Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 434: Take A Look At The Fairy Daily

In Mei Changqing's heart, it was like ten thousand muddy horses galloping past.

In order to suppress the opponent, he forcibly borrowed a large amount of fairy energy from that existence to fight a war of attrition, and finally exhausted the old man Tianwu and trapped him deep in the frontier.

But it's so hard to die, this person was actually released by some god damn person!

Don't you know that this old thing is an invincible existence?

Although it is not effective when the cultivation base fails, but if it happens to be in good condition, it is the existence of gods who block and kill gods.

The existence of seizing the spirit energy twice in a row is no joke!

Cold sweat broke out from Mei Changqing's body, and there were still a few wisps of fairy spirit gifted by the being in his body, so he was not afraid of starting a war at this moment, but it was too worthless to waste it for such a meaningless thing .

He still wants to keep these wisps of fairy energy, which is about to be released, and he still wants to use this mysterious power in his body to make a big splash!

"It was I who released it. When we walk the rivers and lakes, what we are looking for is to treat each other with sincerity. When we see injustices on the road, we will yell and take action when it is time to do so. As the lord of a city, you are imprisoning widowed and lonely old people. Not only is it shameless, but also has no martial ethics! "

"I, Li Xiaobai, am ashamed to be with an existence like you!"

Li Xiaobai was filled with righteous indignation and said righteously.

"City Master Mei, this is the holy city, it's not your turn to be presumptuous."

Song Que said coldly.

"Hehe, I was indeed abrupt. I didn't control my emotions for a while, and disturbed everyone. It was my city lord who was reckless."

"However, the matter of this formula is indeed of great importance. Think about it carefully, everyone. This Huazi and the bathhouse are a double-edged sword for the frontier. We know the affairs of the frontier best. It is safest to control the formula in our hands. .”

"Mr. Li, just ask, the city lord is willing to buy your formula."

A cold light flashed in Mei Changqing's eyes, and he turned his anger into a smile and said, as a boss, changing his face in a second is a basic operation.

Moreover, he is absolutely confident that the people from the Holy City will stand by his side. There is no other reason. The miraculous effects of Huazi and the bathhouse are obvious to all. It is absolutely impossible to say that he is not moved.

Now that he took the lead in opening the mouth, Yang Guang and the others must immediately follow suit and force Li Xiaobai to hand over the formula.

Everyone can clearly distinguish the difference between fish and fish. Instead of letting them open a shop in the city, it is better to master the production method and carry out assembly line production.

But in the next second, the smile on his face froze.

He clearly saw that Yang Guang and the others looked at him as if they were fools, "City Master Mei, let's do business well, don't worry about it, think about fancy things all day, and opportunities will slip through your fingers. "


Mei Changqing was at a loss for words for a moment, his face was full of confusion, this method is wrong, don't you all want the formula?

Are you not afraid that Li Xiaobai will suddenly raise the price?

What kind of way is this?

"With all due respect, the effect of Huazi is obvious to all. If it is in our hands, it will definitely maximize its utilization rate!"

Mei Changqing couldn't believe it, and continued.

"so what?"

"City Master Mei, feel free to contribute to the frontier. It is already a great kindness for Mr. Li to open a store in the city. If we still covet his financial resources, are we still human?"

"Don't say that again!"

Cai Kunxu shook his head and sighed, persuading him earnestly like an expert in the world. With the two great gods in command, the current him is no longer afraid of Mei Changqing.

Mei Changqing was completely confused, and Wang Guan was also a little confused. The direction of this plot is a little different from what he imagined!

"Okay, very good!"

"It seems that the owner of this city is worrying unnecessarily, so I will leave!"

The blue veins on Mei Changqing's forehead popped violently. When he was not around, the third and fourth battlefields were all captured by the Holy City. Not only that, even the Huogan Shengzi was soaking in the pool with a satisfied face at the moment. It was recovered by Er Gouzi.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the holy city can undergo such a big change. If it is allowed to develop, the balance of the frontier may be broken. This is very unfavorable to his plan, and measures must be taken as soon as possible .

"City Master Mei might as well take a look at today's Fairy Daily, there will be unexpected surprises, so let's go slowly."

Li Xiaobai said with a light smile, Mei Changqing also had some scruples, and did not dare to confront Song Que and the old beggar.

Although Wang Guan's strength is good, he can't make up too much of the gap. It is not very useful for the old beggar's level of battle.

"Hmph, the city lord has made a note."

Mei Changqing snorted coldly, took a step forward, and disappeared outside the hall.

"Hehe, I have long thought that this guy is not pleasing to the eye. If this place is not in the holy city, the old beggar would have taken him down long ago!"

The old beggar looked at Mei Changqing's disappearing back, and said viciously, the incident of being captured by mistake has always made him worry about it.

"Hehe, bragging, bragging, anyway, bragging doesn't cost money, you can do whatever you want."

Song Que sneered, this old thing is obviously afraid, afraid that the opponent's body still has the spirit of the fairy, so he dare not challenge his edge head-on, it's really wretched.

"The old beggar is invincible in the world all his life, you know what an egg!"

"Hehe, I don't know anything, I just know that you were captured by City Lord Mei. If Mr. Li hadn't rescued you, you would still be imprisoned in the frontier!"


The two old men were lucky in the water, blowing their beards and staring again.

"Young Master Li, just now, what did you mean by letting City Master Mei read the Fairy Daily?"

Yang Guang asked suddenly. He remembered that he hadn't read newspapers these days.

"Look and see."

Li Xiaobai threw out a Faerie Daily, and everyone got together to read the information carefully.

A line of big characters on the headline on the front page came into view, and the pupils in the eyes of several people suddenly shrank. My heart was full of shock.

"Young master, you said earlier that someone would come to deal with the first battlefield, could it be this person?"


at the same time.

outside the Holy City.

"City Master Mei, that old guy is out of trouble, and our secret may be leaked out!"

There was a dangerous light in Wang Guan's eyes. Elder Tianwu had seen Mei Changqing displaying his spirit energy, and he must have seen the vision of the altar. If it spread, they might become the target of public criticism.

"It doesn't matter, so what can I say, I will hide the altar when I turn around, and there will be no proof. With the help of that adult, I will definitely be able to obtain the spirit of the fairy. As long as I am promoted to the half-step human fairyland, no monsters will dare to do anything!"

Mei Changqing said slowly, he still has a hole card, he doesn't care about the master's plan, and he doesn't plan to implement it, as long as he can get the spirit of the fairy, that's enough.

"By the way, get me a Faerie Daily, I want to see what tricks this Li Xiaobai is playing!"

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