Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 493: The War Between The Brats

This is a bustling city with constant traffic of horses and horses. Li Xiaobai walks through the market. Compared with the practice world, this place is more like a shop in the world.

Wine sellers, meat sellers, jewelry sellers, everything that a mortal should have is here, and it has a very market atmosphere.

It seems that it is indeed a very down-and-coming place, otherwise there would be no such busy city, and the real places of practice are not smokey, and this kind of place is considered to be the place with the thinnest spiritual power in Aolai country.

"Boy, who is the name, where is this place, why didn't I see the practitioner?"

Li Xiaobai turned to look at the little kid behind him and asked.

"Hehe, at first glance, you are a bumpkin. This is the fringe area of ​​my Aolai country. The spiritual power is thin. Naturally, there are not many practitioners. The powerful seniors who really fly to the sky and escape from the earth live in the core area of ​​Aolai country. , Dare to come to Aolai country without knowing anything, you are quite courageous!"

"As for my name, only the strong deserve to know it. A weak person who dare not even enter the ring is not qualified to know it!"

The little kid stared at him with disdain, and he didn't take Li Xiaobai seriously in the slightest, he was quite a stinky fart.

Li Xiaobai's complexion was so dark that water would drip out, this little brat was so stinky to the extreme, and he didn't know who he learned from.

I really want to give the sister Yaya in his mouth a lesson, if I run into him, I must spank the other party's ass hard!

"Hey, what is your cultivation level, why can't I feel the fluctuation of spiritual power on your body?"

The little boy was quiet for a moment, then asked suddenly, he felt a sense of disobedience from Li Xiaobai, no matter how he looked at him, the other party was just like the mortals around him who had no cultivation level, and he didn't have any of the characteristics that a monk should have .

If he hadn't seen that portrait, he would probably just treat it as an ordinary person.

"Hehe, a brat, dare to spy on my strength and cultivation?"

"It's just a fool's dream!"

Li Xiaobai also glanced at him with disdain, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly.

"Cut, big talker!"

The little kid rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing the little brat deflated, Li Xiaobai secretly laughed in his heart, and finally got back to the game, but he was just a brat, and he could handle it in minutes.

A sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously. Although it is not a glorious thing to win a brat battle, this sense of accomplishment is real.

Just when Li Xiaobai was about to ask about the Zong family, a group of people walked up to him.

There was another group of young people, all dressed in silk and satin, with arrogant and domineering expressions. Wherever they passed, all the stalls and vendors were kicked over.

"Made, if you are in business, you should do business well, you know that it is in the way of this young master?"

"I really don't know what the head of the family thinks. This kind of trash with no cultivation base should be exiled and left to fend for itself. Setting up a stall here every day really pollutes my young master's eyes!"

The peddlers dared not speak out, and endured all this in silence.

A white-clothed boy in the lead kicked over several peddlers cursingly, walked towards Li Xiaobai's direction, and said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, isn't this a good-for-nothing tiger?"

"You good-for-nothing, why are you fooling around in a place like this?"

"It should be said that you, a good-for-nothing, are qualified to come to this downtown area?"

Li Xiaobai looked back, a little startled, the oncoming people turned out to be another group of little kids, who looked much older than the little kids behind him, about fifteen or sixteen years old, at this age, almost It is officially embarked on the road of cultivation.

The little kid behind him saw that these teenagers became a little scared, and shrank behind Li Xiaobai, but his mouth was still unforgiving.

"Hehe, open your mouth, don't go too far, Master Ben is surrounded by expert guards today, if you don't want to suffer, then get out!"

The little kid growled angrily.

Li Xiaobai was speechless in his heart, why did such a stinky little brat get scared all of a sudden?

Emotion is still a bully master.

And the names of this junior are all so random, open their mouths, slap their mouths, the person who named them is really a fucking talent.


"It's such a big joke. Your family is about to die, where are the guards?"

"That's it?"

"Could it be someone who was randomly pulled from the side of the road to be a young man?"

Hearing this, a group of teenagers in front laughed loudly, their expressions were full of disdain. They didn't feel the slightest threat from Li Xiaobai's body, and they didn't even feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power. , this is an ordinary person.

"Who are you?"

"Let's beat up the young master of this family. How much money he gave you, this young master will give you double!"

The young man named Zhang Zui sneered, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, he also came out of the family, he knew very well that although the family has fallen to the extreme, this good-for-nothing is not so low that he needs to rely on mortals help.

Is the person in front of me really just an ordinary person?

"Hehe, Li Xiaobai, I just met the young master of this clan by chance, and I have no intention of participating in the struggle between you."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists together, and said politely, feeling speechless in his heart, why have he been fighting with the brats lately?

I have to do great things!

But at the same time, I was a little surprised in my heart, and looked at the little brat behind me without any trace. This brat is actually the young master of the Zong family?

I really don't know if it's good luck or bad luck. With this little ancestor, life will not be peaceful in the future.

"Li Xiaobai?"

"Have you heard of it?"

He opened his mouth and turned his head to look at the young people behind him and asked.

"It's just a country bumpkin. If you don't hear about it, you dare to hinder my brother Zhang's affairs, and you need to deal with it!"

"Brother Zhang, let's pull him into the ring, just let these mortals have a good look at the power of us practitioners!"

"Yeah, abolish him!"

A group of teenagers had cruel smiles on their mouths and looked at Li Xiaobai with cold eyes.

Many vendors in the distance had already packed up their things and were about to leave, and many even looked at Li Xiaobai shaking their heads and sighing. Obviously, they were used to this situation, but there was no other way to do it except sigh.

Ordinary people facing practitioners are like ants facing giant elephants, vulnerable.

Li Xiaobai looked away, looked at the kid behind him and asked, "Are you the son of the Zong family?"

"That's right, next Zonghu, the third young master of the Zong family!"

The little boy raised his neck and said proudly.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, before he could open his mouth, the little brat's words choked him enough.

"Open your mouth, you're just a trash in the foundation building period, do you think gathering a group of trash can defeat this young master?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that standing in front of you is Li Xiaobai, the number one genius in the Immortal Continent today. If you don't want to die, get out as soon as possible!"

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