Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Four Hundred And Ninetieth Ix Revenge

Opening his mouth, he recognized at a glance that the person in the portrait was Li Xiaobai. This portrait was exactly the same as the one that Zonghu showed him, but I don't know why the Patriarch also has a copy on his side.

"That's right, father, it's the boy who was injured by this person. Now that the child's cultivation base has been abolished, I ask father to avenge the child!"

He opened his mouth and stared fixedly at the portrait.

"Brother, take a good look, this person is a distinguished guest invited by the second head of Aolai Country, my younger brother is not interested in knowing what happened between you and him, but because of you, my Zhang family has been brought to the forefront. "

"Offending the distinguished guest of the Second Master's family, our Zhang family's future journey will be very difficult."

A playful look flashed in the eyes of the young man standing aside, and he said sarcastically.

He is the second son of the Zhang family, Zhang Xu, who has been suppressed by Zhang Zui all the time. There is no capital to talk to existences like the second leader.

It can only survive and develop by relying on a big family like the Sima family.

"Second brother, you..."

A look of resentment flashed in Zhang Zui's eyes, he didn't expect his second brother to turn his back on him so soon, he really has a sinister heart.

Thinking back when he was proud of the spring breeze, the other party was rushing to curry favor, and he still remembered that flattering smiling face until now.

Looking at the cold and joking face in front of him, endless anger surged in his heart when he opened his mouth.

"Shut up!"

The middle-aged man on the high platform shouted angrily, his eyes were full of anger, he turned his head to look at the clan elders on the left and right and asked, "What do you guys think about this?"

"Returning to the Patriarch, our position is not important, what matters is how the Situ family views this matter, or how the third family should view it."

"At this juncture, the Second Master suddenly brought back a young genius, who abolished the cultivation of our disciples as soon as he arrived. Will there be a power struggle behind this kind of behavior?"

"The news has come from the Situ family. The position of the second leader is unpredictable, but the news about Li Xiaobai was released by the third leader. Find out the situation at home."

"Now that I have a reason and purpose to contact Li Xiaobai, I am the only one in the Zhang family. Why don't you send some experts over there to test the depth of this person?"

A clan elder said that the second leader suddenly brought back a genius, and no one could figure out what it meant, was it a sudden whim, or was it all the instructions of the first leader?

It must be detailed and comprehensive.

"That's right, that's what I mean too, but on the surface, we have nothing to do with the Third Master. This time it's purely because my son was abolished. As the head of the family, we must find the place back!"

"Xu'er, I will pick two clan elders to follow you as a father, and go to that clan's house to find out about that kid's situation!"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, for a mere clan to dare to provoke his disciples of the Zhang family, it is almost self-defeating. If the son of the Situ family hadn't taken a fancy to the daughter of the clan, he would have had the clan trampled. draw.

As for this mouth, its cultivation base is gone, and it is not worth the loss to spend resources to bring it back to the peak, let it fend for itself.

Tilting resources to Zhang Xu, I believe that higher returns can be obtained.

"Yes, Xu'er will definitely seek justice for my eldest brother, and will not disappoint my father!"

Zhang Xu was ecstatic in his heart, his father started to use him again, and there was no longer a day when he opened his mouth to stand up.

Glancing at the pale mouth, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Brother, from now on, just be an ordinary person honestly!


Half an hour later, the clan's family, inside the mansion.

Li Xiaobai picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, frowned slightly, there was no taste.

The cause of the incident and the result, Zong Hu, the little boy, has already narrated the whole story. The complexions of the Zong family and his wife are uncertain. From this point of view, it is completely caused by Zong Hu. On the contrary, it is Li Xiaobai who was implicated and suffered an indiscriminate disaster. .

The two looked at each other, seeing the solemn look in each other's eyes, and made up their minds not to let this Li Xiaobai leave.

It is not a trivial matter for the young master of the Zhang family to be abolished. The Zhang family will definitely come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime. If Li Xiaobai has the ability to resist one or two, it is fine. If not, then use him as a scapegoat, no matter what the reason is For any purpose, you can't let the other party go.

"It turns out that Zongmou misunderstood Mr. Li. The next Zong family is the leader of the sect. I will apologize to Mr. Li. Please don't take it to heart."

Zong Dao looked solemn, cupped his fists and said solemnly.

"If you don't dislike it, why don't you stay at my clan's house for a while, and we husband and wife can do our best to thank you for saving Hu'er's life."

The woman also said a little apologetically from the side.

"It's a small matter, since the two of you are graciously invited, I will bother you."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

"Father, this is..."

"It's you!"

The door of a wing room was pushed open, and a girl in white skirt rubbed her sleepy eyes and came out. After seeing Li Xiaobai clearly, her eyes widened suddenly, her face was full of disbelief.

"Yao'er, do you know Mr. Li?"

Zong Dao asked with some doubts.

"Father, the child's Yu Ruyi was bought from Mr. Li!"

The girl in the white skirt said.

"I see."

The Zong family and his wife nodded, and the seriousness in their eyes became even more serious. They had heard about their daughter's stay at the port. A mysterious strong man blatantly slapped the Situ family's face and made him kneel down in public. This is no ordinary Liang Zi.

Unexpectedly, this plague god is actually the one in front of him at this moment.

If he offended the Zhang family and the Situ family, his family might not be able to escape this catastrophe.

Li Xiaobai nodded. He already knew Zong Yao's existence, but he didn't know who the sacred sister Yaya was in Zonghu's mouth. Some are interested.

"Why did senior appear in the Zong family?"

Zong Yao asked with wide eyes, a hint of fear hidden in Li Xiaobai in his eyes.

"Sister Yaoyao, this is the eldest brother I just met, who exists on the road of invincibility!"

Zong Hu held his head high and said proudly.

"Hu'er, don't be rude, Mr. Li is a nobleman of my clan!"

The middle-aged woman scolded a few words, and was about to say something more, when her complexion suddenly changed.

Suddenly, there was a loud clap of horseshoes in front of the gate of the Zongfu.

The wheels rolled, the horseshoes neighed, and the ground trembled slightly.

"Dare to abolish the cultivation of my Zhang family heirs, clan family, come out and lead to death!"

A smile flashed in Li Xiaobai's eyes, the vengeance was coming.

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