The yin and yang air flows in the void, piercing the sky.

The two fists evolved into yin and yang graphite and enveloped the entire arena. The powerful pressure descended, cracking the arena every inch of it. The old man leaned over and whispered in Li Xiaobai's ear.

"Hehe, boy, you are so arrogant, you probably don't know that you have been drugged, and you are not afraid to tell you that you have swallowed the imprisonment pill, and your spiritual power is like a quagmire, and you can't mobilize it at all. portion!"

The old man smiled sullenly, stretched out a hand slightly, and put it on Li Xiaobai's cap.

"Boy, when you reincarnate in your next life, remember to have an extra eye. After all, there is a kind of person in this world that you can't afford to mess with. The secret you hide will be passed on to you by this old man."

With force from his fingers, the black spiritual power dissipated and invaded Li Xiaobai's brain, and the old man was ready to search for his soul.

A monk who can't use his cultivation can only be ruthlessly suppressed in the face of his offensive.

The void trembled, and the mighty primordial power swept across, oppressing Li Xiaobai's primordial spirit.

It was only the next second that he was stunned. The exercises in his hands became more and more powerful, but there was no reaction at all. Li Xiaobai was still standing there intact, looking at him with a smile.

How is this going?

Attribute points +2000...

Li Xiaobai smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, this strength is a bit weak."


The old man's complexion changed, the spiritual power in his body shot up to the sky, his five fingers turned into steel, piercing Li Xiaobai's eyebrows.

Still no response.

Attribute points +3000...

"Hey, this move is a bit stronger than before, but it's still a bit weak."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and laughed, the old man's pupils shrank suddenly, instinctively realizing that something was wrong.

Evolving yin and yang qi with one hand, and smashing with a raised fist, hitting the opponent's chest fiercely.


The powerful energy raged, and the blasted gravel in the ring rolled over, setting off a storm, but Li Xiaobai still stood in place perfectly.

The old man's face was shocked, "How is this possible, you should be dead at this moment!"

"How can you kill me with a mere cultivating level?"

"Brother Zhang, you are worrying too much."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, with a hint of sarcasm flashing in his eyes.

"Nonsense, how can a mere junior monk resist the old man's attack!"

"Yin and Yang Qi, suppress them for me!"

The old man was furious, Thunder struck, and behind him a huge phantom of the primordial spirit manifested, the black and white yin and yang auras were flowing alternately, and with the hand seal formula, the huge millstone in the void moved towards Li Xiaobai slowly.

Bursts of thunder and thunder rolled in the void, trying to completely wipe Li Xiaobai away.

Attribute points +3000...

Attribute points +4000...

Attribute points +4000...

This should be the opponent's unique skill, but because his cultivation base is too weak, his attribute points are too few.

Sure enough, this kind of low-level monk is no longer enough to be his opponent, and it is interesting only when the Mahayana monk comes.

"Brother Zhang, it's almost there. Your shortcoming is that your cultivation base is too weak. It's time to come down and give you some advice."

Li Xiaobai ignored the Yin-Yang Mopan that fell crashing down with the force of Mount Tai in the void, raised his hand to touch the void, and a ray of black flame slowly floated towards the old man. In his horrified eyes, it landed firmly on his shoulders. In just an instant, a strange black light flashed, and the hellfire surged. The ice and snow of this old body melted in an instant, and disappeared without a trace. Said to scream, not even the ashes were left.

Just like that, the world evaporated, and the yin and yang qi that shrouded the ring disappeared in an instant, leaving only a small black flame burning slowly in the center of the ring.

There was no sound in the arena, and everyone was stunned. They didn't understand what happened on the stage. How could a well-behaved person disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye?

The group of people stared blankly at the figure on the ring walking slowly to the weird black flame, pocketing it, their pupils contracted suddenly, and they woke up in a flash.

"'s that ray of black flame that caused the trouble!"

"Elder Zhang was burned by that strange black flame. This flame is terrifying!"

"What kind of flame is this? It's unbelievable that a cultivator in the transformation stage was burned instantly!"

There was a storm in the hearts of all the monks, and they killed Elder Zhang, who was in the stage of transformation, with one move. What kind of cultivation is this Li Xiaobai?

"Damn it, there is such a treasure to help!"

Under the stage, the eyes of Zhang Zui and Zhang Xu were even more venomous. If there was no flame treasure, Elder Zhang would definitely be able to suppress each other and torture their secrets.

At that time, these treasures will belong to his Zhang family, and they may fall into their hands and flourish in the future. Who would have thought that such an accident would happen?

"This flame is extraordinary, even a cultivator in the stage of transforming gods can't handle a move, Great Elder, what do you think?"

A solemn look flashed in the eyes of the Patriarch of the Zhang family, and he looked at the rickety old man beside him and asked.

"Reporting to Patriarch, the power of these flames is terrifying. I am afraid that only you and I have the power to parry, and the old man thinks that here Li Xiaobai can resist Elder Zhang's yin and yang without any damage, and his own cultivation is also the same." Unfathomable."

"The speculation of the elders before is probably correct. This Li Xiaobai really has the strength of the first echelon!"

The eyes of the stooped old man were shining brightly, and Li Xiaobai's secrets kept coming out one after another, which made him even more jealous.

"It seems that the head of the family still has to do it himself."

The face of the Patriarch of the Zhang family was as heavy as water, and he stared at the young people on the ring with burning eyes.

"There is no need for the Patriarch to do such a trivial matter, the old man can just come."

The stooped old man said hastily.

"No need, the head of the family doesn't want any more accidents, so he must take down this son in one fell swoop!"

The Patriarch of the Zhang Family's eyes showed sharp sharpness, "Young Master Li's methods are really extraordinary, he unexpectedly killed Elder Zhang with one move, the Patriarch admires him!"

"Hehe, the Patriarch doesn't need to be like this, and I didn't expect that this elder looks very fierce, but he is just a person who is strong on the outside, and can't even resist the next level of skill. If I knew this, I should have more water."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and smiled lightly.

Master Zhang's lungs are about to explode, once he succeeds?

How can you blow it so well?

It's just that he killed Elder Zhang with a flame treasure, do you really think he can go to heaven?

Immediately, he stopped talking, turned his wrist, and a green light cold sword appeared in his hand. With a swing of the long sword, the sword's intent was vertical and horizontal, and it stabbed straight at Li Xiaobai's eyebrow.

"Young Master Li's cultivation is admired by the Patriarch, and I want to learn from him today. A few brilliant moves by the young Tianjiao!"

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