Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 44: A Kind Of Stupid Boss In The Transformation Stage

Feng Wuxie also came following the distress signal, and originally wanted to see if he had a chance to get a share of the pie, but when he saw Li Xiaobai's figure, he immediately understood what was going on.

This is a game, Li Xiaobai is using his treasures to freely shuttle in the formation, in order to make deals with many big shots.

And it worked.

Thinking of Li Xiaobai's bulging interspatial ring, Feng Wuxie's heart became hot.

"I must think of a way to kill him. In this case, not only the treasure, but also all the resources in this body will belong to me!"

But there is no chance right now. After going out, on the way to the Holy Demon Sect, there will be plenty of time to kill the opponent.

This trip to the mountains has yielded a lot for him. It is not a problem at all to reach the Great Perfection of the Golden Core Stage. If he is lucky, it is possible to touch the threshold of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Feng Wuxie's eyes flickered coldly, he turned around and disappeared into the jungle.


Before the formation, Li Xiaobai accepted the space rings from everyone with a red face.

This group of bosses was very good, not only did they give enough extras, but they also handed over the interspatial ring without any delay.

Li Xiaobai believes that if he wants to spend so many resources, he might as well kill him with one knife.

The boss is worthy of being a boss, this courage, this calmness, is not comparable to myself.

After putting away all eight interspatial rings and counting them, Li Xiaobai's heart almost jumped out of excitement.

There are thousands of high-grade spirit stones, over ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones, countless low-grade spirit stones, thousands of elixir plants, and all kinds of jewels and treasures, all of which are real gold and silver!

This wave is developed!

Unexpectedly, cheating people could make so much money, and the Lingshi came too fast, Li Xiaobai felt a sense of unreality, in a daze, he saw the mount Godzilla in the mall waving to him.

Happily pocketing the space ring.

Then he turned around and sat cross-legged under the dragon snake fruit tree in the center of the formation, ignoring everyone.

"Brother Fruit, what do you mean?"

"I have already offered the resources, can I trade them now?"

Uncle Feng asked, ever since he paid Lingshi, he felt that something was wrong.

"Huh? What's the deal?"

Li Xiaobai scratched the back of his head with a puzzled look on his face.

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of everyone present changed.

The most worrying thing finally happened. The guy in front of him reneged on his debt after eating and wiping it all out!

"We have already handed over the treasures of heaven, material and earth to you. Could it be that Brother Guo wants to go back on his word?" Chen Kun said in a deep voice.

"That's right, Brother Guo, don't be joking, let's make a good deal."


The reason why everyone was relieved to hand over the ring was actually because Li Xiaobai could only stay in the formation.

As long as the formation is cracked, no matter whether it is the fruit or the ring, it will be returned intact, so they are not worried at all.

"Hehe, don't think that I don't know your plan. You clearly want to use these resources to coax me and my brother out, and then catch them all, right?"

"My Dragon Snake Fruit is formed by the condensed essence of heaven and earth. I can see through your little thoughts at a glance!"

Li Xiaobai's expression was serious, without any pretense.

Now my pockets are bulging, there are too many spirit stones to spend, and the life-saving artifacts in the mall can be unlocked at any time, which is not in vain for these so-called bosses.

Just a thousand-mile teleportation talisman can make him disappear without a trace.

"Hehe, brother fruit, you can't say that. We all have the spirit of contract. As long as you deal with us seriously, we will leave immediately after you get the fruit, and we will never stay. How about it?"

Feng Bo continued.

"Why are you talking so much to this guy? This guy obviously wants to be a white wolf with empty hands. He typically takes money and does nothing!"

"Let's break through this formation directly and see what he has to be arrogant about!"

Chen Kun didn't have that much patience, so he summoned everyone to forcefully break through the formation.

"Then you are breaking the formation, don't beep there, you really have the ability, let's touch it in the killing formation!"

Li Xiaobai gestured with the middle finger, very disdainful.

The angry Chen Kun blew his beard and stared for a while, he is the head of a faction, when has he been so humiliated.

"Get out of the way, the old man will meet this dragon snake fruit!"

Chen Kun suddenly soared into the sky, the dantian was full of rays of light, and the momentum was like a rainbow. The strength of the transformation stage was fully exposed. He wanted to face the formation head-on and try the depth.

"Bone-melting palm!"

His hands instantly turned into two bones and withered claws, with a ghostly aura on them, grabbing at the formation around Li Xiaobai.

The sky dimmed for a moment, and Li Xiaobai heard the mournful howls and wailings coming from his ears in a trance, and felt a little faint. law.

Not knowing what to do, he secretly exchanged for a Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman in the mall.

Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman An ancient rune that can travel thousands of miles in an instant after use, and the teleportation location is random. (price, one thousand middle-grade spirit stones)

The price is a bit expensive, but for Li Xiaobai now, it is just a drop in the bucket.


The sonorous turbulent sound pierced the sky, a pair of huge withered palms firmly pressed against the top of the formation, and there was a trace of breath, and there was a vague tendency to break through.

Formation seemed to sense that he was being provoked, and a large number of Qi of Gengjin gathered, and quickly counterattacked.

The golden light and shadow were gorgeous, and the Qi of Gengjin flew up and down in the formation, twisting and smashing the two giant bones.

Chen Kun let out a muffled snort, his complexion was slightly rosy, and his body retreated violently. The Qi of Gengjin was stronger than he imagined, and it was worthy of killing.

"Didn't you say that if you want to meet Brother Guo, why did you return after meeting each other?"

Feng Bo looked at Chen Kun with a half-smile, his words were full of sarcasm.

"proceed if you can!"

Chen Kun rolled his eyes and silently exercised his skills and adjusted his breath. This formation was very difficult to deal with, but just being wiped by Gengjin Qi made his blood flow in his body.

Even the skill of the sixth level of the transformation stage cannot completely block the offensive of the formation.

Uncle Feng shook his head, this formation cannot be broken by brute force, at least not in the stage of transformation, if you want to break the formation, you still have to rely on the ability of the Hinayana sect.

In the formation,

Li Xiaobai's eyes are shining, this killing formation is really powerful, even the masters of the transformation stage can't break it, it is indeed a formation that can increase his defense power.

Since the opponent can't break through the formation, then he is not in a hurry to leave. This formation can increase a lot of attribute points, and if you stay for one more second, you can increase the attribute points for one more second.

30000 attribute points.

All on defense!

Nine turns of defensive power, the fourth turn of the indestructible golden body. Can be advanced.

It is detected that the host continues to be attacked by Seventh Gold Qi, and the skill is upgraded to the fourth turn of the nine-turn Indestructible Sword Intent.


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