Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 486 The Way You Kneel Begging For Mercy Is So Ugly

At this moment, the hairs on Situ Renjie's hair stood on end, and no monk living in the East China Sea would know what these three words represented.

In the feature film Donghai, only one person dares to be called the second master!

This true god is actually on this boat, still staying with Li Xiaobai?

And he actually molested the other party just now, wanting to bring the other party back to his mansion to love him?

Situ Renjie felt that his pupils were trembling, every pore was trembling, he wished he could give himself a slap, his mouth is so cheap, why didn't he notice something wrong with Uncle Ying in advance?

"Hehe, weren't you crazy just now, you want to take me back to Situ's house?"

"Why, are you admitting it now?"

Liuren stared at Uncle Ying with a half-smile, his eyes flickering coldly, a mere junior is not qualified enough for her to look at him seriously.

"No, no, it was this bastard who offended senior because of his blind eyes. I will take him back to Donghai and accept punishment from the Criminal Law Hall. I only hope that senior will let me go because of the good relationship between the Situ family and the third family. This nephew is a horse!"

Uncle Ying was so frightened that his ghosts trembled, he waved his hands again and again, and immediately raised the power behind him to pray for a chance of life. If the second master wanted to kill him, he didn't even need to use his cultivation, a look was enough.

The Situ family has a good relationship with the third family in the East China Sea. In view of the face of the third family, the other party should not make things too difficult for him.

However, there are rumors in the family that the second head and the third head are not in harmony, which makes him a little confused.

"That's right, senior, it's the little one who has no eyes and no eyes, and accidentally offended the senior, the little one should be damned, the little one should be damned, your boss has a lot, so just treat the little one like a fart!"

Situ Renjie, who fell to the bow beside him, also crawled back at this moment, slapped himself constantly, burst into tears, and begged the second master to let him go.

"Mr. Li is my honored guest in Donghai. I personally invited him here. I covered him up. Do you understand?"

Liu Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly.

"Understood, understood, Mr. Li, it was my fault, it was all my fault, please let the adults have a lot, let the little ones go!"

Situ Renjie was terrified, and kowtowed to Li Xiaobai, whether he will live or die today depends on what these two people say.

"Hehe, Brother Situ, the way you kneel down and beg for mercy is really ugly."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, his words were full of sarcasm.

"Yes, yes, I am really ugly, as long as Mr. Li is willing to let me go today, in the future, wherever it is useful, just ask!"

Situ Renjie was completely willing to go all out to keep the green hills. He is not afraid that there will be no firewood, and his face is just a cloud. Besides, there is no one else here, and no one will know no matter how much he puts on airs. Just kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Young Master Li, you decide?"

Liu Ren said slowly, she has no interest in this kind of fussing with the juniors, and the Situ family is indeed friendly with the third family, which is related to the overall situation, and it is impossible for her to make things difficult for this relationship.

"Well, brother Situ's cultivation is too poor, his level is too low, and he doesn't have much money to fish for, so let your Uncle Ying hand over the interspatial ring on his body, and treat it as the money for the two of you. "

Li Xiaobai hooked Uncle Ying, signaling him to be more conscious.

"Yes, yes, the little one's cultivation base is too low, it's normal for Mr. Li to look down on you. Uncle Ying, quickly take out the interspatial ring and give it to Mr. Li. Later, I will ask Daddy to compensate you for the loss."

Situ Renjie nodded frequently, and said winkingly at Uncle Ying behind him.

Uncle Ying wanted to kill Situ Renjie. It was all a good thing done by this nephew who was making trouble outside, and now he was going to pay for it.

The interspatial ring has accumulated a monk's treasures for most of his life, and there are many treasures that he is reluctant to use. Now he has to hand them all over, and his flesh hurts.

"Uncle Ying, give it to him quickly!"

"You don't want to see your nephew have an accident either!"

"The family will definitely compensate you for today's loss!"

Situ Renjie kept urging.

Uncle Ying's face was gloomy and terrifying, Ma De, compensation?

What kind of compensation does the family get, many of the treasures in their space rings, even Situ's family will be jealous when they see them, this kid doesn't understand anything, he just messes around there!

His complexion changed several times, and finally his eyes became fierce. He gritted his teeth and took out three space rings. With Liu Ren, a top expert, hiding space rings is meaningless. If it doesn't make the other party unhappy, he might even explain it here.

Simply hand over all the wealth on your body.

Li Xiaobai's eyes were amazed, this guy is very good, so conscious, it saves himself a lot of effort.

After taking the ring and scanning it slightly, they are all good things. The belongings of the strong in the Mahayana period are definitely rich. Needless to say, hundreds of thousands of top-grade spirit stones have been included in the account, plus countless geniuses and treasures. The Infernal should be able to be promoted to the initial range of 1000 meters.

"Well, very good, very sensible, you can go, next time you walk outside, wipe your eyes clean, there is a kind of person in this world that you can't offend."

Li Xiaobai put away the space ring, and returned what Mo Lao said to Situ Renjie intact.

"Yes, yes, I know..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, I will definitely teach this kid a lesson when I go back!"

Uncle Ying thanked Liansheng, and put his hand on Situ Renjie's shoulder, and the two disappeared on the warship in an instant, and then the huge merchant ship turned around hastily and flew away.

"I didn't expect there to be this stunned young man in the East China Sea. It was originally aimed at me, but I didn't expect that senior would be implicated."

Watching the warship leave, Li Xiaobai looked away and said slowly.

"It's okay, the Situ family has been in full swing recently, and they have developed a lot of small thoughts. It would be great if they could take the opportunity to beat each other up, but I didn't expect that the children of the aristocratic family today have already acted so domineeringly. If Nan Ming knows, I'm afraid I'm going to have another headache."

The coldness in Liu Ren's eyes did not diminish, and he said in a cold voice.

The appearance of Situ Renjie robbing the female cultivator just now is vivid in my mind. If the person here is not the second head of Donghai, but an ordinary female cultivator, wouldn't he fall into the clutches of the other party?

The most unexpected thing is that this young master of the Situ family actually took the masters of the Mahayana period to seek revenge and assassinate him. Now he is acting without paying attention to the rules of the East China Sea.

Thinking of the scene where Ling Xueer made a big fuss on the frontier frontier, she felt a headache. If the generation of daughter country came to her door, she would really not be able to do it. After all, it was Donghai's fault, and she was a crazy woman. Fearless is very tricky.

It seems that it is time to rectify the atmosphere in the East China Sea.

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