The faces of the people below changed drastically. The monkey in the void didn't have a specific target at all, but wanted to kill all the people it saw.

Previously, he was looking around in the void not to find a favorite opponent, but to measure the distance range of the first battlefield, so that he could choose an angle to suppress it strongly with Dinghaishenzhen.

"Damn it, this monkey is so arrogant that he wants to kill me all at once. Do you really think we are made of mud?"

"Old brothers, go up and do it, and we will attack it in groups, and we will definitely be able to beat it back to its original shape!"

The ancestor of Qizong began to roar and shout, and the powerful spiritual power fluctuated all over his body, waiting for an opportunity to go out.

"That's right, this monkey is arrogant and domineering, it doesn't take me seriously, it can't be tolerated!"

"Go up and fight with it, I don't believe it, can the spirit of a mere treasure be able to turn the world upside down?"

"Well said, brothers go first, I'll be there later!"

"Hit it!"

The rest of the patriarchs also nodded frequently, and the tyrannical aura swept across the four directions one after another, shouting happily and full of momentum, but no one moved forward, they all stayed where they were and shouted.

This appearance is very similar to the appearance of children when they are scolding.

"Old man Qi, come on, you are so happy, why don't you move?"

Some ancestors scolded with dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, old man, don't think that this old man doesn't know what you're up to. The old man goes first, and you can pick up the ready-made ones later, and you can also give the old man a hand. The abacus is very loud, but it's a pity that you picked the wrong person! "

The patriarch of Qizong sneered again and again, and refused to go first even if he said anything.

"Hey, you're encouraging the big guy to go first, but you're not moving. Don't you want to consume our strength so that you can pick up the leak from behind?"

"A bunch of old bastards!"

A group of ancestors were full of resentment and exposed each other's faults, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

Li Xiaobai was quite speechless, Ma De, these old men are so good at acting, they say all kinds of cruel things, and do all kinds of bad things, but they just don't fight with others, they just keep booing there.

The ancestor of Huorong was seriously injured in this way before, and quit the game early.

At this moment, he wanted to repeat the drama, but no one was fooled anymore.

All the ancestors have already made a decision. If the people next to them don't move, they won't move. If the people next to them move, they won't move either. Anyway, no matter what, it's right not to move.


Above the clouds, the long-armed golden giant ape roared and roared, and behind him a huge golden monkey-head phantom manifested, shaking all over the world, which was the manifestation of its divinity.

Dinghaishenzhen's divine light was introverted, and it turned into a ten thousand-foot golden light and smashed down, covering the entire first battlefield.

"What the hell, this thing really fell down!"

The smile on Li Xiaobai's face also froze. It seemed that the Dinghaishen needle produced by the system didn't realize that he and the host were still standing in the same place.

Looking at this fierce offensive, it is obvious that they want to kill him together!

"Grandma's, after all, it's also the host. Are all the artifacts produced by the system so light and heavy?"

Li Xiaobai cursed in his heart, people are not as good as heaven, he originally thought that the Dinghaishen needle would kill all the ancestors, who would have thought that such a change would happen.

However, only this kind of rampant character fits Dinghaishenzhen's positioning as a divine weapon. If you want to kill, you can kill all of them. If you focus on obliterating a specific existence, vision and pattern, it will be inferior.


There was a flash of anger on Liu Ren's face, and a lot of sparse hair grew on his delicate face.

A breath-taking aura erupted from his whole body, which was equal to the savage aura suppressed in the void.

Stretching out his hand for a move, the Dinghaishen needle appeared in his hand, and with a flick of his body, he rushed towards the giant golden stick that covered the sky and the sun.


Liu Ren shouted loudly, the golden light was shining brightly, and the whole person turned into a small golden sun, trying to burn the sky.

At the same time, the Gibbon God Ape's Cloud Breaking was activated, the Dinghai God's Needle trembled, and a shuddering aura spread out, colliding fiercely with the little golden sun.

The powerful breath exploded, splashing out with a strong sense of crisis.

The golden giant ape fell ten times with one force, and recklessly poked the giant stick in his hand downwards. The scorching sun emanating from Liuren's body could not melt it in the slightest. A golden stick.

The tyrannical aura raged violently, the air machine exploded, and the aftermath rushed towards the monks present.

Li Xiaobai felt comfortable, and the attribute points on the system panel soared all the way.

Attribute points +50000...

Attribute points +60000...

Attribute points +70000...

This round of confrontation with Liuren became more serious than before. Li Xiaobai clearly saw that a lot of golden hair had grown on his body, and his whole body was gradually turning into an ape.

The power that erupted was also terrifying, and the aftermath of the explosion alone exceeded the damage caused by the stomach solution of the Sea Clan, which is really amazing.

However, the benefits that can be obtained are also huge. In just a few short breaths, hundreds of thousands of attribute points have been added. The fight between big bosses is terrifying.

"Fuck, little friend, you're about to be beaten by them!"

The exclamation of the old beggar came through, and he looked at Li Xiaobai in shock.

Li Xiaobai was a little stunned. He really felt some itching on his back. He turned his head and glanced, his back was rubbed by the aftermath of his hands, and bloodstains criss-crossed his body at this moment, making it a bloody mess.

"Li Xiaoyou, I have Wanfa Guiyuan Dan on my body, which can restore your injuries, take it quickly!"

Tiandao Song Que at the side was a little anxious. They were in a state of being suppressed and could not move. Li Xiaobai's injuries were no joke, his flesh and blood had been taken away by his wrists.

Standing directly below the battlefield in the sky, under the powerful aura sweeping round after round, the exposed white bones are covered with cracks, if this continues, the whole person will probably be shattered to pieces.

The second master of the East China Sea made a move, the power is so terrifying!

Li Xiaobai chuckled, flipped his wrist, took out a bottle of Heavenly Fragrance Renewing Life Pill, swallowed it all in two gulps, and the injuries on his body were quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's okay, it's just a skin trauma, just take a few bottles of pills and you'll be fine."

The old beggar was stunned, just now he saw that Li Xiaobai's whole body was split open, even the intestines in his stomach were clearly visible, and after a while, the whole body would definitely be turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

How could it be healed in the blink of an eye?

"Boy, what kind of elixir are you holding?"

"Isn't it good to have this kind of elixir left to save lives? Why waste it here!"

The old beggar's breathing was a bit rough, obviously he only needed to take a few steps back to evade the burst of energy in the battlefield, but the opponent insisted on not taking a single step, so taking the elixir like this is simply a waste of money!

"Uh... Senior, don't you think this is a fatal wound on my body?"

"There is nothing wrong with this pill."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully as before, without moving a step, cracks appeared on his body again.

With his backhand, he swallowed another bottle of elixir.

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