Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 527 There Is No Disturbance In My Heart, And I Even Want To Laugh

The head of the family just needs to search the soul to obtain Li Xiaobai's secret, as long as the soul is intact, he decided to return the same way to the other body and abolish the cultivation of this arrogant junior.

"Uncle Ying is a strong man in the Mahayana period. He stands at the peak of the fairy land. It's too arrogant for mere junior monks to challenge him."

"I heard that Li Xiaobai is the person who likes to cripple people's cultivation. I don't know what kind of expression he will have if he is crippled by Uncle Ying?"

Under the stage, Situ Renjie's eyes were full of sternness, and there was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth. Without Li Xiaobai, the Zong family could only be slaughtered by him.

"Mr. Li will be fine, so confident, could it be that he has the strength to compete with monks in the Mahayana period?"

The worried look of everyone in the Zong family was undoubtedly revealed.

"Don't worry, Patriarch Zong, Patriarch Li will definitely be able to return victorious."

The disciples and elders in Li's mansion were very open. When they fought against the Patriarch of the Zhang family, the opponent also looked like this. He was very calm, as if everything was under control.

I believe that this time, the danger can be saved.

On the stage, Li Xiaobai looked indifferent.

"Uncle Ying, it seems that you have forgotten how you knelt down and begged for mercy a few days ago. Today, I will help you recall your memories. Let's do it."

"You are so brave. You have no eyes on your fists and feet in the arena. If you are not careful, it is also a common thing to be abolished. Please don't hold any resentment, Mr. Li."

Uncle Ying said slowly, and just as he finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Li Xiaobai in an instant, smashing the sky with his fist, and suddenly hit his lower abdomen.

The majestic aura pushed everything horizontally, engulfing the supreme power like the arrival of the ancient barbarian king, the whole arena was torn into pieces in an instant.

In the void, a phantom of a god, demon and primordial spirit danced in the air, evolving boxing techniques, and golden dragons clung to its arms, with golden awns flourishing, and blood qi surging.

"This is the Golden Jiao Jue of the Situ family. It is said that it is a technique created by imagining the ancient dragon. I didn't expect this Uncle Ying to use this trick on the juniors. He really doesn't talk about martial arts."

"But this guy can't cultivate well. The so-called golden dragon phantom is just a superficial appearance. According to the old man, it looks more like a snake."

"After all, it is a strong man in the Mahayana stage. Whether it is a dragon or a snake, neither a disciple of the younger generation can resist it."

"Do you want to stop it?"

Several old men stared at the situation on the stage, feeling a little anxious. Li Xiaobai had what they needed in his hands. This information was obtained after a long time of hard work with the master. How could it be destroyed so easily?

"Look again, the young man seems to be quite calm, and there should be a way to deal with it."

Beichen's eyes narrowed slightly, he instinctively noticed something unusual in Li Xiaobai's body.

This is a sense of disobedience. Even at this moment, the other party still behaves like an ordinary person, without any characteristics of a monk, which is very wrong.

The giant golden fist smashed towards Li Xiaobai's dantian with the force of a bamboo. The powerful fist pierced through Li Xiaobai's body, destroying a large bamboo forest behind him and crushing it into powder.

Uncle Ying stepped back a few feet, put his hands behind his back, let out a breath of foul air, and said lightly.

"You have been abolished, come with me."

Attribute points +10000...

It is indeed a Mahayana cultivation base, but the offensive is a bit weak. Compared with the Mahayana monks seen in the frontier battlefield, this Uncle Ying is not a star and a half behind, even Cai Kunxu and his ilk are a little inferior.

Li Xiaobai looked strange, touched the lower abdomen, it was intact, not even a mark was left, looked at the confident middle-aged man in front of him with a half-smile and said, "Are you sure?"

"how can that be?"

Uncle Ying's pupils constricted. He just used his real skills to penetrate Li Xiaobai's dantian with force. Logically speaking, the opponent's dantian should have been broken at this moment. How could he act like a normal person? ?

"Uncle Ying, your attack is useless, it didn't even stir up a wave in my heart, it's too weak."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"It turns out that there are some tricks, no wonder you dare to shout in front of me, but even if you can barely fight with me relying on foreign objects, your own lack of strength is a shortcoming after all. In front of Mahayana monks, you still need to retain a sense of awe! "

Uncle Ying's face was ferocious, and the speed of the evolution of the gods and demons in the void was getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a light curtain, blending into the center of his eyebrows.

As strands of chaotic breath circulated, Li Xiaobai could clearly see that Uncle Ying's fist peak was vaguely covered with a layer of gray breath, and under its swing, the void had a tendency to shake.

The overflowing aura is engulfed in a thousand-ton gravity, as if it wants to crush the sky.

"Dayan Fist, Primal Chaos Qi!"

Uncle Ying's whole body's aura increased sharply, the tiger roared and the dragon roared continuously between his fists and feet, the chaotic energy flashed away, and hit Li Xiaobai's lower abdomen again.

"Break it!"

Uncle Ying roared, and his whole body gathered a little bit of strength, piercing Li Xiaobai's body like a sharp long hair, and the large piece of greenery behind him was crushed in an instant, turning into a puddle of powder.

Under this blow, almost half of the Li Mansion was razed to the ground.

Attribute points +30000...

Attribute points +30000...

Li Xiaobai could only feel a tyrannical and sharp force raging in his dantian, rushing wildly, trying to smash his internal organs to pieces.

However, this wave of attribute points is very powerful, and the previous fights have increased his attribute value by as much as 100,000. As a Mahayana monk, it is not bad.

"Boy, your dantian has been forced, what else can you say?"

Uncle Ying had a cold look in his eyes, and said condescendingly, he didn't feel ashamed at all for being cruel to the junior.

The complexions of the several old men in the audience changed, and their figures flickered, and they joined forces to count down the aftermath of the offensive that hit everyone.

"Situ Ying, are you crazy? Are you trying to compete in the ring or do you want to seek money and kill yourself?"

"With such a big commotion, do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?"

Nangong was furious every day, and against a junior, he repeatedly used the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box. If there were not several Mahayana monks present, the aftermath of the fight would have wiped out the entire Li family.

The Situ family really did not shake Bilian.

In the next second, his expression changed completely, because he could clearly see that the young figure on the ring was still standing intact.

I saw Li Xiaobai patted the dust on his body, and said jokingly in his eyes, "Uncle Ying, your strength is a little weak, and there is no wave in my heart, and I even want to laugh."

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