Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 511 Who Is Not A Fresh Meat?

After half an hour.

In front of Zhang's mansion, Li Xiaobai and his party stopped here.

Compared with the clan's mansion, this place is countless times more prosperous, among other things, just this gate is several times wider than the clan's, surrounded by forests, carved railings and jade, and bamboo buildings are located, elegant and elegant. Quiet.

The monks of this big family will really enjoy it. I am afraid that ordinary people will not be able to come into contact with such a living place in their lifetime.

"Mr. Li, do you still see my mansion?"

The head of the Zhang family laughed.

"Patriarch Zhang's mansion is hidden by bamboo forests and surrounded by mountains. It is really a rare and quiet place. I never thought that Patriarch Zhang would be so leisurely and elegant that he could live here. I believe that the heirs of the Zhang family are also pure and kind-hearted. Seniors!"

Li Xiaobai opened his eyes, spoke nonsense, and praised casually.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family laughed loudly, "Mr. Li is absurd, it is good not to dislike my Zhang family's rudimentary, being able to build a bathhouse in such an environment is the real complement to the environment!"


Inside the Zongfu, in the main hall.

The family members and a group of elders are already waiting here.

Among the crowd, Zhang Zui and Zhang Xu stared at the familiar figure in front of them with resentment in their eyes, fear and anger coexisted.

But when they thought that the other party would soon let the Patriarch live, they felt a burst of joy in their hearts.

They couldn't wait to see each other kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Everyone, this is Mr. Li, who has been making a lot of noise recently. Today, the Patriarch of the present family specially invited him back to the clan to compensate for the losses suffered by our clan."

The Patriarch of the Zhang family smiled bluntly, with a sharp gleam in his eyes.

In his opinion, as long as he enters the door of the Zhang family, it is not so easy to get out. The Zhang family is his territory. At this moment, Li Xiaobai's life and death are completely in his hands, and he can decide as he pleases. .

"I did have some conflicts with the Zhang family today. Mr. Zhang Zui, Mr. Zhang Xu, your fists and feet have no eyes on the ring, which ruined your cultivation. It is true that you missed in the next moment and did not control your strength. Please forgive me. After today , How about canceling the debt between us?"

Li Xiaobai happily stared at Zhang Xu and Zhang Xu, who opened their mouths in the crowd, and they noticed the resentful eyes from a long distance away.

The Zhang family is not a good guy, and I'm afraid it will be revealed soon.

But so what?

I came to your Zhang family today to take care of you!

Zhang Zui and Zhang Xu's expressions were gloomy, this Li Xiaobai really didn't know how to live or die, he dared to be so arrogant when he was on the Zhang family's land, openly provoking them, and didn't know that his death was imminent.

"Hehe, as long as Mr. Li can get out of the Zhang family, it's a write-off, so why not?"

He opened his mouth and said sullenly.

"Bold, how do you talk to my young master?"

On one side, Old Zhang scolded angrily, his eyebrows raised, looking full of evil spirits.

"Okay, Mr. Li is a guest, so don't be rude."

"Come here, let's have some tea!"

The Patriarch of the Zhang Family was extremely calm. Once he entered the Zhang Family, everything was under his control, so he was not in a hurry.

"Taste it, this is the best enlightenment tea."

The Patriarch of the Zhang family smiled, raised his glass and took a sip, his expression full of aftertaste.

"Well, it really is good tea."

Li Xiaobai picked up the teacup and drank it down, licked his lips, and praised casually.

All the monks in front of the hall had black lines on their foreheads. This is tea for enlightenment. How could anyone drink it like this?

What kind of taste can you taste in one sip?

Just don't be too perfunctory!

"Young Master is a man of temperament. Drinking tea is like drinking wine. He is proud!"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family was also slightly stunned, the look of disdain on his face was fleeting, but then he returned to normal.

Looking at the teacup in Li Xiaobai's hand, a strange look flashed in his eyes. The other party was so arrogant that he drank his tea without any precautions. As the head of the family, he was always cautious in doing things. In this enlightenment tea, The early ones were soaked in the Imprisonment Pill.

Once this kind of elixir is taken, the spiritual power in the dantian will be as difficult to mobilize as a quagmire. Even if he has a cultivation base of his transcendence period, he dare not try it lightly. Too much.

In this way, even if Li Xiaobai has the ability to reach the sky, he can only be reduced to a prisoner.

Of course, Li Xiaobai was well aware of this, and the moment the tea entered his throat, the system attribute values ​​jumped up suddenly.

Attribute value +2000...

The patriarch of this family invited himself to his territory, and even poisoned himself, which is extremely shameless.

It's a little too cautious, the power of this poison is not bad, it is equivalent to a move of a monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period, but for me, it is just a drizzle.

"Master Zhang is absurd."

Li Xiaobai nodded and remained silent.

"Where did you come from, Mr. Li is willing to build a bathhouse for my Zhang family. It's too late for my master to be grateful. It's just that building a bathhouse is a big project, and it can't be completed overnight. It is inevitable that Mr. Zhang will live in the Zhang family for a few days. day."

The head of the Zhang family said.

"It's natural. The Zhang family's mansion is quiet and elegant. It's a blessing to be able to stay for a few days!"

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly, a strange look flashed in his eyes, the Patriarch couldn't bear it anymore, he was about to show his fangs.

"But you must also know that most of the monks in my family are young and energetic. I heard that your cultivation is unfathomable. They all want to compete with you and prove your martial arts."

"I don't know what the young master wants?"

The Patriarch of the Zhang Family laughed loudly, as if he hated seeing Li Xiaobai for too long.

"It is my honor to be able to meet the young talents of the Zhang family for a while. May I ask which young talent wants to compete with me?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at the crowd in front of the hall, who were all old men, and couldn't help being a little silent.

Are these dying people considered young talents?

Where is the face?

"Dare to abolish my young master's cultivation. You are quite courageous. I heard that Mr. Li's cultivation is so strong that even Mr. Zhang is no match. My old man Zhang Ming admires him very much. I want to ask for advice. I don't know what you want?"

As soon as the words were finished, an old man with a gray beard jumped out and said with a loud shout.

The family knows their own affairs, and they are well aware of the operation of the Patriarch of the Zhang family. At this moment, Li Xiaobai's internal cultivation has been sealed, and he can only accept the punishment honestly.

The old man had already made up his mind that as soon as he entered the ring, he would immediately search for his soul and steal the other party's secrets.

"It's not a problem if you want to ask for advice, but senior Zhang is also considered a young talent?"

Li Xiaobai frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Hmph, why not? This old man is only sixty years old. He is an upright man, and his talent is extremely outstanding. Among the many seniors, only this old man has been in the position of Mr. Zhang for many years. The young man is talented, and this old man is worthy of him!"

"It's just that he is older and more mature. Could it be that Mr. Li also judges people by their appearance?"

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