Feeling the overwhelming aura in front of him, Li Xiaobai's complexion changed drastically.

This is the full blow of many Nascent Soul Stage and Transformation Stage monks, and it is a little bit overwhelmed by the defense power at hand.

The bosses rushed forward one by one as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Li Xiaobai put his head in his hands and squatted down on the spot.

"Super abs!"

The muscles all over the body are tense, and the skills are activated, and the defense power is doubled.

The performance of this group of bosses is very wrong. A second ago, they were groveling to the man in coir raincoats, but then they started to attack violently.

This state is abnormal, just like Chen Kun before.

However, the situation was critical, before Li Xiaobai had time to think about it, the attacks of many big shots arrived.

"Kowloon is in the sky!"

"Pure Yang swordsmanship!"

"Sword Breaks Galaxy!"

"Yin Yang escape!"

The strength of the powerhouse in the transformation stage exploded, the tyrannical coercion descended, the sword energy crisscrossed the void, and even manifested dozens of phantom shadows of the primordial spirit covering the sky and covering the sun, as if they were going to fight Li Xiaobai to the death.

Li Xiaobai only felt that his breathing was stagnant, and the air was churning.

He had already made up his mind, to receive this wave of attacks, and immediately use the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman to run away after accumulating a wave of attribute points. According to this style of play, he might be killed.

The attack arrives in the blink of an eye, and the skills are full of special effects.

Sword light, ghost claws, sword energy, and starlight instantly enveloped Li Xiaobai.

Many big shots rushed to Li Xiaobai with all their teeth and claws.

Li Xiaobai stared closely at the system panel in front of him, as soon as the attribute point was reached, he would immediately leave with a talisman.

However, the expected storm-like attack did not come. A group of big shots brushed past Li Xiaobai, and then fled away at a faster speed.

The so-called offensive was almost stick-and-go, and dozens of figures in the field turned into flashes of light and disappeared into the distance in an instant.

Li Xiaobai was left with a bewildered expression, still squatting on the ground in a daze.

The system panel jumps.

Attribute point +10...

Attribute point +10...


what happened?

How come there are only so few attributes? Is the special effect of the fund explosion just now fake?

Looking back blankly at the disappearing figure in the distance, Li Xiaobai wanted to cry without tears.

Damn, I still suffered from being uneducated, and was forced into a trap by these old bastards again.

Li Xiaobai didn't come to his senses until this time, the faces of these big bosses with angry faces just now, isn't it the acting skills that Uncle Feng mentioned before?

The coir raincoat man put too much pressure on everyone. This is unfathomably powerful. These gangsters pretended to help the coir raincoat man capture themselves, and used themselves as a shield to hide their eyes and ears. In fact, they wanted to take the opportunity to run away.

They don't even want the baby resources they sent out, these big bosses are really decisive.

The tacit understanding is perfect!

It's just that now that the bosses are gone, I'm the only one left in the field.

"Hehe, senior, they took away your fruits and pieces, you should go after them." Li Xiaobai smiled honestly.

"They, I have someone to clean up, none of them can escape, but you, you have the smell of dragon snake fruit, and the smell of fragments, hand it over!"

The man in coir raincoat said sadly.

"Senior is really discerning. The junior did get the fruit and fragments, but at that time they made deals with those big bosses, and the fruits belonged to them." Li Xiaobai said solemnly.

"Then just wait, my people will catch them back and confront them face-to-face."

"I don't care who took my things, because everyone involved in this matter today will die!"

The coir raincoat man put his hands behind his back and said calmly.

Li Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, the man in coir raincoat seemed to have something, even in the stage of transforming into a god, he ran away without saying a word, since he was incapable of fighting, it was better to walk away.

"I, Zhang Rui, am magnanimous, act upright, and sit upright. I will never do such sneaky things. If I, Zhang Rui, take this thing away, I will be hit by a thunderbolt from the sky!"

"Even if those big bosses come back, I dare to confront them face to face!"

"Even if I die, I, Zhang Rui, will leave my innocence in the world!"

What he said was sonorous and powerful, righteous words.

Anyway, the man in coir raincoat doesn't know who he is, so who's name should he use?

It would be perfect to swear by Zhang Rui's name. If he escaped with a teleportation talisman thousands of miles away, the man in coir raincoat would only investigate Zhang Rui, not himself.

People are floating in the rivers and lakes, and they use trumpets to save their lives.

It seems that during the period of following the sixth senior brother, my brain has also become more active.

"Hehe, you can talk quite well, Zhang Rui, right? I hope you can still be so stubborn after a while."

The man in coir raincoat sneered again and again, his face was covered by weeds, and Li Xiaobai couldn't see his face clearly.

Just when Li Xiaobai quietly took out the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman and was about to teleport it, the man in coir raincoat stood up suddenly, his eyes sparkling with brilliance.

Scanning around vigilantly


"come out!"

Li Xiaobai was startled, is there anyone else around here?

"One, two, three... six..."

"A total of six people, four men and two women, come out."

"Don't force me to do it."

The man in coir raincoat said lightly, he hadn't paid much attention to the other party's cultivation, and he seemed full of arrogance.

Li Xiaobai understood in an instant who the six people in the dark were, and just by hearing this number, he knew they were his senior brothers and sisters.

It seems that after Liu Jinshui and others left, they made a detour and came back quietly.

Still worried about his own safety, sure enough, a friend in adversity sees the truth, Piao Miaofeng's brothers and sisters are still very kind to him.

"Grandma's, it was discovered!"

"Junior brother, the wind is tight, blah!"

There was a roar in the jungle, and Liu Jinshui rushed out, heading straight for Li Xiaobai's position.

At this moment, he has silver helmets and silver armor all over his body, and a machete in his hand, which matches his chubby figure, which looks very joyful.

"Go, go!"

"Pay attention to scattered positions!"

Liu Jinshui was muttering words, and kept using words to interfere with the judgment of the coir raincoat man. At the same time, his hands kept moving, a machete flew up and down, and one after another, silver blades slashed at the coir raincoat man.

But obviously he still underestimated the strength of the coir raincoat.

Facing the overwhelming sword light, the man in coir raincoat didn't even want to take a second look. He casually stretched out a few fingers, clamped several sword lights, crushed them hard, and turned into a little bit of starlight.

"Little brother, run quickly!"

Liu Jinshui's complexion changed. What he held was a Lingbao-level treasure, and even the bosses would not be willing to resist the sword light that came out.

The strength of the opponent is beyond imagination, no wonder all those great masters in the transformation stage have run away.

This strength should be beyond the tribulation period without a doubt.

"Brother, you go first, I will escape freely!"

Li Xiaobai looked a little anxious, he had the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman, but the senior brothers and sisters did not, if he left now, the senior brothers would be giving away the head.

I have to think of a way to give my brother a few more Thousand Miles Teleportation Talismans.

"In front of this seat, do you still want to leave?"

The coir raincoat man with his hands behind his back, turned around slowly, his eyes flickering.

Just being stared at, Liu Jinshui felt that the air mechanism in his body exploded, and even the running exercises were forced to stop abruptly.

His expression couldn't help being horrified, unexpectedly meeting a master of this level here, I'm afraid he will either die or be injured today.

"You're a ball!"

There was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and an outrageously large golden hammer appeared out of thin air, and it slammed down on the coir raincoat. The powerful coercion swept the audience, and forcibly dragged the man in the coir raincoat into the battle circle.

This is the hammer of big sister Su Yunbing!

Li Xiaobai was overjoyed, and took the opportunity to secretly give Liu Jinshui a stack of teleportation talismans.

"Senior Brother, the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman, as long as you use it, it will appear thousands of miles away in an instant, hurry up!"

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