Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 504 Renovation, Building A Bathhouse

The structure of the Zongfu is very simple, a courtyard, several wing rooms for people to live in, plus a piece of bare wasteland as a place for daily practice.

Although the family has declined, compared with other families, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Compared with ordinary people's homes, the Zongfu is relatively wealthy.

Li Xiaobai circled this piece of wasteland and planned to build it into a Tangneng Yipin bathhouse. In this area, a Tangneng Yipin store with good functions can be built.

It doesn't matter whether it is profitable or not, the key is that it is enough to bring hatred to oneself. Li Xiaobai does not expect to be able to really earn Lingshi because of the decline of the Zong family.

However, as long as the efficacy of Tang Neng Yipin spreads, there must be a large number of monks who will break through the threshold, and those so-called big families will never stand by and watch themselves grow bigger and stronger step by step.

In this way, these people will come to the door by themselves, and save the effort of searching for them one by one.

Take out the vacuum cleaner from the system mall, throw in spirit stones, and suck away all the weeds and gravel on the wasteland, as well as the wooden stakes used to exercise fist and kick kung fu. In just a few breaths, the training ground has become a real wasteland.

Not even a leaf remained.

The members of the clan who were watching were stunned. They had never seen such a treasure, which could absorb the items in the training ground in an instant. It seemed that they were not simply destroyed, but stored.

"This seems to be a magic weapon of the space type. It has the same effect as the space ring. It's really amazing!"

"Yes, in the face of that huge suction force, I'm afraid that a weak monk can't even hold the weapon in his hand steadily?"

The eyes of Zongdao and his wife were full of shock. They had been shocked by Li Xiaobai's unfathomable strength in the ring before.

At this moment, seeing the treasure taken out by the other party makes them even more horrified. The object can produce such a remarkable power, such an ingenious structure, and such a wonderful method of use, that even if it is a mortal, as long as they have a spirit stone Stone, I am afraid it can be easily used.

As expected of a boss, a treasure that was taken out casually was beyond their comprehension.

Zong Hu and Zong Yao's eyes are shining, as long as they put in the spirit stone, they can use it. If they can get it, they will have a little bit of self-protection power against those clan masters, right?

"It's nothing more than a trick, it's nothing."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, a little amused in his heart, haven't you seen the supernatural powers of Almighty?

People can overturn the entire wasteland with a single grab, so how can they be as troublesome as themselves.

What he didn't know was that the people in the clan were surprised not by the power of the vacuum cleaner, but by its exquisite structure. It didn't require one's own spiritual power to cultivate, and the magic weapon that could be activated only by the spirit stone was unheard of, even if it was a proficient vacuum cleaner. The Qi sect of this way may not be able to do it.

After storing the vacuum cleaner, he exchanged a pile of building materials from the mall again, and started to build a bathhouse. Building a house was too troublesome, so Li Xiaobai planned to build an open-air bathhouse.

At that time, take a big shed to cover the roof.

A group of people from the Zong family looked at Li Xiaobai, who was busy, and couldn't help but wonder in their eyes. The other party seemed to be stacking bricks all the time, and he had never even used his cultivation. What kind of shop was he going to build?

"Father and mother, why does Mr. Li keep placing bricks, and he still uses his body to place bricks one by one. If you use your cultivation, you can finish it in a flash, right?"

Zong Yao asked with some doubts in her heart.

"Sister Yao'er, you don't know this, sir, he must be arranging some kind of astonishing formation, so you need to arrange it piece by piece by yourself for precision!"

Zong Hu had his hands behind his back, with an appearance of seeing through everything.

Zongdao and his wife nodded, they thought so too.

Li Xiaobai turned a deaf ear to the conversations of the crowd, we also wanted to do it in one step, but unfortunately, I don't need to practice, and I can't display my cultivation, so I can only honestly piece together bricks and bricks.

Fortunately, the site in this area is not too big, and the bathhouse has already been built in just a cup of tea. After pouring water into it, Li Xiaobai stretched out his hand to explore.

Attribute point +100...

Attribute point +100...

Attribute point +100...

One hundred attribute points is quite a considerable amount for a bathhouse, because Aolai country has abundant spiritual power and a natural environment, even if the bathhouse is not very big, it can still add a good attribute point.

"Master Li, you are..."

Zong Dao was already a little numb from the shock, he found that he couldn't understand what Li Xiaobai was doing at all.

Surround the training ground with stones and fill it with water. Isn't this a big pool?

"Hehe, if you want to know the mystery, come here and try it yourself."

Li Xiaobai said with a slight smile.

A few people came over with puzzled faces, imitating Li Xiaobai's previous appearance, stretched their hands into the pool, and probed lightly.

Just for a moment, everyone trembled, their faces full of shock.

"The water in this pool can enhance the spiritual power in the dantian!"

At this moment, the crowd had learned Li Xiaobai's methods, and the casually built venue could actually improve people's cultivation. They just dipped their fingers in the water, and the spiritual power in the dantian surged a lot in an instant.

This is not an illusion, but a real improvement.

An aura of powerful spiritual power rose from Zong Dao's body, and bursts of coercion swept all directions, making the oppressed people feel a little breathless.

"Father, you are..."

Zong Yao looked at Zong Dao in surprise.

"Hahaha, for many years, I have been stuck in the barrier of the Nascent Soul Stage, and today I finally broke through!"

"Mr. Li, you are the benefactor of my family. Zong will never repay this kindness for the rest of his life. If you have something to do in the future, just order him. Zong will not hesitate to do anything!"

There were crystal tears in Zongdao's eyes. His aptitude was limited, and all the resources were given to the younger generation to practice. For a long time, he was unable to enter the ranks of monks in the stage of transformation.

But today, after just a little contact with Li Xiaobai's bathhouse, he broke through in an instant.

He felt the sudden surge of spiritual power in his body, directly breaking through the shackles that had been trapped for many years, and reached a new realm.

It's too miraculous, you can break through just by touching the water surface, how many geniuses and land treasures have been put in this water?

This is many times stronger than the so-called Paradise of Paradise from the outside world, Yaya and the others must all come here to practice!

"Hehe, is Patriarch Patriarch satisfied with his training resources?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Zongdao and smiled lightly.

"Young master, you mean..."

Zong Dao seemed to realize something, and suddenly became excited.

"That's right, these are the cultivation resources I gave to the Zongfu. Every wing room will be transformed into a bathhouse!"

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