Opening his mouth was so frightened that he was terrified. He had always slaughtered his opponents at will on stage. He had never encountered such a situation before. He never thought that one day he would be killed!

No, it should be said that I never thought that in this land, there are monks who dare to kill him!

"No, no, senior, I am the eldest son of the Zhang family. As long as you let me go, you can do whatever you want. My father is the head of the family, and he will definitely satisfy you!"

"This junior knows his mistakes, and he will definitely correct his mistakes in the future. I just ask the seniors to give this junior a chance to correct his mistakes!"

He opened his mouth and looked begging, constantly begging for mercy, but it's a pity that Li Xiaobai didn't intend to let him go.

There is no other reason. This is not a simple brat. He behaves too perversely and violently, and easily destroys people's cultivation. Such a brat will only become a big disaster when he grows up. It's better to kill the danger in the cradle.

Ordinary people in the surrounding area will have a much easier life after coming and going.

"Hehe, if an apology is useful, what is the criminal law hall doing? You and I have signed a contract. Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky. There are no eyes on the ring. Even if you accidentally kill you by mistake, please don't worry about it." resentment."

Li Xiaobai said flatly, and returned to him exactly what Zhang Zui had said before.

"Damn it, who are you? How dare you become an enemy of my Zhang family. My Zhang family has a good relationship with the Situ family. If you alarm the elders of the family, there will be no place for you in this proud country. !"

"As long as you let me go, I don't have to pursue today's matter. In the future, the road will be open to the sky, and we will each go the other way!"

Opening his mouth to threaten, he has absolute confidence in the forces behind him. The Situ family is one of the famous families in the Aolai country, and has a lot of influence. To lift them out, even if the other party has a hundred guts, they dare not do anything.

As long as he can escape today and return to the clan, he must call in experts to find a way to kill Li Xiaobai!

And that Zonghu, who managed to get such an expert to deal with him, would die too!

"Don't worry, I never had the idea of ​​beheading you, but I just wanted to abolish your cultivation base, just make sure that you don't have the ability to continue to harm the Quartet in the future."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

Just kidding, my second master has invited me back, and behind me is the entire East China Sea Aolai country, can a mere family want to suppress me?

A little kid is a kid after all, and his vision and pattern are still too low.

As soon as the words came out, he opened his mouth and trembled all over, pointed at Zong Hu in the audience, and roared with red eyes, "You dare, as long as you dare to touch me, the kid below will be decapitated immediately!"

"Mr. Li, Young Master Zhang is the only seedling of the Zhang family. Give me face and let him go. I will go to the Zhang family for a while, and no one will seek revenge in the future."

The monk who was in charge of presiding over the ring also flickered, came to Li Xiaobai, and said lightly.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a yellow shirt, his eyes are full of indifference, he kept looking at his mouth during the conversation, without any intention of putting Li Xiaobai in his eyes, his contempt was obvious at a glance.

In his opinion, even if a cultivator who is mixed with the good-for-nothing young master of the clan has some cultivation, it is not worth paying more attention to.

Compared with a behemoth like family power, personal cultivation is really insignificant.

Li Xiaobai stared at the other party, and suddenly smiled, "The ability to pull sideways has been learned today. Since you want to be the first bird, then I will use up your cultivation base together."

After finishing speaking, he raised the sword in his hand and dropped it, chopping it down very casually.

100% launched by empty-handed and white-knife!

In just an instant, the two people on the stage knelt down on their knees at the first moment, raised their hands high and rushed to Li Xiaobai's feet, making a gesture of prostration.

Not only the two of them, but all the teenagers in the audience, and even the melon-eating crowd watching the excitement, all rushed to the ring in an instant, raised their hands above their heads, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

The atmosphere in the arena was a little weird for a while.

"What's going on, Uncle Zhang, why are you kneeling!"

"Why is my body out of control?"

"I don't know, I have a feeling that I want to forcefully kneel down to receive the sword!"

"The person on the stage is not an ordinary mortal at all, he is a monk, a monk with great strength!"

"My Golden Core stage cultivation base doesn't even have the slightest strength to resist. What kind of existence did the young master of the Zhang family provoke?"

The surrounding monks screamed in horror. Originally, they were just having fun on the sidelines with great interest, wanting to see how the young master of this family would torture and kill the enemy today.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaobai is actually a master here, and his strength is ridiculously high. Among them, there are even masters with Yuanying stage strength, but they still knelt down in an instant, and their bodies were completely out of their own control, with no ability to resist at all. nothing.

Kneeling firmly on the ground at this moment, everyone only felt that the spiritual power in the dantian was like a pool of stagnant water. No matter how they performed the exercises, they couldn't mobilize the slightest bit. They completely lost their ability to resist and became like fish on the chopping board.

What a supernatural power and cultivation base this must be!

Today is considered to be on the iron plate. The young master of the Zhang family has angered this senior by doing so. Even the bystanders like them have been implicated, and they can't help complaining about him.

"Senior, it's because we have blind eyes that we didn't recognize the great god, senior. This matter is all caused by the son of this family, and has nothing to do with us!"

"That's right, senior, the son of this family is domineering and domineering, killing people all over the family at every turn. He even killed a young girl here a few days ago. I have long disliked him!"

"Senior, let me go, I'll beat him up for you!"

"Yeah yeah……"

A group of monks kept begging, and at this moment they could do nothing but cry and shake the earth.

"Hehe, you are all to blame for this. During an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent. I have heard your conversation just now. The scene of the young master killing a monk two days ago seems to make you very excited?"

"I don't know, if you are also chopped off, will anyone be excited?"

Li Xiaobai said it with a smile and a serious tone.

"Senior, I was wrong, I will never dare again..."

"It's because my mind is wrong, I will definitely change my mind in the future..."

"Please let me go..."

"I am a good citizen..."

Hearing the cries of the surrounding crowd, Zong Hu was also stunned. At this moment, like everyone else, he knelt on the ring, but there was no panic in his heart. On the contrary, his eyes shone with excitement.

He picked up the treasure, what was said in the portrait is not an exaggeration, this Li Xiaobai is really a master!

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