Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 524: The Patriarch Of The Zhang Family I Killed

Situ Renjie almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

This Nine-turn Broken Mirror Pill is used when he is going to save himself to break through. This thing is regarded as a treasure even by monks in the Transcending Tribulation Stage. As long as the spiritual power in the body is accumulated enough, a pill can be broken immediately Enter the next realm.

Unexpectedly, today he would give it away to someone else, or to the wife of the head family of this dilapidated family, which made him furious.

But there is no other way, the other big families are still staring there, as the representative of the Situ family, he can't say too much about what he brings out, otherwise it is not his face that will be lost, but the face of the Situ family .

Damn it, Uncle Ying didn't want to save him, and the chance of a good breakthrough just disappeared.

"It's actually a Nine-Turn Breakthrough Pill, this is a Breakthrough God Pill!"

"It is said that in the Mahayana period, as long as the body has accumulated enough foundation, one can directly break through. Many big forces will equip their disciples with such a elixir. This gift is too precious."

"Yeah, if you are subdued by the Patriarch, your strength will definitely be able to rise to a higher level!"

"But now we have Tang Neng Yipin, it seems that we don't really need this kind of potion to enhance our strength!"

"It's true. With the bathhouse, you can become stronger all the time. Compared with it, this kind of elixir is really dispensable."

The monks on the left and right were first surprised by the elixir in Situ Renjie's hands, but then their interest faded a lot.

The things are indeed good things, if they were delivered two days earlier, they would definitely be so excited, but after tasting the effect of Li Xiaobai's bathhouse, no matter who they are, they will be subtly changed, and they will become no longer interested in other cultivation pills. interested.

After seeing the scenery on the top of the mountain, no one will marvel at a flower at the foot of the mountain.

This is the difference in vision and pattern.

Situ's family did not have such treasures to help them, and they were still using the ancient and outdated method of pills to improve their cultivation. They couldn't help feeling a little contempt in their hearts.

The so-called big family is nothing more than that.

Li Xiaobai scoffed at this kind of elixir, since he has a bathhouse and Jia Huazi, he doesn't need the help of the so-called panacea at all.

"Well, it turned out to be the Nine-Turn Breakthrough Pill. It has been famous for a long time. Thank you, Mr. Situ, for your generous gift."

Mrs. Zong regained her composure after being dazed for a while, without a single ripple in her eyes, she nodded and said calmly.

She agrees with everyone's opinion about this elixir, that is, two words, tasteless.

With the help of the bathhouse, the improvement of strength is inevitable, and even after soaking for ten days and a half months, my husband will be able to break through to the realm of crossing the catastrophe.

In comparison, this elixir is simply dispensable.

The calm performance of Mrs. Zong and everyone in Li's residence made Situ Renjie stunned.

what's going on?

What I took out was the Nine-Turn Breakthrough Pill, why didn't this group of people even show a hint of joy?

Could it be that the gift he offered was too cheap?

Do you know how rare this pill is?

Situ Renjie's heart was burning with anger, and the other party's politeness added a bit of humiliation.

In fact, not only the Situ family was a little dazed, but even the three major families sitting beside them were a little dazed. Even in their opinion, the Nine-Turn Breakthrough Pill was a first-class good.

This kind of elixir is an excellent item to improve the cultivation level of the younger generation of the family, and it can reduce a lot of detours invisibly.

But now the clan couple doesn't seem to be very happy, even the disciples and elders in Li's mansion are quite calm, as if they are not at all tempted by this precious medicine.

This made them a little confused. The performance of the crowd was somewhat different from the information they had in their hands. It was just a small family that had never seen the world. How could they have such a calm attitude?

Several people couldn't help turning their attention to Li Xiaobai, who was the only variable in the series of events in Aolai Country.

"Mr. Situ, please take a seat. Come and have a cup of tea!"

It was Zong Dao who was the first to react, and immediately sent his servants to serve after collecting the elixir.

"Thank you, Patriarch Sect. I wonder if you are satisfied with the gift from my Situ family?"

Situ Renjie's eyes were full of gloom, and he asked with a smile on his face.

"Satisfied, quite satisfied, as long as you reach the shackles of the shackles, you can break through the barrier immediately and break through the next level as long as you reach the shackles. It is a rare good thing."

Zong Dao nodded, and said with a faint smile, he was very familiar with the characteristics of the Nine Turns Breaking the Realm Pill.

But the more he was like this, the more gloomy Situ Renjie's face became. Opponent knew everything, but he still didn't take this elixir seriously, obviously he looked down on the gift he gave.

The treasure that I reluctantly gave away, the Zong family actually looked down on it, nothing hurts people more than this.

His heart was full of anger.

"Hehe, as long as you are satisfied, let's continue Mrs. Zong's birthday. I'm just a guest, so don't pay too much attention to me."

The old man of Nangong's family laughed, seeing Situ's family's devastated appearance, he was so happy in his heart, he even hummed a little song.

The rest of the tribes poured their own drinks and remained silent, with a strange light shining in their eyes, as if they were thinking about something.

"The younger generation will have the courage to say a few words. My clan can survive for a few days, thanks to Mr. Li's help. If it weren't for Mr. Li, my clan would have been buried under the knife of the Zhang family. Mr. Li, Zong respects you!" bowl!"

"In the future, if Zong is useful, just open your mouth, and you will do whatever you want!"

Zong Dao raised his neck and drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

"It's too much to say, but it's nothing to worry about."

Li Xiaobai also drank his toast, and said with a faint smile, the clan family is not bad, not a white-eyed wolf, and he didn't want to bite back just because he had a little power in his hands.

The eyes of the monks of several big families also showed approval. Although the cultivation base of the sect is a little weaker, their character is nothing to say, and they are very upright.

Sometimes, character is more important than self-cultivation, just like that Uncle Zong, although he is a master in the Mahayana period, but his character can be described as stinky, and they are still angry when they meet.

The banquet was going on, and everyone present had different thoughts, and they were all silently thinking about their own goals in their hearts.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Situ Renjie put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand.

Looking at Zong Dao, he said slowly, "I heard, I heard that the Patriarch of the Zhang family was killed by Mr. Li, and also seized the mansion and forcibly changed his name?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly froze, and there was a vague sense of chilling.

Zong Dao's heart sank, he finally came, the Situ family came here to raise the teacher's question, and hope that today can pass safely.

Before he could answer, Li Xiaobai said flatly, "That's right, the Patriarch of the Zhang Family, I killed him. Is there any problem?"

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