Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 516: Calling The Li Family From Today

The pitch-black flames flickered, and within a breath, the Patriarch of the house in front of him was reduced to ashes, disappearing without a trace.

The sound of pleading for forgiveness in the arena stopped abruptly, and the pupils in everyone's eyes trembled sharply, even the primordial spirit trembled. The existence they usually respected as a god was silently burned in front of their eyes at this moment.

What kind of flame is this?

The strong man in the tribulation stage doesn't even have the power to parry!

"Mr. Li, are you here to exterminate the family today?"

"If that's the case, then you are just a cold-blooded killing machine. How is it different from my Zhang family?"

The Great Elder's complexion was pale, and he was still making the final struggle. Li Xiaobai's strength far exceeded his imagination, and I am afraid that only the strong Situ family can suppress him.

"You are right, don't worry, I will save your life."

Li Xiaobai took out a bottle of elixir casually and poured it into his mouth without any explanation.

Then I picked a few monks who were jumping before, and the black flames flickered and burned out in an instant. These people's cultivation bases were too weak, and they didn't even increase the initial burning range of the hellfire by even one meter.

"Li Xiaobai, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"I'm waiting for you in hell!"

Zhang Xu and Zhang Zui had ferocious eyes, ferocious faces, and roared unwillingly, but in the next second they were turned into ashes and annihilated in the pitch-black flames.

"A group of well-dressed scum, death is not a pity!"

"Young Master Li did a great job!"

"The old man has long been displeased with these young people. They make trouble outside all day long, and they all want the family to wipe their asses."

"Today they provoked someone they shouldn't, this is their retribution!"

"Mr. Li Gao Yi, I support you!"

The rest of the senior elders acted on the wind, and immediately began to flatter the horse. Li Xiaobai was killing people in a targeted manner, and all of them were the few monks who had been extremely active before, which gave them a chance to survive.

"You abolished the old man's cultivation, it would be better to kill the old man with a sword!"

The Great Elder's eyes were dull, his gaze was dull, and his face was ashen.

Decades of penance turned into a river of spring water, wasted.

What will he rely on in the future?

The cultivation world respects strength, and if he loses his cultivation, he will probably be unable to move an inch in the future. Among other things, in this family, there are not a few people who have grievances with him.

"I'm not a tyrannical person, and I'm different from your Zhang Family Patriarch."

Li Xiaobai withdrew his sword and released the control over the crowd. The Zhang family's affairs were just the fuse of a series of disputes, and he needed a whistleblower to deliver news to the outside world and bring hatred to himself.

This great elder is the perfect candidate.

"From now on, this mansion will change its surname to Li, what do you think?"

Li Xiaobai said calmly with his hands behind his back.


"The old man has long been displeased with the behavior of the Zhang family. Today, changing his face and starting a new life is just in line with the old man's wishes!"

"Yes, the Li family sounds much more pleasing to the ear than the Zhang family!"

"The Zhang family? What Zhang family? There is no Zhang family in our area. Haven't we always been surnamed Li?"

"That's right, that's right, I'm getting confused, Mr. Li reminded me right!"

A group of elders took advantage of the wind and immediately changed their families. Not only did they change the family's surname, but they even changed their own surnames.

Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded watching the operations of these high-level executives, grandma, this is too impulsive, changing his surname in order to survive for a second, this thick-skinned, only admiration.

In fact, this is not to be blamed on others. The appearance of hellfire is too frightening. It can burn a large living person without a trace in an instant. This terrifying and strange scene aroused everyone's desire to survive. want.

"Since this is the case, I will spare your lives today, and the outcome in the future depends on your performance!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered, and he said coldly.

"It's natural, sir, don't worry, in the future, we will do our best to assist you and make the Li family the strongest family!"

The elders nodded and bowed, humbled to the extreme.

"Now I want to connect everyone from the Zong family to the Li family to settle down. I wonder who is willing to work hard?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Old man, go, this old man is familiar with the Patriarch of the Zong Family!"

"Don't shake Bilian, just go away, I'm the one with the best relationship with the Zong family!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid you don't know that when Zong Hu was full moon, the old man gave a magic weapon directly. If there is a good relationship, it must be the old man!"


As soon as the words were finished, a group of elders chattered, their faces were flushed, and they flew out of the mansion in unison, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this group of people really were not ordinary people who were afraid of death, they were indeed old fritters, as soon as the old patriarch was slaughtered, he was able to seamlessly connect with the new patriarch, so slippery to the extreme.

"Okay, you go back to your respective families, what should you do, but you have to remember in the future, the words of the clan family are my words, understand?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at the remaining disciples around and said.

"Understood, from now on, only the Zong family will follow, proudly come to the country, there will be no more Zhang family!"

All the monks responded in unison, without any hesitation, just kidding, the strongest person in the family was directly killed, and the elders of the family suddenly changed their faces and surrendered, how dare they have the intention of disobedience?

The young monk in front of him is a demon, if offended, he will die.

Behind the crowd, the hunched elder looked at Li Xiaobai's disappearing figure, his eyes were full of resentment, he turned and walked out of the mansion, he was going to report to Situ's house, at this moment, only Situ's house able to help him.

"Come on, prepare the old man's horse!"

The Great Elder said coldly, his attitude was still condescending, but this time, the only response to him was ruthless sarcasm.

"A mere worthless old man, dare to let me wait to prepare the horse?"

"Get out, my Li family doesn't need trash!"

The young monk in front of the door looked disdainful and said lightly.

"Very good, the old man remembers you."

The Great Elder's face was livid, he stared at the disciple for a while, then suddenly smiled sullenly, then turned and left without looking back.


at the same time.

The Zong Family, inside the Zong Mansion, the bathhouse is still steaming, constantly billowing in the air.

But the pool was empty, and no monk would dare to take a bath here after the incident of the Zhang family. Although the temptation to improve one's cultivation was strong, life was more important.

At this moment, the members of the Zong family were circling around the bathhouse like ants on a hot pot.

From Zong Ya's mouth, they have already learned that Li Xiaobai was taken away by the head of the Zhang family. The Zhang family is a real dragon's lake and tiger's den, a place where there is no return. If something happens to Li Xiaobai, his family will not be able to resist the intruder offensive.

Looking at the anxious family, Zong Ya couldn't help persuading

"Don't worry, Uncle Zong, that guy has a dick-like face and is quite confident. There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

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