This interspatial ring contained less than half of his belongings, all good things accumulated over the years, but at this moment Li Xiaobai took it away in a grandiose manner.

But since Liuren didn't say anything, even if he was given a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to do anything wrong, he could only be a dumb man eating Coptis chinensis, unable to express his suffering.

I secretly put Li Xiaobai on my blacklist in my heart, if I have the opportunity in the future, I must take revenge on the other party and let him know that some people cannot be offended!

"They are all contributing to the frontier battlefield. Between you and me, there is no need to thank you."

Li Xiaobai acted quite calmly, flipped his wrist, put the five-color altar into the interspatial ring, and turned to look at Souei who had been silent all this time.

"City Master Mei finished speaking, it's up to you next."

"I don't have any secrets. I have killed many people and done many evil things. Mr. Li probably wants me to pay for my life?"

Souei acted like a bachelor, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Of course not, I heard that Senior Cang is a cultivator of the evil sect?"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

"Okay, what's the problem?"

Sou Ying stared fixedly at Li Xiaobai, trying to read something from him, but unfortunately he failed, Li Xiaobai behaved quite naturally.

"Why did the cultivators of the evil sect come to the frontier, and what is their purpose?"

Li Xiaobai ignored Souying's words and continued to ask, Mei Changqing on the side also pricked up his ears to listen carefully.

He also had this question in his heart, but he never found the answer, and this person was indeed a capable helper, so he suppressed the doubts in his heart.

"My generation of monks, guarding the frontier, dying in battle, and contributing our own strength to the stability of the human race is a duty-bound thing. Why do we need any reason?"

Sou Ying's eyes were firm, and his face was full of justice.

"Senior's integrity, I admire it very much. It's just that I found something called blood sacrifice fragments in the depths of the frontier. I wonder if senior has heard of it?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, without any intention of exposing the other party's lies.

"This... I have never heard of it."

Cang Ying's eyes flickered, and his pupils shrank slightly. The words "Blood Sacrifice Fragments" are not something ordinary people can understand, and a bad premonition rose from his heart.

"That's it, that's such a pity. I broke a total of ten blood sacrifice fragments in the depths of the frontier, and I'm trying to find its owner to apologize!"

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, his face full of helplessness.


"The blood sacrifice fragment was broken by you, it's still a full ten pieces!"

At this moment, Souei couldn't sit still any longer, so he jumped up and stood up directly from the pool, his face was full of shock, his eyes were burning with rage, he was able to say the pieces of the Blood Sacrifice, and he just happened to say the number of ten pieces, absolutely It's not groundless.

The other party really saw the fragments of the blood sacrifice and broke them.

What's the matter, the cold sweat on Souei's head came off immediately, if I remember correctly, it seems that he only put ten pieces in total, and all of them were broken.

There are a lot of thoughts in my heart, and my mind is very chaotic. If that person finds out, he will kill him!

The rest of the people in the pool stared blankly at Sou Ying, their emotions fluctuated so violently, it was obvious that they were hiding a big secret, probably related to the so-called blood sacrifice fragments.

Fortunately, he was wearing clothes, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"That's right, Senior Cang remembers the blood sacrifice fragment now?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"Grandma's, Lao Zi put ten pieces in total, and you smashed them all up. If adults find out, they will kill me!"

Souei's eyes were scarlet, even when he was besieged by plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, he did not show such an expression.

This matter is too involved, even he is just a pawn on the chessboard, and now because of this pawn, he wants to destroy the whole chess game, and he can imagine what will happen to him with his toes.

"With me here, no one can kill you."

Liu Ren looked at Sou Ying coldly and said, no one can kill people under her nose.

"Since the second boss has spoken, then I... I'm sorry!"

Halfway through speaking, Sou Ying's eyes suddenly became sharp, bloody light flashed, his whole body soared into the sky, and quickly fled away.

"Blood Demon Yuan Hua Tianzun!"

"The true solution to the transformation of blood demons!"

"Bone Soul Eater!"

In the void, a huge blood-colored primordial spirit stood upright, and countless tentacles burst out, stabbing at Liuren, wanting to entangle for a while.

At the same time, one after another ghost banners floated over, the white skull manifested, and the dark gray mist enveloped the entire hall. The fierce wind howled, ghosts cried and wolves howled, as if they wanted to take away all the happiness in the world.

"remarkably brave."

A touching arc was drawn on Liu Ren's face, and he exhaled a mouthful of golden aura, which instantly shattered the ghost aura in the void, and the gray mist that shrouded the hall disappeared in an instant, and the bloody tentacles that exploded were also at this moment. Cracks and turns into powder.

Only one bloody soul was left floating in the void.

Liuren pulled out a piece of hair, put it in the long heart, and blew it gently, the hair swelled against the wind, the golden glow shone, and a brand new Liuren walked out slowly, with a golden helmet and armor, which looked exactly like the one in the bathhouse.

"Go, get that man back."

Liuren said to Liuren whose hair had turned into hair, Liuren with hair nodded, his figure flickered, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

Li Xiaobai stared at the figure that disappeared in the distance. He had seen this method once on Ou Yezi of the Holy Demon Sect, but the method used by Liuren was obviously more clever.

It is incredible that a single hair incarnates itself, and can still retain the strength enough to defeat the strong in the Mahayana period.

If all the hair on the heads of the second masters were plucked and turned into a six-man army...

Li Xiaobai couldn't help shivering, the scene was terrifying just thinking about it, in every sense, it was quite terrifying.

"Could this be the untold secret of the proud land of the East China Sea, with thousands of bodies?"

The eyes of Yang Guang, Cai Kunxu and the others shone with excitement. For them, it was a great honor for them to be able to watch the top players in the mainland make their moves up close.

And if you can comprehend something from it, you will definitely benefit endlessly.

"City Lord Yang is well-informed and knowledgeable, and he actually recognizes the secret technique of Donghai. Yes, this is the transformation of thousands of bodies, and a single hair is one of me. If you practice to a great degree, you will have tens of thousands of clones, but the strength of the clones is a little weak. For Souei and others, we should be able to win against the strong."

Liu Ren chuckled and said slowly.

Yang Guang said in a timely manner, "Senior Six's cultivation is unfathomable. Just a single avatar has already surpassed the average Mahayana monk. This strength is unmatched by me!"

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