When you mention it, you can think of the second master of Donghai. Why? Because Donghai is their property!"

"Looking at Old Man Tianji again, his cultivation is not very good, but when people mention the old man Tianji of Xianling Daily, everyone has to give a three-pointer. Why? It depends on the industry!"

"So, today is different. I don't have my own territory, and I feel embarrassed to declare my family name when I go out. It's a disadvantage."

The old beggar gave a serious look, and said with reason and evidence, with an extremely serious expression.

Song Que's eyes on the side were burning, and he put his fingers on the scabbard more than once, but in the end he suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Hehe, there is something in what the senior said, I have learned."

Li Xiaobai let out a haha, quickened his pace without a trace, he had to go to the city lord's mansion to discuss important matters as soon as possible, otherwise the old beggar would continue to dance in the minefield, Song Que probably couldn't help but draw his knife and cut him down.

City Lord's Mansion, inside the main hall.

Li Xiaobai led the two into it.

The hall was steaming hot, Yang Guang, like the others, was still soaking in the pool at this moment, soaking in enjoyment all over his face.

"Young Master Li is back!"

Yang Huan exclaimed in surprise.

"I'll go back when I'm back, what's the fuss, don't disturb your Er Gouzi to take a bath!"

Er Gouzi was very displeased, so he slapped Ji Wuqing casually, and said lightly.

"Hehe, dead dog, she clearly said it, why are you beating me!"

Ji Wuqing was furious, but in the next second, Er Gouzi crushed her again.

"Who told you to lie next to Lord Ergouzi, if you don't beat me, who will I beat?"

Er Gouzi yawned without opening his eyes.

"Stop soaking, there is a situation!"

Li Xiaobai's head was full of black lines. Tang Neng Yipin's original intention was to help monks improve their cultivation, but now it seems that this group of people has been ruined?

"Young Master Li, have you discovered something new?"

"Who is this senior?"

Yang Guang and Cai Kunxu looked at the old beggar with puzzled faces and asked.

"A hundred years ago, the invincible Tianwu old man!"

The old beggar puffed out his chest and said proudly.

"You are a madman!"

"Senior Tianwu!"

Yang Guang's expression changed drastically. The old man Tianwu's reputation is too great. All the monks who were born on the Fairy Continent know that these four characters used to represent invincibility and suppress everything. He died and never appeared in the Fairy Continent again.

"Well, that's right. It's rare that there are still people in this world who remember the old beggar. I'm very gratified."

The old beggar nodded, full of style, being able to be recognized instantly made him feel very face, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

"Naturally, senior is a legend. It's hard for us monks to hold a candle to you, so we've always regarded senior as our target!"

The expressions of Cai Kunxu and Xiong Da were a little excited. The current monks in the Mahayana period all use Old Man Tianwu as their legendary benchmark. There is no other reason. What he did was too legendary. To snatch the spirit energy twice in succession is like picking something out of a bag, which is unbelievable .

"Hehe, it's just a monk walking on the road of invincibility. It's nothing. If you work hard, you can do it too."

The old beggar waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Old man, save Bilian's words for later, don't be disgusting here, tell me what you encounter in the frontier!"

Song Que's expression was not good, and he gave Cai Kunxu and the others a vicious look.

Cai Kunxu was startled, it seemed that the horse's ass was slapped on the horse's leg, the old beggar was happy, but why did he feel that he offended the Heavenly Saber Song Que?

Isn't the road narrowed?

"Seniors, did you discover something in the depths of the frontier?"

Yang Guang smelled something unusual. All the bosses were present, obviously it was not an ordinary matter. I am afraid that there is a big problem involved, so he sat up straight and asked with a serious face.

"That's right. Senior Tianwu and I discovered some little secrets about Mei Changqing, the city lord of the first battlefield, in the depths of the frontier."

Li Xiaobai nodded.

"What kind of secret?"

Song Que asked, he was also very curious about Mei Changqing's secret.

"He has set up an altar in the depths of the frontier. That altar seems to communicate with another world, and the existence inside can make him possess the aura of a fairy for a short time..."

Li Xiaobai spoke eloquently, carefully describing the encounter between the old beggar and Mei Changqing, and then described the situation of the altar in detail.

Everyone frowned after listening to it. From this point of view, Mei Changqing may have a different intention, and actually secretly communicated with a powerful existence to implement a certain plan in the frontier. If it is not stopped in time, there may be a big change.

Song Que laughed out loud after hearing this.

"Tianwu old man, you deserved to be imprisoned by Mei Changqing in the frontier, and you were not swallowed by Roshan. It's your life. Who made you so greedy and snatched away the spirit energy twice in a row?"

"Hehe, if it wasn't for that young man who didn't teach martial arts and secretly attacked, how could the old beggar be caught and imprisoned?"

"This only shows that your frontiers are a group of people who don't talk about martial arts!"

Being poked at the sore spot, the old beggar's face also twitched a little.

"Hehe, that's not what you said when you sneaked up on me and snatched away the spirit energy. The monk's world only looks at the result, not the process. Old man, you fell!"

Song Que sneered and said, at this moment, he even felt that Mei Changqing was much more pleasing to the eye.

The old beggar can suffer a lot, he is in a good mood.

"Ahem, so, the first battlefield is very likely to be planning something now. If it is allowed to act, it may have an impact on the frontier. I think it should be controlled, and its purpose should be interrogated before making a decision."

Yang Guang interrupted the bickering between the two. The two big brothers seemed to be at odds, which gave him a headache.

"That's right, that's what I mean too. If you want to find out who is in this altar, you can only find out by asking him."

Li Xiaobai also nodded and said, even if he wanted to summon the existence in the altar, he had to understand it clearly beforehand, otherwise he would startle the snake, and it was very likely that he would end up fetching water from a bamboo basket.

"What you say makes sense. I recommend the old man Tianwu who was already invincible more than a hundred years ago to complete this task."

Song Kuang nodded and said dryly.

The old beggar bared his teeth and smiled, "Hehe, that's wrong. The old beggar has been invincible for too long, so we must give others a chance. This is your era. Let Lao Song go out and capture the city lord."

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