In the past few days, there has been no incident in the holy city.

Unlike the old beggar, Liuren is a restless person, perhaps because of the violence factor in his bones, he would go to the depths of the border every three days to find the bad luck of the strongest meat mountain, and often hit the sky and the earth, The earth shakes and the mountains shake.

Bathhouse child Jia Huazi, his strength has easily risen to the next level, but if he has learned something, he will definitely go to the frontier to find Roshan to confirm it as soon as possible.

In the past few days, there were no monks guarding the four frontier battlefields, and the second master of the East China Sea was too strong, and a large number of meat mountains in the depths of the frontier had died.

There will be no Roshan invading the battlefield in a short period of time. Even if a few Roshan cross the border occasionally, with the frequency of Liuren entering the border, they will be wiped out in the first time.

Recently, the four cities have been overcrowded. Li Xiaobai has already built teleportation arrays in several large strongholds in the border area to transport goods.

Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin Store almost occupy more than half of the frontier city. Compared with these shops, restaurants, teahouses, and even brothels are not profitable.

The sky above each city is filled with smog and steaming heat, creating a thriving scene.

However, the ancestors were obviously extremely unwilling. After clearing the frontier for a round, they did not choose to leave immediately, but chose to enter the holy city, looking for opportunities to lick Liuren, and seek some benefits.

But when they really entered the city, they immediately threw these things behind.

Because they were horrified to find that the shops in this city can actually increase their cultivation base, and the item named Huazi can even improve their understanding, which is something they can't do even if they exhausted their talents .

At this moment in this shop, it is easy to complete!

And it seems that the monks in the frontier are obviously used to this. The ancestors of Qizong only heard that Li Xiaobai had this kind of treasure before, but they didn't take it to heart, but at this moment they were all shocked beyond words.

Just soaking for a while, the spiritual power in the body actually increased a little bit, but don’t underestimate this, it’s hard for them to improve every step of the way, without massive accumulation of resources, the cultivation base can’t improve at all .

But this bathhouse actually strengthened their cultivation in just a few breaths. If they hadn't repeatedly confirmed that there were no abnormalities around them, they would have thought they had entered an illusion!

"Old Man Qi, I'm not mistaken, this bathhouse can really improve your cultivation!"

Some ancestors couldn't help asking aloud, the effect was too powerful, he believed that the spiritual spring was formed in a very dangerous place, but at this moment, it appeared in front of them in the image of a bathhouse, making people He developed a sense of unreality.

"Well, the old man also feels like he is living in a dream, but the old man has already tested it. This is really a bathhouse. There is no environment. Everything we have experienced is real!"

The ancestor of the Qi Sect couldn't hide the shock in his eyes, and said slowly.

The ancestor of Zhenzong on the side also nodded frequently.

"Whose masterpiece is this? What class is it for such a big effort?"

The ancestors frowned and fell into deep thought. They found that even if they didn't practice, the spiritual power in their bodies would gradually increase, and there was such a thing in the Fairy Continent.

"This is Mr. Li's shop. The entire frontier is full of such shops. There is nothing surprising. This is the norm in the practice world."

A young monk on the side mentioned a few words, who was not a country bumpkin, I think he was like this when he first came here.

"Mr. Li, which Mr. Li?"

Hearing this, the ancestors were even more curious.

"Of course it's Li Xiaobai, who else could it be Mr. Li? You guys haven't even heard of Mr. Li's name, have you?"

The young monk frowned. It was understandable not to know the bathhouse, but it was unreasonable if he didn't know Li Xiaobai. He didn't even know Li Xiaobai, so why did he come to the frontier?

"It turned out to be that kid who did it!"

"Hmph, the old man has known for a long time that this son is extraordinary, and there must be a secret in him that no one knows!"

"So what if you know, there is the second master, do you still want to touch him?"

The faces of the ancestors were cloudy and uncertain. As the ancestors of a clan, they saw deeper and farther than ordinary monks. If this shop can be used by the clan, within a hundred years, they will definitely be able to cultivate a large number of top masters.

Ascension to the Upper Realm is not impossible.

This kind of thing that should be regarded as a treasure, now that Li Xiaobai has sprinkled it all over the city, has become popular, which makes them a little unbearable. Used by elite disciples.

These monks are soaking in it, they are simply reckless!

Regarding this, the surrounding monks could only look at these ancestors with the eyes of country bumpkins.

They are all monks from the frontier, and they don't know what the ancestors looked like at all. Seeing such a rough scene, all of them showed sarcasm.

"Okay, here comes another group of bumpkins who don't even know what a bathhouse is. Do you really know how to practice?"

"Hey, don't talk about it, not everyone has the opportunity to experience the treatment I'm waiting for. I think they came from a small place. I don't know that Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin Store are also normal."

"Hey, look, those are all old men. I'm afraid they have passed the golden age of cultivation, and their thoughts are also very old-fashioned. They don't even take off their clothes when they enter the pool. Is this taking a bath or soaking clothes!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, you are all seniors, let's take it easy, there are such a group of old guys for comparison, it can better bring out our figure, isn't it?"

"Not bad, all the way to practice, all rely on peers to set off!"

The monks whispered, their eyes were full of jokes, and they treated the ancestors as a laughing stock.

The faces of the ancestors are terrifyingly dark. They are strong men standing at the top of the Fairy Continent and fighting at the top of the pyramid food chain. Now these juniors are actually questioning whether they can practice?

They are so good at cultivation, they have cultivated for hundreds of years, captured the spirit of the fairy, and they took every step extremely solidly. At this moment, they were questioned by a group of juniors.

But this is the holy city, the place where the second master of Donghai stayed, even if they were running wild inside, they didn't dare to show it.

The ancestor of Qizong was a little unbearable, and asked with a gloomy face, "You guys take a bath here to practice and kill time, but have you ever thought that there is a possibility that Roshan will break through the defense line at any time on the frontier battlefield?"

"My generation of monks is dedicated to contributing to the human race. Is it important to be safe on the battlefield, or to improve your cultivation base here?"

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